NRB Unit UCP 205-16 (1.0 inch) - ucp205 16
Error 0223Severity level: Error?? Data delivered to receiver? NoTheinterchange was not delivered to the intended receiver. The interchangecontained a receiver ID that was either invalid or not defined on Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork.Or the receiver's modem telephone number was not specified in thedata or Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork profiles.Correcting 0223To correct Error 0223:In the trading partner profile table of your translation softwareverify the receiver ID is correct. If you have questions about yourtranslation software call your translation software vendor.If you think the receiver ID is correct call your trading partner.Verify that you have the correct receiver ID.If your trading partner provides a different receiver ID correctthe trading partner profile.If your trading partner confirms the receiver ID in the tableis correct call Customer Service. Ask if the receiver ID is correctin Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork customerprofiles. A Customer Service Representative will make the necessarychange.If applicable verify that you included the receiver modem telephonenumber in the data. Or call Customer Service to verify the numberis set up in Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork profiles.Send the interchange again. "
Theinterchange was not delivered to the intended receiver. The interchangecontained a receiver ID that was either invalid or not defined on Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork.Or the receiver's modem telephone number was not specified in thedata or Sterling B2B CollaborationNetwork profiles.
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