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This is increasingly common in the UK, and using this shorter screw prevents the risk of screwing through a single batten and into the roof felt.


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SmallScrewsFlat end

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If you would like to check vehicle availability with our operations team before placing the order please ring 01223 851045 and then choose option 8.

If you are a regular installer or reseller of solar PV we can set up a trade account for you and offer discounted prices. Please get in touch at trade@midsummerenergy.co.uk if you think you would be eligible.

Short Screwsfor Wood


Short Screwshome depot

If you are a retail customer and are only looking to place occasional orders you are welcome to place this order without logging in however - please click the button below to proceed to our card payment provider.

Please note that same-day deliveries depend on the availability of a suitable vehicle, and can't be guaranteed, although we will make every effort to accommodate requests. Our operations team or your account handler will confirm the availability of a vehicle with you as soon as possible.

Short versions of the GSE screw (38mm instead of 60mm). This is to be used when fixing GSE frames/trays to the roof when counter-battening hasn't been used.
