Piusi Air Operated Grease Drum Pump Kit - grease barrel pump
Now, the designation 6208 2Z C3, which at first sight does not tell us anything, suddenly informs us that we hold a classic single row ball bearing with the inner circle aperture of 40 mm, metal covered on both sides, with bigger radial inner clearance.
Bearing numberCalculator
The product range of bearings consists of many, many various items. A person seeing the markings for the first time might get the impression that they are some mysterious codes which can be understood only by erudite and experienced pundits. However, the truth is that after understanding the basic principles even a complete beginner can easily and promptly make sense of the system of the markings on bearings.
It is crucial for us that the general identification of bearings is governed by ISO standards, which are uniformly followed by all the producers in the whole world. Thanks to that there is no chaos in the identification. Therefore, when a European bearing producer makes a single row ball bearing, with 40 mm diameter of the inner circle, with 80 mm diameter of the outer circle and 18 mm of width, they will provide the bearing with the same identification marking as a producer from Asia or South America - that is with the code 6208.
SKFbearing numberidentification
The principle of identification of the bearing dimensional line is a bit more complicated. From the number following the bearing type we can identify the dimensional line. It specifies if a bearing is thinner and designed for a higher rotation rate and lesser load, or if it is more massive and can take bigger load but has a lesser acceptable rotation rate. The marking sequence goes from the thinnest to the most massive (7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). For instance: bearings 6708 and 6408 have the same diameter of the aperture of the inner circle. But the bearing 6708 is of the thin-wall type, whereas the 6408 type is massive and thick-walled.
We already know that every standardized bearing has its basic number and additional designation. What type of information can the basic marking convey? Let's see again the bearing 6208.
It applies for the bearings with the inner circle aperture of 10 mm and larger that two last digits of the basic number determine the size of the inner circle aperture, according to these rules:
Bearing numberchart
Further modifications of bearings (for instance 2Z C3 from our example) are identified precisely by means of the additional designation. It can be put either BEFORE (prefix) or AFTER (suffix) the basic designation. The additional designation put BEFORE the basic designation is primarily used to determine if the bearing is made of stainless steel. (S with miniature bearings, for instance S 608 and SS or X with standard-sized bearing, for instance SS 6204). Therefore, the additional designation is mostly put AFTER the basic bearing designation.
Bearing numberand size chart pdf
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This article deals only with the basic explanation of the bearing identification, covering items governed by ISO standards. However, even in this fairly well-defined identification system there are numerous exceptions. Therefore, please do not consider this text exhaustive, but only as a basic introduction to this subject.
Bearing numbermeaning pdf
Let's see a concrete example of what we can read in the marking of a bearing. Let's use the aforementioned bearing 6208 to which we will add some further identification by way of example. Our exemplary item now bears the identification "6208 2Z C3".
With a product range, where there are no ISO standards introduced, the situation is rather more complicated, since every producer uses their own identification. In that case, you can use converters, which we have developed for you to give you some assistance. If you are still at a loss or need a consultation, we are here for you. Please do not hesitate to call, write, or come in person and we will solve the issue together.
Bearing numberList
It applies for the bearings with the inner circle aperture of 20 - 480 mm that the aperture diameter is five times the last two digits, for instance, the aperture diameter of bearing 6212 is 5 × 12 i. e. 60 mm.