Minibearings: Miniature Bearings Australia Online Store - miniature bearings
Heavy Dutywheel bearing grease
I had made two purchases. The first was a custom axle which was very good. The second was this purchase of two 5x5 hubs. The hubs did not measure as stated.Instead of 5x5, they measured 5x4.75. A very lengthy discussion ensued with customer service. When asked for pictures, I sent pictures. Measurements and diagrams were also sent when requested. The service rep then started asking for what I had already sent indicated that I couldn't be helped unless I re-submitted all data again. I stated what I received was a manufacturing mistake and simply would not fit. The company couldn't send me the correct hubs. Very frustrated, I asked for a return label. I was informed that I would be billed for your mistake and pay to ship back the defective merchandise. No stars less than one.
Fit like a champ and took a load off my chest knowing that I have new stuff. Seems to be very high quality. Thank you guys for working with me on my order that I tried to mess up. Best.
Bestwheel bearing grease
Customer service was terrible and no packing material was used to protect the items. The boxes fell apart and I was told I could bend it back. I will NOT buy from you again.
Wheel Bearing greasePacker
I apologize for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused. Per the phone conversations that were made, you didn't want us to reship parts since it was a time sensitive matter. We will be more then happy to help resolve this matter.
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