Another sign is your car feels loose when driving. What we mean by loose is it can feel like you have less control when driving and less ability to maneuver. Many times, the wheel bearings of cars can become worn and need to be replaced in some way. Your local mechanic will be able to tell you exactly what is happening so you can pinpoint the problem to prevent any future ones.

A good sign that your wheel bearings need to be replaced is when your steering wheel is shaking continually. First, check the pressure of your tires, and then check to see if it still shakes after that. This shaking happens when your wheel bearings loosen or deteriorate over time. Get your wheels repaired right away to avoid any further damage and high-cost repairs.



Does your car pull when you are on the road? This could be a sign of a bad wheel bearing. If your car starts to pull in the wrong direction or not to go where you are wanting it to, it could be due to a bad wheel bearing or something related to your tires. Or you might notice your car starts to drift as you drive. The best thing to do is to take it in right away as your wheels are a huge factor to your safety on the road!

Lastly, check your ABS light! If your vehicle has an anti-brake system, your ABS light could be on due to bad wheel bearings. Check the dashboard of your car to see if it’s on. Bring your car into your local automotive shop to have the professionals correctly diagnose the problem.

If you live in the Columbus, Ohio, area, come and check us out at Harris Automotive! We are here to help you with all your car problems and repairs.

Max level values are based on having completed Empire of Cats Chapter 2. Bold entries indicate changes to unit level caps.

To increase a Cat Unit's level limit with Catseyes, the Cat Unit must have reached level 30 first (except for Normal Cats, which they cannot be used on). The additional level limit also needs XP to level up and every Catseye will increase the level limit by one level. The upper limit is double the base max of 30, making the current absolute maximum XP level a Cat Unit can reach be level 60.

Once a player has reached the requirement of rewards, there will be a flashing exclamation "Pts!" sign on the user rank button to notify player there is a reward available. Claiming the reward will award the player a Leadership item - a full energy recovery the player can activate whenever they want.

The condition of your car wheels is key to your vehicle safety! The design and function of your wheels and the wheel bearings are quite complex. Your car’s wheel bearings are the metal balls that are held together by a ring that allows the wheels to spin with little friction. The wheel bearings of your wheels help to bring smooth rotation to your tires and friction free movement on the road. Here are five signs that your wheel bearings could be bad or to keep in mind for the future.

The best thing to do to find out if you have a wheel bearing problem is to LISTEN! This is the most common way to know for sure if the sound is coming from your wheels. While driving, make sure to pay attention to where the sound is coming from and which wheel you think it’s coming from as well. This will be important to be able to tell your mechanic when getting your wheels repaired. Bad wheel bearings can make multiple sounds, like a grinding or loud grating sound.

Rarities: Normal (NN) • Special (EX) • Rare (RR) • Super Rare (SR) • Uber Rare (UR) • Legend Rare (LR) Base Upgrades: Cat Cannon • Worker Cat • Research • Accounting • Study • Energy Related: Cat Filter • Level-up • User Rank • True Form • Ultra Form • Special Abilities • Talents • Talent Orbs

To get the rewards, players have to reach certain ranks, which are the sum of the levels of all Cat Units you have. Each time you level up a cat, through XP, unlocking new cats and bonus '+ levels', the rank is increased by 1. For every increment of 100 user rank reached, a "Rank Up Sale" offer will be presented where Cat Food, XP, or a supply drop can be purchased at discounted prices. Early rewards at 100 through 700 include Battle Items and Cat Tickets; 800 is a Rare Cat Ticket. 900 through to 1410 increase the level caps of Rare, Super Rare, Uber Rare and Legend Rare units to 30. At rank 1600, Special Cats can be upgraded to level 30.

Types: Traitless • Red • Floating • Black • Metal • Angel • Alien (Starred) • Zombie • Aku • Relic • Typeless • Colossus • Behemoth • Sage • Witchcollab • Eva Angelcollab

The User Rank (or UR) counter is unlocked after completing Korea/Nagasaki in Empire of Cats Chapter 1. It first appeared in Version 3.0 of the Japanese version and 2.0.1 of the English version. This feature provides various rewards to the player, from an increase in unit level caps, to usable item bonuses such as Rare Cat Tickets, Battle Items, or Catseyes. The User Rank counter is found in the top-left corner of the Cat Base Menu.


Make sure to keep these five signs in the back of your mind if you ever suspect bad wheel bearings on your vehicle! The more you know how to prevent further damage to your wheels, the better for you and your wallet. It will also keep you and your family safe on the road. Wheel bearing problems can cost from around $307 to $422 for replacement, but the cost is lower for simple repairs. It all depends on your vehicle and the specific repairs it needs.