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cf2s-fs parts
Now to make this carbon atom stable, you have to shift the electron pair from the outer sulfur atom so that the carbon atom can have 8 electrons (i.e octet).
Jay is an educator and has helped more than 100,000 students in their studies by providing simple and easy explanations on different science-related topics. He is a founder of Pediabay and is passionate about helping students through his easily digestible explanations. You can connect with him on facebook and twitter.
You can see the number of bonding electrons and nonbonding electrons for each atom of CF2S molecule in the image given below.
Here, I’ll tell you how you can easily find the valence electrons of carbon, sulfur as well as fluorine using a periodic table.
CF2Smolecular geometry
In the above lewis dot structure of CF2S, you can also represent each bonding electron pair (:) as a single bond (|). By doing so, you will get the following lewis structure of CF2S.
You can see the electronegativity values of carbon atom (C), sulfur atom (S) and fluorine atoms (F) in the above periodic table.
In short, now you have to find the formal charge on carbon (C) atom, sulfur (S) atom as well as fluorine (F) atoms present in the CF2S molecule.
Jay is an educator and has helped more than 100,000 students in their studies by providing simple and easy explanations on different science-related topics. He is a founder of Pediabay and is passionate about helping students through his easily digestible explanations.
The CF2S molecule has a total 24 valence electrons and all these valence electrons are used in the above sketch of CF2S.
Now in the CF2S molecule, you have to put the electron pairs between the carbon (C) & sulfur (S) atom and between the carbon (C) & fluorine (F) atoms.
Cf2slewis structure
This indicates that the above lewis structure of CF2S is stable and there is no further change in the above structure of CF2S.
CF2Spolar or nonpolar
After shifting this electron pair, the central carbon atom will get 2 more electrons and thus its total electrons will become 8.
From the above calculations of formal charge, you can see that the carbon (C) atom, sulfur (S) atom as well as fluorine (F) atoms have a “zero” formal charge.
If we compare the electronegativity values of carbon atom (C), sulfur atom (S) and fluorine atoms (F) then the carbon atom is less electronegative.
Cf2sbond angle
(Note: In step 5, if we had moved the electron pair from the fluorine atom, then there will be +1 and -1 charges on fluorine and sulfur respectively. But here we move the electron pair from the sulfur atom, which gives the more stable structure (having “zero” charges on all the atoms.))
CF2S lewis structure has a Carbon atom (C) at the center which is surrounded by two Fluorine atoms (F) and one Sulfur atom (S). There is a double bond between the Carbon (C) & Sulfur (S) atom and a single bond between the Carbon (C) and Fluorine (F) atoms.
In order to find the total valence electrons in a CF2S molecule, first of all you should know the valence electrons present in carbon atom, sulfur atom as well as fluorine atom.(Valence electrons are the electrons that are present in the outermost orbit of any atom.)
If you haven’t understood anything from the above image of CF2S lewis structure, then just stick with me and you will get the detailed step by step explanation on drawing a lewis structure of CF2S.
For Fluorine (F) atom:Valence electron = 7 (because fluorine is in group 17)Bonding electrons = 2Nonbonding electrons = 6
Total valence electrons in CF2S molecule = valence electrons given by 1 carbon atom + valence electrons given by 1 sulfur atom + valence electrons given by 2 fluorine atoms = 4 + 6 + 7(2) = 24.