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Java EE 6 download
I wasn’t sure if I should also say it, since it’s just confirming what everybody else said, but yes, please, do an eARC! We love sending you money! On that note, I would totally support any kind of kickstarter project you launch.
I’m so glad that EE6 won’t be the last in the series and am looking forward to Sicarius’ POV. I know that will have to be interesting! I also want to let you know that I enjoyed Decrypted. Maybe there’ll be more in that series? Aren’t you glad you don’t have to do all the writing we demand of you by hand?!
Glad to know that another FG is coming at some point. However, I wouldn’t ask you to incur the wrath of those waiting on the next EE’s — especially if there’s a cliffhanger between the two! ?
I may hit you up, Patricia. Thank you. I guess that would be pretty easy, actually. I wouldn’t necessarily have to have any encryption or password or anything on the download page–I could just wait to direct folks there after they paid.
Yes, I have read those on the forum and they are good. But nobody can do the story like YOU would do the story and just so you know I have a suggestion for the name. Kayra which will be the name of my next grand-baby girl who is due to arrive on July 10th. She will be early. LOL
SO very interested in giving you money directly for an eARC. And I am unanimous in that. Also, woohoo two Sicarius POV books, woohoo 6a and 6b, woohoo May/June, and just generally speaking, a whole lot of woohoo.
Regarding downloads, emails, and management, a redirect on a paypal link is pretty easy and could be worked to let readers download whatever you wanted to send them… as well as a simple “this is how you convert a word doc to Kindle/pdf/etc” list on that page. (And I’m good at the tech if you need help.)
I must confess, I’ve read the entire series and one novella in 2 weeks–okay maybe 2 and 1/2. A person has to work. Fortunately for me I have some monstrous plane rides to in which to read.
I have a friend who I helped get hooked on your books. She finished Decrpytedand sent me this text message.”Okay! She (being you, Lindsay) has got to make a daughter of Rias and Tikayla fall in love with Sespian. GOT TOO!!!” Of course I agree and with a 7th EE what better place for it to happen. Besides who would want to argue with a Math teacher and a mother of 2 boys ages 5 and 3. Not this woman! LOL!
And as far as NB membership ExStock, Lindsay’s correct, you participate on the forum and you’ll soon be a member in good standing!
Really excited to read more of your work, Lindsay! If we can help send some bribes, er, treats to a PO Box your way I’m sure many of us would be willing to shower you with anything that will keep you writing in that dungeon. ?
The way you’ve written Sicarius fascinates me. He’s a very child-like backward character inside his mind. He’s been brutalized and that’s taken a toll on his emotional development. He’s not hard or tough and it would have been easy to write him that way.
eARC all the way! And having two books with Sicarius will be great. I love Flash Gold and I cannot wait for more, but I agree that you should not try and publish it after whatever type of cliffhanger/ kidnapping/ craziness/ blown up shebang you have planned.
As of right now, that’s the plan. I hope you guys don’t mind spending time in his head. It’s not all that scary in there. Really. Just… practical. And efficient.
I’m actually really happy that the 6th book won’t be the end of the series. However, when the series finally does end, I will look forward to anything new from you. Once a fan, always a fan, ya know? ?
*I am denying all tweets, photos, and Facebook posts that suggest I may have escaped my dungeon for a few days for a trip to Palm Springs.
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Count me in for an eARC too! Am new to this site, just found the EE books a few months ago and have DEVOURED them, along with the short stories and novellas. Love your work! Just started on Encrypted, working my way through that series while I wait impatiently for EE6 (and 7 and 8…..) to come out. Have been satisfying my craving for stories by lurking about the forum reading the amazing fanfic that’s posted there. Seriiously, some of you people are amazing writers! Anyway, do keep us posted on the eARC, I too would much rather send my hard earned $$ to you than to B&N. Thanks for such amazing stories, keep em coming!
Toyo E2 code
Lindsay, sooo glad to hear there will (hopefully) be 2 more books with my fave characters! And fr sicarius’s pov?! Awesome! Can not wait for them to come out. And yes I think I would def be interested in the e-arc however you want to do that.
So, I just realized how fun it would be to read about Sicarius falling victim to a fashion war between Tikaya’s cousin Elloil and Maldynado.
I’m a huge fan of dark heroes and I especially love them when we don’t get into their heads for a long time but form our opinion of them through other people’s eyes.
I don’t know… In the old days, if you were important enough, you’d have a scribe to follow you around, getting all hand-crampy on your behalf. ?
Ah I’m so excited for Forged in Blood! I loved the last book and the short story and all the books! They are all amazing! I just read Encrypted and I loved it too! I’m getting Decrypted next week. ? Can’t wait for the next book!!!!
I haven’t decided yet. If I do it, I’ll want to do a better job than last time (which involved me emailing the Word .doc files to everyone by hand, meaning people didn’t get the manuscript instantly and also had to convert them to readable Kindle, iPad, etc. files themselves), which would probably mean hiring a programmer to add an e-store of sorts to the site here.
Even though I’m chained to my office chair in the *dungeon and trying to be productive for you guys (if you missed it, Decrypted came out a couple of weeks ago, and the Beneath the Surface novella, sort of an EE 5.5, came out in January), I’ve got quite a few folks asking questions about the next (maybe not last?) Emperor’s Edge book.
All of the novels were copy edited by freelance editors, not always the same person early on. After EE1, I switched to Shelley Holloway with Holloway House, and she’s done EE2-5 as well as the two Encrypted novels and the more recent short stories/novellas. Typos always get through regardless of who looks at it, but I try to fix ’em when people let me know about them.
