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2. To order by phone, call 1-800-368-6787. Our customer service representatives are available from 7:30 AM until 7:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday.


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3. To order by fax, simply complete one of the fax order forms and send it to 1-800-892-9651. When you need additional fax forms, just call or fax a request.

1. To order online, add items to the shopping cart, then proceed to Checkout. During Checkout you have several payment options to choose from including parts account billing (US dealers only).

A:  Yes they do. You use factory style knuckles(either factory or Reid/Rancho replacements) with the Pro Rock. They all take the factory wheel hubs, which these are replacements for.

The MV6410 combines the new fluid dispenser with our popular ATF refill adapter kit to provide a complete system for servicing today's sealed automatic transmissions. The dispenser allows the operator to fill or top-off transmissions with up  to 1 gallon of fluid between refills, while the pressurized operation frees the operator from continual pumping.