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Y. Eyal C. Curie S. McCormick (1995) ArticleTitlePollen specificity elements reside in 30 bp of the proximal promoters of two pollen-expressed genes Plant Cell 7 373–384 Occurrence Handle10.1105/tpc.7.3.373 Occurrence Handle7734969

N.E. Huh I.W. Hwang K. Lim K.H. You C.B. Chae (1991) ArticleTitlePresence of a bi-directional S phase-specific transcription regulatory element in the promoter shared by testis-specific TH2A and TH2B histone genes Nucleic Acids Res. 19 93–98 Occurrence Handle2011515

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J.P. Mascarenhas (1992) ArticleTitlePollen gene expression: molecular evidence Int. Rev. Cytol. 140 3–18 Occurrence Handle1446980

May 25, 2009 — It has what I would call classic wheel bearing noise. Get it up to 45mph or so and it sounds like there's a small engine airplane flying along ...

H. Miyoshi T. Usami I. Tanaka (1995) ArticleTitleHigh level of GUS gene expression driven by pollen-specific promoters in electroporated lily pollen protoplasts Sex. Plant Reprod. 8 205–209 Occurrence Handle10.1007/BF00228938

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A genomic clone containing the gH2A gene, a histone variant specifically expressed in male gametic cells within the pollen of Lilium longiflorum, was isolated. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of the gene is interrupted by one intron, as is the case with the somatic type of plant histone H2A genes, suggesting derivation from the same ancestral gene containing one intron. In addition, a 2.8-kbp fragment of the 5′ upstream region of gH2A contained TATA and CAAT boxes, but neither a plant histone-specific regulatory DNA element nor vegetative cell-specific cis-elements were found. A histochemical study of stable transformants demonstrated that the 5′ upstream region of the gene can drive gene expression specifically in the generative cell of pollen; no activity was detectable in the vegetative cell or in other reproductive and vegetative tissues of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum. These results strongly suggest that the generative cell can direct specific gene expression, that this expression may be regulated by a putative male gametic factor, and that the gH2A promoter may therefore serve as a useful male gametic cell fate marker in angiosperms.

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Aftermarket Part Number Cross Reference Guide. Product: Wheel Bearings and Hub Assemblies. For Reference Only. See Application Guide for Actual Vehicle ...

Titebond Polyurethane Liquid glue is a breakthrough in adhesive technology. It is the only polyurethane glue to combine a long 20 minute working time with a ...

Present address: Gene experiment center, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 305-8572, Ibaraki, Japan

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H. Xu I. Swoboda P.L. Bhalla M.B. Singh (1999b) ArticleTitleMale gametic cell-specific gene expression in flowering plants Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 2554–2558 Occurrence Handle10.1073/pnas.96.5.2554

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HMS Prince of Wales

Messgerät TKED 1 zum Erkennen von Funkenerosionen Elektrische Erosionen beeinträchtigen den Schmierstoff und führen zu Lagerausfällen.

N. Rotman A. Durbarry A. Wardle W.C. Yang A. Chaboud J.E. Faure F. Berger D. Twell (2005) ArticleTitleA novel class of MYB factors controls sperm-cell formation in plants Curr. Biol. 15 244–248 Occurrence Handle10.1016/j.cub.2005.01.013 Occurrence Handle15694308

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Ueda, K., Suzuki, M., Ono, M. et al. Male Gametic Cell-specific Histone gH2A Gene of Lilium longiflorum: Genomic Structure and Promoter Activity in the Generative Cell. Plant Mol Biol 59, 229–238 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-005-8521-9

H. Xu K. Weterings W. Vriezen R. Feron Y. Xue J. Derksen C. Mariani (2002) ArticleTitleIsolation and characterization of male-germ-cell transcripts in Nicotiana tabacum Sex. Plant Reprod. 14 339–346 Occurrence Handle10.1007/s00497-002-0128-6

K. Weterings J. Schrauwen G. Wullems D. Twell (1995) ArticleTitleFunctional dissection of the promoter of the pollen-specific gene NTP303 reveals a novel pollen-specific, and conserved cis-regulatory element Plant J. 8 55–63 Occurrence Handle10.1046/j.1365-313X.1995.08010055.x Occurrence Handle7655507

My clutch seems to be in good shape otherwise. I've had a lot of manual cars but no issues with clutches except for my master cylinder and slave ...

K. Ueda Y. Kinoshita Z.J. Xu N. Ide M. Ono Y. Akahori I. Tanaka M. Inoue (2000) ArticleTitleUnusual core histones specifically expressed in male gametic cells of Lilium longiflorum Chromosoma 108 491–500 Occurrence Handle10.1007/s004120050401 Occurrence Handle10794571

H.L. Mogensen (1992) ArticleTitleThe male germ unit – concept, composition, and significance Int. Rev. Cytol. 140 129–147

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M.G. Reese N.L. Harris F.H. Eeckman (1996) Large scale sequencing specific neural networks for promoter and splice site recognition L. Hunter T.E. Klein (Eds) Biocomputing. Proceedings of the 1996 Pacific Symposium World Scientific Publishing Co Singapore 737–738

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D. Southworth (1996) ArticleTitleGametes and fertilization in flowering plants Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 34 259–279 Occurrence Handle8787576

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M.L. Engel A. Chaboud C. Dumas S. McCormick (2003) ArticleTitleSperm cells of Zea mays have a complex complement of mRNAs Plant J. 34 697–707 Occurrence Handle10.1046/j.1365-313X.2003.01761.x Occurrence Handle12787250




H. Xu I. Swoboda P.L. Bhalla M.B. Singh (1999a) ArticleTitleMale gametic cell-specific expression of H2A and H3 histone genes Plant Mol. Biol. 39 607–614 Occurrence Handle10.1023/A:1006162120037

M. Lescot P. Dehais G. Thijs K. Marchal Y. Moreau Y. Peer Particlevan de P. Rouze S. Rombauts (2002) ArticleTitlePlantCARE, a database of plant cis-acting regulatory elements and a portal to tools for in silico analysis of promoter sequences Nucleic Acids Res. 30 325–327 Occurrence Handle10.1093/nar/30.1.325 Occurrence Handle11752327

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Driving with a bad wheel bearing is risky, as their deterioration can lead to a host of potential problems, from uneven tire wear to severe accidents.


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23224.EMW33C3 NTN. Radial roller bearing 23224 .EMW33C3 NTN, 120x215x76mm. ... Ships inThe delivery time is longer for products longer than 1800 mm or 2300 mm due ...

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