I’ll do my best, Christy. I’m actually liking things more now that I have time to write more each day. It’s easier to remember things and stay in the flow when you get a whole draft knocked out in 6-8 weeks instead of months (or years, laugh).
AHHHHH! So excited! YAY! I love the idea of having TWO whole books with Sicarius’ POV!!! (And of course having more of the EE stories, you know…) WOOHOO!
Oh yes…e-arc is a good idea Lindsay. I really like giving $ directly to you rather than the big companies. The more financial support you have the more you can create marvelous stuff for our consumption.
Thanks for the info. LOVE the fact there will be more books to read, especially from Sicarius’s POV. No way will I be able to wait until 7 comes out to read 6 . I want the ARC, and even better that all the proceeds go to you. My million $ question is if Am & Sic hook-up? I think the answer is yes, because no one can withstand the powers of the naughty brigade:)
e-ARC? Yes and Absolutely! Thank you! Don’t let readers push you. Take the time you need to write the book you (and we) want. Sure, we’re impatient, but it’s worse to have a hasty book than a later one.
Instead he’s broken. He just doesn’t understand why people treat him the way they do despite the fact that he accepts it or has been told it so often he doesn’t question it. The end of Forged in Blood tells you everything you need to understand about him, I think. It’s full of really brilliant insight.
Great thanks for answering so specifically! (sorry i’ve only now looked up the section on editing – very interesting posts there too…)
Haha, I almost stuck that question in at the end, since quite a few people have asked. I am planning to do another Flash Gold. Not sure if I’ll dare put it between these two books though. ?
She’s actually not the first to suggest that idea. It’s been tossed around over at the EE forum. I think they’ve even thrown out names for the girl. ?
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T_T You can let someone almost die, or pretend to die, or even die and get immediately healed, or some such fantastical thing…. but pleeeeease don’t kill one of our beloveds! They are your babies, sure, but they feel like all of our babies!!!
Well…. probably. I’ll try to get Part 2 out within 3-4 months of the first. You can always wait until they’re both available to start reading. Though I’ll hope you’ll still buy 6 when it comes out, because I’m also powered by chocolate, and I need to be able to keep that in supply.
He’s an Incredibly complex character which makes me think you are a grand student of human nature. I’m really enjoying the series and even if you don’t carry on with the rest of the crew, I’m hoping you’ll give us more of Sicarius.
I’m so excited that its getting closer to release day! I think you should do what feels right to you as the author. And, yes, we’re salivating waiting…. but I’d rather read quality than quantity. Make sense?
If you need to hire someone to design a store, would you think about doing a Kickstarter with the eARC as the reward? Other levels could include the finalized book, and maybe a limited amount of those USB drives since you said you had a couple of extra? ?
I’m a huge fan of this series and I’ve suggested it to anyone I can! If there is a place chocolate can be sent in your name, just to help things along…please let us know!
I’m shooting for a late May/early June release. You may want to start sending my beta readers chocolate now, so they’ll be hyped up on caffeine and ready to go when I send them the file.
I’m glad you guys are excited for it and care enough to ask these questions. Here are my answers to the common ones I’ve seen:
A question about your writing – did you have a professional editor to work with you on the EE series? Or did you start off on your own and then acquire one later?
I’d originally planned for it to be the last book, at least in the Forge story arc, but, as some of you who follow me on Twitter have seen, this last chunk of the story is pretty big. Now that I’m 70,000 words into the first draft, I’m positive I’m not going to finish it in the next 50,000 words or so. As of right now, I’m planning to split things in half and make a Part 1 and Part 2. I’m not sure yet on how I’ll title the second book.
I love this series. I even ordered the paperback versions just to have them in my hands. Can’t wait until part 6 comes out and I can’t wait to get inside Sicarius’ head
Too much? Anyway, thank you SO much for answering questions and getting these books out fast! I don’t know how you do it! ?
Oh you should do another contest like you did with the last book!!!!! I didn’t get to enter the last one and I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for the next one! I would win ? (probably not, but I can hope haha)
Sicarius is definitely my favorite character. Of course I’m such a sucker for outlaws. Looking forward to his POV. Even though he can be extreeeemly guarded about what comes out of his mouth, I’m not so sure he can control what goes on in his head :).
eARC… absolutely!!! I Agree with everyone above, more money for you is the best!! So Super excited about more books:), and who could argue against more Sicarius POV. I am with Moon, no Kleenex! Currently doing the Snoopy happy dance:)
Well, I for one buy at least 2 copies of everything you do because I want to support you. So, I am in any way you need or want it. Keep going with the EE Series, I have at least 40 more years to go and I like ’em. Keep them coming. They have a whole world to explore!
Fangirl me totally just screamed down the roof when I saw that it’s FINALLY going to be Sicarius POV. I am SO happy *__* actually, I would be happier if I could read it now ? and YES, DEFINITELY. To eARC:3 awesome idea.
Hi, I do not know if you are aware of this but there is a software known as calibre. It does a reasonably good job of converting between different formats. It can convert into the two big ones epub and mobi. I hope that helps. I have to add I would love to get the eARC and I really love your books.
So I just finished 5.5. Seriously, even Maldynado is getting some action. I need some not PG action for Amaranth and Sicarius. pronto. Take your time. and hurry! ?
Speaking only for me, the part of the eARC that made me happiest for EE5 was just knowing that my $$ was going to you directly instead of being split with Amazon/BN/etc. So even if there was a way to do that somehow with EE6, that would be great.