Bearing tolerance fitspdf

(d) The state share of the nonfederal costs of the project shall be for those project costs incurred on or after October 27, 1965, the date on which the project was authorized by Congress, as set forth in the Flood Control Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-298).

To get a bearing and a shaft which fit each other with a close sliding fit, is it more normal to use an undersize shaft or an oversize bearing? If the former, why does it seem so hard to find shafts commonly available to fit nominal bearing sizes?

Obviously there is in-depth engineering that goes into setting the standards and the resultant specs, but no engineering knowledge is necessary to use the guides. The skillset for installation is a mechanic's, not an engineer's.

Bearing tolerance fitschart

Standard practice is to heat the bearing with a bearing heater, or cool the shaft, prior to assembly. The thermal expansion (or contraction) allows just enough clearance for assembly. Shaft fits are also dependent on the load and application of the bearing, usually based on ISO clearances. This is a useful resource from a reputable manufacturer. For a 15 mm bearing with line to line fit or a little tighter you may be able to just use an arbor press and some elbow grease.

(b) (1) The state payments on the Napa River Flood Control Project shall be 75 percent of the costs of lands and rights or interests in lands whereon channel improvements and channel rectifications are located, and of lands, rights, or interests in lands necessary in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of those channel improvements or rectifications, including those necessary for flowage purposes, spoil areas, borrow pits, or for access roads, and shall be 90 percent of the costs of the relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities rendered necessary by the project.

Bearingfit calculator

Bearing tolerance fitscalculator

Typically you want an interference fit on a bearing ID since the shaft is usually the element that's rotating and whatever the bearing OD goes into will have a looser fit. If your shaft is rotating and has a loose fit with the bearing ID it can start to score and cause a whole bunch of issues. You can typically find undersized dowels which could work in your instance.

As for the undersize/oversize I suggest you to read some basic information about engineering tolerances. The nominal size is obviously only theory, so we use tolerances to describe the allowed variation in the actual dimenisions. Depending on the type of tolerance we allow them to be for example only higher than nominal, only lower, always higher by certain number, either lower or higher etc. And when we assemble 2 parts that have certain tolerances we have engineering fit.

Bearing manufacturers will give values for interference based on the application. This does not involve buying shafts off the shelf. It involves setting the spec and having a machinist create the right sized shaft. Pump and motor manufacturers make their shafts to the right specification, which is most certainly not by buying them off the shelf. We are talking micrometers as the measurement accuracy required. All the major bearing manufacturers have guides for this (SKF, FAG, etc.). A millwright's handbook provides guidance on installation procedures. Not all bearings can be put on in a press, so field techniques also exist (yes, hammers are involved).

Bestbearing tolerance fits

Bearing fitsto shafts and housings PDF

(a) The plan of improvement for flood control and other purposes on the Napa River in Napa County is hereby adopted and authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 222, 89th Congress, as adopted and authorized by the Act of Congress approved October 27, 1965 (Public Law 89-298, the “Flood Control Act of 1965”), as modified by data in the General Design Memorandum transmitted December 8, 1970, by the District Engineer, San Francisco District, United States Army Corps of Engineers, to the Director of Water Resources, at an estimated cost to the state of such sum as may be appropriated for state cooperation by the Legislature upon the recommendation and advice of the department. This authorization shall not be deemed to confer preference on this project over the needs of other statewide programs in appropriation of available funds.


(c) The local agency may receive credit against its share of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way for lands required for the project which were acquired not more than five years prior to federal authorization of the project. The amount of this credit shall be determined by the department by applying the 75 percent representing the state portion of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way to the actual costs of the local agency in the case of acquisition by purchase or condemnation, and to the fair market value at the time of title transfer in the case of acquisition free of charge. The department is authorized to loan the local agency the funds necessary to pay the local portion of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way less any credit for acquired lands granted to the local agency by the department. These loans may not exceed a period of 10 years and the rate of interest on the loans shall be the current rate for the state’s Pooled Money Investment Account. These loans shall be repaid in annual installments beginning one year after the loan is made. Annual loan payments may be deducted from the state’s annual tax subvention to the local agency, if any. In the event that the local agency does not receive tax subventions from the state adequate to make the loan payment and becomes in default on the loan payments, the local agency, notwithstanding any other provisions of any statute limiting its tax ceiling, shall levy sufficient taxes to repay the loan. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the local agency is authorized to accept the loans authorized pursuant to this section.

(e) State funding authorized for the purposes of fulfilling the state share of the nonfederal share of flood control projects authorized in this chapter may be used within the authorized project boundaries as set forth in the General Design Memorandum transmitted December 8, 1970, by the District Engineer, San Francisco District, United States Army Corps of Engineers, to the Director of Water Resources. The state, through the Flood Control Subventions Program, may fund construction of the incomplete portions of the authorized project when federal funds are not available for project completion. The state share of the funding for project completion shall be 75 percent of the costs of lands and rights or interests in lands whereon channel improvements and channel rectifications are located, and of lands, rights, or interests in lands necessary in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of those channel improvements or rectifications, including those necessary for flowage purposes, spoil areas, borrow pits, or for access roads, and shall be 90 percent of the costs of the relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities rendered necessary by the project, except that state funding provided pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed the equivalent state share if there were federal project funding.


I often build things (3D printers, skateboard wheels, bicycle parts) that use off-the-shelf ball-bearings. These ball bearings are available in nominal mm sizes, and to the limit of my measuring tools, tend to be ground exactly to size. For example, a bearing with 15mm ID and 24mm OD will have ID and OD of exactly 15 and 24mm, to my ability to measure.

(2) The local agency payments on the Napa River Flood Control Project shall be 25 percent of the costs of lands and rights or interests in lands whereon channel improvements and channel rectifications are located, and of lands, rights, or interests in lands necessary in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of such channel improvements or rectifications, including those necessary for flowage purposes, spoil areas, borrow pits or for access roads, and shall be 10 percent of the costs of the relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities rendered necessary by the project.

In cases where you want a bearing to have a close sliding fit on a shaft, it seems two things are possible: Either you could buy special ball bearings with slightly over-nominal size (i.e. 15.15mm ID), or you could buy shafts with slightly under nominal size (14.85mm). However, there doesn't seem to be a common "standard undersize" shaft or "standard oversize" bearings for each nominal mm size; neither thing seems to be common. This leaves a world of 15mm shafts and 15mm bearings which don't fit each other except by interference fit.

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Shafts and bearings usually use interference or transition fits - they shouldn't slide and for installation you should use force - some kind of press or clamping tool would be best, eventually if such tools are not available - few gentle hits with a hammer (you shouldn't hit the bearing directly to avoid damage, use something, for example piece of wood, to spread the force onto the whole bearing). Alternatively, you can heat/cool one of the parts to make use of thermal expansion.

It's also easy to buy linear or rotary shafts ground to nominal diameters. For example, I can buy 15mm ground rotary shafts. These are usually ground to a +/- tolerance which means half of them won't fit the bearings, or the more precise ones are ground to an upper spec of 15mm and very small tolerance smaller. Usually, even with the 15mm upper spec, the size is too close to 15mm for a bearing to slide on. I have to polish the shaft down with sandpaper (destroying the nice finish) in order to get an bearing that can be assembled by sliding, such as for a bicycle hub axle.