15841. (a) Through its courts, statutes, and under its Constitution, California protects a woman's right to reproductive privacy. California reaffirms these ...

The issue is fixed by propagating correct AAD device ID from ConfigMgr during Intune enrollment. This leads to merged entities for co-managed devices in a short period of time (30-40 mins). We no longer have to wait for discovery cycle to run.

My Account · Submit Quote. Chat ... preload even during differential thermal expansion. Properly used Solon Belleville Springs can reduce the loss of preload ...

If you're running this operating system on machines in your environment, they shouldn't be upgraded to the 2211 version of the Configuration Manager client. For more information on supported clients and devices, see supported-operating-systems-for-clients-and-devices.

We've extended the dark theme to other components such as buttons, context menus, and hyperlinks. Enable this feature to experience the dark theme.

We're now adding the Featured tab in Software Center where we are displaying the featured apps. Using this, IT admins can mark apps as "featured" and encourage end users to use the app. Currently, this feature is available only for "User Available" apps. Also, admins can make the Featured tab of Software Center as the default tab from Client Settings.

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To take full advantage of new Configuration Manager features, after you update the site, also update clients to the latest version. While new functionality appears in the Configuration Manager console when you update the site and console, the complete scenario isn't functional until the client version is also the latest.

Oct 15, 2024 — A dial bore gauge is a type of bore gauge that measures an engine's cylinder bore, or the diameter of a cylinder. As its name suggests, it has a ...

Automated Lubrication. Learn how automatic greasers save time, labour, and extend equipment life. Learn More ; Grease and Parts. Explore our parts section for ...

When you're ready to install this version, see Installing updates for Configuration Manager and Checklist for installing update 2211.

When performing a search on any node in the console, the hint text in the search bar will now indicate the scope of the search. Also, search experience related issues have been fixed.

If your site is configured with NAA account, you see this new prerequisite warning added. To improve the security of distribution points configured with NAA account, review the existing accounts and their relevant permissions. If it has more than minimal required permission, then remove and add a minimal permission account. Don't configure any administrator level permission accounts on the NAA. If the site server is configured with HTTPS / EHTTP, it's recommended to remove the NAA account, which is unused.

Previously, device entities of the co-managed devices appeared as two separate entries on Intune portal. One entry corresponding to Intune and another corresponding to ConfigMgr appeared after enrollment. The entries were permanent in some cases. Various scenarios like device entity counts and policy targeting were impacted. The entries were duplicated because Intune isn't aware of the AAD ID of devices coming from ConfigMgr. Intune becomes aware only after the daily discovery cycle runs and reports to Intune via CMGS.

In this release we've extended the dark theme to more dashboards, which previously didn't display the dark theme correctly. For example, the O365 Updates Dashboard, PCM Dashboard, and Health Attestation dashboard will now display according to the dark theme, when it's enabled. Pop-ups in the Health attestation dashboard will now adhere to the dark theme.

Dear customers,we inform you that the company Agrobearings s.r.o. will not work from 23.12.2024 to 09.01.2025.We wish you a happy Christmas and New Year holidays!

Update 2211 for Configuration Manager current branch is available as an in-console update. Apply this update on sites that run version 2107 or later. This article summarizes the changes and new features in Configuration Manager, version 2211.

That's the formula that our calculator uses to find that 3/32 inch to millimeters is 2.38125 mm. Convert a measurement from SAE to metric or metric to standard ...

Starting Configuration Manager version 2211, the scalability of this feature has been improved with better throttling and error handling. Additionally, dedicated dashboards for user collections and device collections are added in Monitoring workspace to show Cloud Sync status. The dashboard displays the Cloud Sync status per collection with the mapped Azure AD group, total member count, synced member count, status (success, failed, in progress) and last sync details.

DP content migration support is now available for migrating content from one DP to another DP using PowerShell cmdlets. You can also monitor the DP migration status using these PowerShell cmdlets.

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For example, a seal and shield combination, such as RSZ, can provide increased protection from contaminants compared to a double shielded (ZZ or ZZS). The RSZ ...

What are the symptoms of a bad wheel bearing? We are used to driving our ... This rolling would create an incredible amount of heat if the wheel bearing did not ...

Always review the latest checklist for installing this update. For more information, see Checklist for installing update 2211. After you update a site, also review the Post-update checklist.