For your convenience, each location is staffed with Corporate Event Managers, Event Coordinators, Casting Directors, Local Performers, Dance and Fight Choreographers, Musical Directors, Character Handlers, Talent Coordinators and Creative Directors. Contact us for more information or to get pricing for your next event.


DISCLAIMER: ALL COSTUMED CHARACTERS ARE GENERIC/INSPIRED AND ARE NOT AFFILIATED, LICENSED OR ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CORPORATION OR TRADEMARK. It is not our intention to violate any copyright laws. The characters that we offer are NOT name brand copyrighted characters, and Characters for Hire, LLC. costumed characters are named of our own creation. Any resemblance to nationally known copyrighted characters is strictly coincidental. Should you have the need for a licensed, copyrighted mascot or character at your event, we encourage you to contact the company/copyright holders for your specific targeted character. If you have any questions regarding this issue, we encourage you to contact us. We DO NOT offer nor do we present any licensed and/or copyrighted characters.