Fafnir bearingswebsite

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TimkenFafnir bearings

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Remove the brake screw cap, use the hose with universal rubber adapter to connect the Bleeder with the caliper. Loosen the bleeder screw with a wrench, and pull down the trigger with fixing lock to start bleeding.

Connect the Brake Bleeder with air compressor. Put the hose with extension corrosion-resistant tube into the reservoir to extract all the old brake fluid from the master cylinder.

Timkenfafnir bearings catalogpdf

Fill the Refilling Bottle (SKU:EB0239) with the new brake fluid, and then fix it on the master cylinder reservoir to refill. Keep the reservoir filled all the time in case the air goes into the brake system.

Stop when seeing the color of the brake fluid become clearer, then tighten the bleeder screw, removing the rubber adapter and put the dust cap back on. Repeat the step on the other three wheels.