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where L10 = bearing life in hours at 90 percent reliability, C = bearing dynamic rating, P = bearing load, and e = 3 for ball bearings and 10/3 for roller bearings.

Choose a Catalog. Search ... ×. Choose a Catalog. Close ... SEAL, Rear Axle Shaft Oil, National Oil Seal (Federal Mogul). #C-5822-1. View all applications. (1).

We have summarized the size table of the full range of pillow block bearings to provide you with a reference for purchasing suitable bearings.

Rear wheel bearing and hub assembly replacement for the 2006-2011 Honda Civic. This part is made by MOOG to improve upon OE design.

Awning Roller; For Use With Patio or Slide Out Awning; 2-Slot Roller Bar; 2-1/4 Inch Diameter; 15 Foot 1-1/2 Inch Length

Feb 17, 2018 — A wheel bearing is an important component of any vehicle. While some parts of the vehicle are designed to move, such as the axles, others are stationary.

So, either the L10 bearing life must be calculated only once as in the first example formula or calculated for each part of the duty cycle, as in the last formula.

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It would seem that this value of S would be important to the resulting life and that a weighted average speed would be required for this equation, but that is not the case. There is no requirement to calculate or use a weighted average speed in this formula, and since the speeds cancel each other out, any speed used would produce the same result. The differing speeds for the different points on the duty cycle are taken into account and reconciled in the weighted average radial load(force) calculation for P.

Both gears and bearings are typically sized, and life is calculated based on the duty cycle from what is known as the weighted average torque and speed that represents a single torque and speed which would produce the same life as would be achieved if the system operated at the full duty cycle of torque speeds and percent times.

The main item to remember and consider is which type of bearing you are analyzing. Ball bearings use 3 and 1/3 as exponents in the equations and roller bearings (tapered, spherical, and cylindrical) use 10/3 and 3/10 for exponents.

Need help finding Wheel Bearings & Hub Assemblies for your BMW? Call us at 877.639.9648, email us, or live chat for expert assistance.

BEARING KIT LM67048 LM67010Brand: AUTOMATICPart Number: WB125-0700.


Normally, it would have been necessary to use a value of S (speed) in both the weighted average load calculation and the bearing life calculation, with the value of S being the same in both places.

In most gearbox applications, there is not one single torque and speed that the gearbox operates at but a series of torques and speeds and time intervals at each condition. These various conditions constitute data points on a duty cycle and together, they must be considered in their entirety.

The hub assembly on your Chevrolet Impala ensures that the wheel can spin smoothly, and contains the wheel studs that are used to mount the wheel to the car.

We are proud to be attested as a company that has met or exceeded Carefree RV requirement for a professional quality dealer and has been granted exclusive rights to sell Carefree RV brand products.

For a duty cycle where there is variable torque (load), speed, and percent (fraction) of time, the weighted average bearing radial load or torque is:

Keep in mind that these are ABMA life formulas, or so-called catalog life values, and do not consider or use any adjustment factors, such as those used for lubrication, cleanliness, or other factors.

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