

ISO 14065:2020 General principles and requirements for bodies validating and verifying environmental information is an International Standard that provides validation and verification bodies (VVBs), with a set of requirements that enables them to undertake the validation and verification of environmental information. Course participants will gain extensive insight of the standard enabling auditors, scheme owners, developers and others to expertly interpret and apply the standard.

The Understanding ISO 14065 Validation and Verification of Environmental Information course is an online masterclass covering the conformity assessment concepts within the Standard and how it is applied in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17029 and a validation and verification programme. Key topics include the requirements for the validation and verification of environmental information statements, agreed-upon procedures, and the relationship between ISO 14065 and ISO/IEC 17029. It aims to provide a high level of understanding of the standard which will allow auditors, scheme owners and developers, and other interested parties to understand the standard and its application.

The course is focused on the application of the standard in the validation and verification process and includes online modules and a case study assessment activity to work through and apply the requirements to.




Plan to make improvements to the S-48 (Columbia Avenue) Corridor in order to provide traffic congestion relief from the I-26 and S-48 interchange to the S-48 / S-51 (Amicks Ferry Road) / US 76 (Chapin Road) intersection located in down town Chapin.