Tarol IV would be occupied by the SLDF for the remainder of the war; once the Reunification War ended, a number of Magistracy worlds were annexed by the Free Worlds League, but Tarol IV remained a part of the Magistracy.[4][5]


Settled at some point prior to the end of the Age of War[1]Tarol IV was a member of the Magistracy of Canopus when a Star League Defense Force task force under the command of Captain-General Marion Marik was assigned to conquer the Magistracy of Canopus in 2577. Tarol IV was targeted by the SLDF in 2584 following capture of Canopus IV, and was conquered quickly by VII Corps' 56th Brigade in early 2584 with support from the Juggernaut regiment of the Stewart Dragoons, with only a token resistance offered by forces on the planet before surrender.[4][41]