ee-8 field phone manual

Pretty sure MCRU do a supply for it, they are very good, not as much as £1100 but still quite expensive compared to the switch itself

Appreciate it’s my decision and it could be a gnats hair between them but any counsel on the 3 options on the MCRU would be appreciated.

Uptone wrote exactly the same about their Etheregen switch, saying that their SMPS is very good and no need for an additional ps. When I tried their entry level linear ps, the Lps , it did just a subtle uplift in sound vs the stock one. But when I added the top MCRU, the upgrade was even bigger than going from the Cisco 2960 to the Etheregen. Naim Audio himself doesn’t recommend a boutique switch, just a cheap Chinese Netgear one. We are a lot here to experience the contrary.

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Ee8blower motor

I’m using the iFi power elite and I like the uplift. I didn’t compare it to anything else however. It was essentially a free upgrade as I used an Amazon gift card someone sent me.

EE-8 field phone parts

I see through google that the LHY LOS25V is a Chinese linear ps. So I don’t understand your post, neither share your point that linear ps tend to reduce the prat and timing. Apart maybe the cheap ones.

Switches require high speed power supplies so we could not opt for a linear power source due to their speed limitations. We set about improving the power signal by using an extremely high-quality wall supply. This clean supply permits an optimum quality network signal, driven by high-accuracy TCXO clock technology.“

I use the Silent Angel Forester F1 power supply that is designed to partner the EE8’s base switch, the Silent Angel Bonn 8.

It’s not practical to demo these but I do hear the benefit of adding a Plixir power supply to my Adot and that’s what got me interested in power supply’s generally.


Java EE 8


Despite reading the threads I’m a little bamboozled with regards to power supply for the EE8 - sounds like the general consensus is that adding a power supply is worthwhile.


Farad super3. Buy and try going through their web page. Skip the Ifi switched power supply and go directly to a linear one. Naim products hate switched power supplies on their grid.

When I had the Etheregen switch, I could compare the Uptone Lps vs the top MCRU vs the Farad . The two last were easily above the Uptone lps. I preferred the MCRU ( around 850 euros) vs the Farad ( 700 euros) for nicer tones and more organic sound. The Farad is the nicest looking. There are other to consider, as the Uptone JS1 , Sean Jacobs, Paul Hynes SR4, Plixir. To really see a nice and clear improvement, you have to pay more than the EE8 switch, in my experience.

How to fixee8

When you have the timing belt replaced at a reputable service center, the service should also include a few other things. The tensioner and idler rollers should also be replaced. The technician will also inspect the crankshaft seal and the camshaft seal, replacing them if necessary.  It's also common for this service to include replacing the water pump, as well. Though this isn't related to engine timing, the water pump is exposed during a timing belt replacement, so replacing it then saves you money later.


The simplest answer is: whenever the owner's manual tells you to have it done. Timing belts will wear down over time. Unfortunately, they don't usually give very noticeable symptoms before they break. Replacing the timing belt on schedule will greatly reduce the chance of a broken timing belt, and all the damages it can cause.


There's one thing most people know about timing belts: that they're not something to mess around with, since a broken timing belt means bad news. Beyond this, these parts remain a mystery for many. Why do timing belts need to be changed? Does your vehicle have a timing belt at all? We'll give you more information on changing your timing belt below.

I think a usual mistake when measuring SMPS claiming their good is you measure them only towards the DC side. That’s great when all you care for is the performance of your single component. What many SMPS do is poluting the AC side which all your other components work against.

EE8Field phone

The AV-grade power adaptor has been designed to reduce electrical noise from AC power and prevent mains quality issues from affecting the network signals. It also boasts high power efficiency, a no-load power consumption < 0.075W and protection from short circuit, overload and over-voltage.

I was told by the guys from Chord that they really rate the SMPS that comes with the EE8 switch. I have to say, after having tried three quite expensive linear power supply’s, that they may be right. All sounded different but not necessarily better on my system. Each seemed to impact timing slightly making it sound less real and musical. I’m not giving up but make no mistake the standard PS is pretty good.

The timing belt itself isn't an expensive part. The time and labor are what make it so expensive. To get to the timing belt, the engine needs to be disassembled. Doing so takes significant time and effort. In addition, replacing the timing belt involves setting the timing and putting the engine back together.

Before you start looking at replacing your timing belt, it's best to check and see if your vehicle has a timing belt at all! Many modern vehicles are instead equipped with timing chains. Though heavier than belts, timing chains are more durable and last much longer. Recent Toyota models like the 2020 Corolla, the 2020 RAV4, and even the 2020 Toyota Yaris are all equipped with a timing chain rather than a timing belt. However, older Toyota models may still be equipped with timing belts. To see whether yours has a timing belt, it may be helpful to check your owner's manual. The technicians at an authorized dealership like ours will also be able to help.

Of course, if you decide not to get your timing belt changed, your car will still work . . . until it suddenly doesn't. Some Toyota engines are freewheeling, which means that the piston and the valves never occupy the same space in the cylinders. If a timing belt breaks in a freewheeling engine, the engine will simply stop running. But other Toyota engines are interference engines. This means that the pistons, when fully extended, occupy the same place in the cylinders as the valves do when they're open. The timing belt coordinates the movement of these two via the crankshaft and camshaft (or camshafts). If the timing is no longer controlled, a piston may hit an open valve, causing massive engine damage that may be irreparable.

Unfortunately a good psu will cost as much or more than the switch, i use a Plixir on my Etheregen switch. I have heard excellent reports of the Ferrum Hypsos……you can vary the voltage and listen and decide what voltage sounds best to you. But at a price £1100.

Adding their cables and recommended fuse upgrade(s) takes things a (very) clear notch up still. Odd as it may sound, adding the Super 3 made a bigger improvement to the overall SQ than the EE8 itself.