Saat ini terdapat beberapa kasus bearing seater yang bermasalah, seperti hancur nya komponen-komponen CVT pada motor dan ada juga yang sampai melukai kaki karena hancur nya penutup bagian CVT, dan penggunaan komponen CVT yang terlalu ekstrim. Sehingga beberapa orang menyimpulkan bahwa komponen tambahan ini mempunyai efek samping yang sangat berbahaya.

Do shielded bearings need to be greased

Jadi, apakah bearing seater ini berbahaya?Tentu tidak berbahaya, penggunaan bearing seater ini berbahaya jika merubah komponen CVT motor terlalu ekstrim atau berlebihan, sehingga beberapa komponen CVT motor tidak dapat menanggung beban kerja pada saat motor berjalan. Dan juga apabila komponen bearing seater tersebut tidak sesuai pemasangan serta komponen pendukung yang mumpuni.

Sealed bearings

The improved seal technology allows the Koyo RD bearing to operate at up to 90% of open bearing speeds, while reducing contamination linked to early bearing failure. It is especially helpful in washdown applications, as it keeps moisture out when high water pressure is applied to the bearing. Learn more about it here.

Nah, bearing seater ini salah satu komponen tambahan yang terdapat pada bagian belakang komponen CVT pada motor, yang akhir-akhir ini mulai banyak bengkel yang menggunakan komponen bearing seater tersebut.

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Sealedbearingvs openbearing

While the basic function and design of a ball bearing hasn’t drastically changed since it was first invented in the 1700s, some features–such as bearing seals and shields–have since adapted. To protect ball bearings from contamination, as well as retain their proper lubrication levels, both seals and shields can be necessary parts; but, how do you know which is the right one to use?

Baru-baru ini banyak anak muda yang mulai bermain di dunia sepeda motor, mulai dari pelajar maupun yang sudah bekerja. CVT merupakan bagian motor matic yaitu transmisi pengganti rantai, yang menggunakan belt atau sabuk karet pada motor matic agar motor dapat berjalan.

Bearings have been the cornerstone of IBT Industrial Solutions since the company was founded in 1949. If you’re looking for the knowledge and expertise you need to select the best parts for your application and environment, contact Tim Zerger, IBT’s Bearing and Power Transmission Director, or give us a call at 913-677-3151 today!

Double shieldedbearing

Speed also has a key role to play in the bearing seals vs. shields debate. When it comes to standard bearing seals, although they are ideal for keeping out contaminants, they are fairly limited in terms of speed—as the size of a sealed bearing increases, its speed capacity decreases.

Mahal gak sih bearing seater?Nah mungkin itu salah satu pertanyaan Sobat pada saat membaca artikel ini. Part pendukung ataupun tambahan tersebut tidak terlalu mahal dan juga tidak terlalu murah, tergantung bahan yang di gunakan. Mulai dari bahan yang biasa berkisar 39 ribu hingga yang menggunakan plat baja berkisar 200 ribu rupiah

Non sealedbearing

Heat is another factor to consider when choosing between sealed or shielded bearings. Whether the heat source is internal or external, bearing seals, typically made of rubber or plastic, risk melting if the temperature reaches 212° F. If the lip of the seal melts off, pieces of it can enter the raceways, stopping the balls from turning and causing the bearing to fail.

So, how do you know which is the right one to use? While deciding between bearing seals and shields can be challenging, our experts at IBT are here to help make the decision a little bit easier.

Shieldedbearingvs sealedbearing

Shielded bearings can withstand higher temperatures up to 250° F, which is the standard operating temperature maximum of bearing steel and grease.

Bearingseal types SKF

On the other hand, selecting a sealed bearing could help prevent this kind of bearing failure. Unlike shields, standard seals can be trusted to keep out most contaminants. However, according to Zerger, it is important to note that, in harsher washdown applications, high water pressure between 1000-1800 psi could potentially fold the lip of the seal and allow water to get into the bearings. That is—if the bearing is not protected or covered.

For example, shielded bearings have a gap that can allow finer contaminants or water from washdown applications to enter the bearing and get into the raceways. This could wash out the grease or cause the roller or balls to skid, creating heat and infusing the metal surfaces together.

Bearing shieldtypes

For example—a larger bearing (40mm bore / 80mm od) can handle up to 5,600 rpm sealed, while a smaller (10mm bore / 30 mm od) can handle up to 17,000 rpm sealed.

According to Tim Zerger, IBT’s Bearings & PT Director, there are a few key questions you can ask yourself to help determine whether a seal or a shield could better extend the life of your bearing. These questions include:

First, the environment in which your bearings operate in can help you identify potential contaminants, allowing you to select your shields or seals accordingly.

Koyo introduced RD Type (Light Contact) Sealed Ball bearings for exactly that purpose. Developed forthe racing industry, these types of bearings are designed to create less contact between the rubber lip of the seal and the inner ring, ultimately reducing friction and heat.

What if there was a third option that was the best of both worlds? That is, something with he reliable contaminate protection of a seal, and with the speed and heat capacity comparable to a standard or shielded bearing.

Oleh karena itu akhir-akhir ini banyak anak muda yang mulai main sepeda motor dan tentunya banyak dari mereka yang mengupgrade bagian CVT motor mereka sering di sebut juga “main kirian” kenapa di sebut kirian? karena komponen CVT motor tersebut terdapat pada bagian kiri bawah motor. sehingga info yang saya berikan dapat mereka jadikan referensi komponen tambahan yang dapat di gunakan pada motor mereka. Sekali lagi saya ingat kan bahwa bearing seater tidak berbahaya jika komponen yang digunakan sesuai dan tidak berlebihan sehingga kerja CVT motor bekerja dengan sesuai.

Apa efek dari penggunaan bearing seater?Efek bearing seater ini bisa di bilang sangat signifikan dimana kerja CVT yang seharus nya berat dapat terbantu karena gaya tekan dan perputaran pada komponen CVT bagian belakang. Sehingga perputaran mesin pada motor yang seharus nya berat menjadi lebih ringan karena gaya bantu dari part bearing seater tersebut.