Precision Bearing Balls - stainless steel ball
The ten mile car journey can only be described as average as yet again I ponder the folly of the cheap cat box tied up with baler twine and a yowling bouncing cat that even Terry Wogan couldn't drown out.
Balermachine Agriculture
Like the cardboard baler at work!Fill it with your flattened cardboard boxes, heave the door down, then push the button to compress it all.
This video appears to show a man jumping into a hay baler, and instead of dying like a normal person, he turns himself into a human bale of hay.
It is unlawful for any State officer or employee to draw, sign, issue, or authorize the drawing, signing, or issuing of any warrant or check payable out of State funds, to pay any salary or compensation to any one holding a position in the State civil service, if such person does not lawfully hold such position.
A baler is a piece of farm machinery that is used to compress a cut and raked crop (such as hay or straw) into bales and bind the bales with twine. There are several different types of balers that are commonly used. Balers are also used in the material recycling facilities, primarily for baling plastic, paper or cardboard for transport to a recycling facility._Wikipedia
The ten mile car journey can only be described as average as yet again I ponder the folly of the cheap cat box tied up with baler twine and a yowling bouncing cat that even Terry Wogan couldn't drown out.
He opened bidding on a horse-drawn forecart fitted with a small engine that would power the spinning shaft of any tractor-based tool, like a hay baler or a rotary tedder.