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Silicon nitride
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In automotive vehicle assemblies, control pins and weld locations are used in resistance welding. Silicon nitride has excellent mechanical, thermal, and wear resistant properties, which means it is not affected by the thermal shock and thermal cycling stresses produced during the welding process. These properties provide an improved life expectancy for silicon nitride weld pins.
The low thermal expansion coefficient of silicon nitride material allows for very high thermal shock resistance as compared to other advanced ceramic materials.
Silicon nitride has very low thermal expansion which allows it to have superior thermal shock resistance, high strength, fracture toughness, and hardness, making it an ideal material for severe process applications.
Silicon Nitride’s unique properties of high strength, superior fracture toughness, thermal conductivity, and excellent hardness provide a unique engineering material solution for your project’s extreme environments and demanding mechanical / structural requirements. Silicon Nitride 3D Printing benefits from the advancements made in the use of this material in recent years.
The interlocking grain structure of silicon nitride material leads to high toughness and mechanical strength at high temperatures.
Silicon Nitride composition maintains it’s high strength and hardness at high temperatures allowing the silicon nitride material to resist wear, deformation and corrosion.
Silicon Nitride components are a suitable choice for molten aluminum handling due to its non wetting performance in molten metal applications.