Online Catalog - cr seal finder
(b) When the division verifies abatement of a serious violation or an order at the time of inspection or upon reinspection, the employer shall post a notice prepared by the division so indicating for three working days. In all other cases of abatement of serious violations, the employer shall post the signed statement confirming abatement prepared pursuant to Section 6320.
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(f) The division shall enforce this section by issuing a citation alleging a violation of this section and a notice of civil penalty in a manner consistent with Section 6317. Any person who receives a citation and penalty may appeal the citation and penalty to the appeals board in a manner consistent with Section 6319.
(a) Each citation issued under Section 6317, and each special order or action ordered pursuant to Section 6308, or a copy or copies thereof, shall be prominently posted, as prescribed in regulations issued by the director, at or near each place a violation referred to in the citation or order occurred. All postings shall be maintained for three working days, or until the unsafe condition is abated, whichever is longer. Following each investigation of an industrial accident or occupational illness, if no violations are found, the employer shall post a notice prepared by the division so indicating for three working days.
(4) Contact information for the division and the internet website where employees can search for citations against their employer.
(g) This section does not preclude the division from promulgating additional posting requirements or other notifications to employees.
(c) When a citation or special order or action is required to be posted pursuant to subdivision (a), the employer shall also post an employee notification prepared by the division. This employee notification shall contain, at a minimum, all of the following:
(d) The notification required by subdivision (c) shall be prominently posted by the employer at or near each place a violation referred to in the citation or order occurred. All postings shall be maintained for three working days, or until the unsafe condition is abated, whichever is longer.
(3) Notice that the employer is required to communicate any hazards at the workplace to employees in a language and manner they understand.
(2) Notice that the investigation resulted in one or more citations or orders, which the employer is required to post at or near the place of the violation for three working days, or until the unsafe condition is corrected, whichever is longer.
Oil seals are vital to the daily operation of most factories and a wide range of industrial and commercial equipment. They are available in imperial and metric dimensions for both single- and double-lip design. Various lip materials are also available to best suit design requirements such as temperature and chemical resistance. Material options range from nitrile for low-temperature applications to Viton® for high-temperature and low-compression operations.
(e) In addition to English, the employee notification required by subdivision (c) shall be made available by the division in the top seven non-English languages used by limited-English-proficient adults in California, as determined by the most recent American Community Survey by the United States Census Bureau. If Punjabi is not included among these languages, the division shall also make the employee notification available in Punjabi. The division may periodically review, evaluate, and add to the list of languages based on additional data sources, including, but not limited to, information generated by state and local government agencies, feedback from community-based organizations, labor organizations, and the division’s own data tracking measures.