Naturally, a government mandate tasked with protecting sensitive information is going to be extremely comprehensive and (at times) exhausting. The NIST SP 800-171 is essentially all the inputs, outputs, regulations and requirements for any businesses looking to complete their DFARS compliant statement.

Without getting too deep into how DFARS functions as an organization, and what countries need to be aware of DFARS compliance, here we’ll cover go through a complete step by step breakdown of how to become DFARS compliant.


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Once you have a team, a timeline and all pertinent information, you can begin the assessment. Here are some good starting points:

Access control is extremely complicated and requires hours of testing, reconfiguring and retesting until all security controls are operating as expected. Mobile device encryption, limiting unsuccessful login attempts, managing remote access points and authorization also fall under access control. Without strong access control, hackers can easily infiltrate a system, glean all the sensitive information they want and leave without a trace. The ultimate goal is to make any unauthorized access impossible.

Partners also have relationships with the Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agencies and contractors that will help streamline the compliance process. The second option is to take a do it yourself approach. In that case, you’ll need a copy of the NIST handbook 162, which is a helpful self-assessment roadmap for DFARS compliance. Either way, it’s important to read on to get a firm grasp on all of the important steps required for sufficient DFARS compliance.

DFARScompliance checklist

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As with any technical certification process, the first step assessing your current state and getting a sense of how much work you have ahead of you. To do that, you’ll need to assess all aspects of your technical system. Remember that the main purpose of DFARS is to protect any and all sensitive information at all times.

Finally, continue to familiarize yourself with the family security controls as defined by DFARS. Below is a helpful primer:

One tried and true method for finding and planning the improvements required for your information system starts with questions posed by the NIST SP 800-171 handbook. For every question, you should have an answer with a detailed explanation. These are called “assessment results,” and go something like this:

RSI Security is the nation’s premier cybersecurity and compliance provider dedicated to helping organizations achieve risk-management success. We work with some of the world’s leading companies, institutions, and governments to ensure the safety of their information and their compliance with applicable regulations.



That means all information, whether it is being processed, stored, transmitted or anything in between, must be properly under lock and key. That also includes any information that you share with subcontractors and associates.



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DFARScompliant countries 2024

Now that you have your assessment prepared, you can use it to review the cybersecurity requirements and components set forth for DFARS compliance. DFARS was created to protect sensitive information or “Controlled Unclassified Information” (CUI) in whatever form it takes. To make it “easy,” the DoD categorized the security requirements into 14 “Families.” These 14 families are what you must apply your assessment toward to ensure you are DFARS compliant. The 14 families are as follows:

RSI Security is the nation’s premier cybersecurity and compliance provider dedicated to helping organizations achieve risk-management success. We work with some of the world’s leading companies, institution and governments to ensure the safety of their information and their compliance with applicable regulation. We also are a security and compliance software ISV and stay at the forefront of innovative tools to save assessment time, increase compliance and provide additional safeguard assurance. With a unique blend of software based automation and managed services, RSI Security can assist all sizes of organizations in managing IT governance, risk management and compliance efforts (GRC). RSI Security is an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) and Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).


Each of these families has their own protocols that must be met in order to be DFARS compliant. Some families have many security requirements; others may only have a few. Regardless of how many DFARS requirements each family has, each and every one must be checked off. Otherwise you risk losing DFARS compliance as well as any DoD and government contracts that go along with it. Luckily, the DFARS Compliance Checklist can help simplify this process. We will briefly define and discuss each family, giving you an idea of what is required. For a full list, check out the DoD’s self-assessment handbook.

Years ago, governments defended themselves through espionage and military engagement. Today, there are still plenty of both. However, the form they’ve taken has changed drastically. Physical spies have given way to higher levels of digital reconnaissance. To defend against these threats, the U.S government created the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) in 2017.

FAR and dfarfordummies

Welcome to RSI Security’s blog! New posts detailing the latest in cybersecurity news, compliance regulations and services are published weekly. Be sure to subscribe and check back often so you can stay up to date on current trends and happenings. RSI Security is the nation's premier cybersecurity and compliance provider dedicated to helping organizations achieve risk-management success.

RSI Security is the nation's premier cybersecurity and compliance provider dedicated to helping organizations achieve risk-management success.


The United States of America is one of the powerful countries in the world. With great power comes great responsibility and that is especially true when it comes to information systems. Becoming DFARS compliant is a high bar, only for those willing to accept the costs, risks and consequences associated with such sensitive information. The process is long, time-consuming and difficult. However, the rewards of DoD contracts are substantial and worth the investment if you are prepared. RSI security has been helping businesses big and small become DFARS compliant through provided support of cybersecurity solutions for more than 8 years. Check out our website for more information.

If your business needs to be DFARs compliant, you have two basic options. The first is to choose an experienced partner, like RSI security, that will take care of your compliance advisory services and help make your DFARS compliance journey significantly less frustrating. A compliant partner will have considerable experience with the NIST SP 8000-171,  the ridiculously dense “treasure map” to the end goal of DFARS compliance.

In the end, the system should provide exactly what the family security control is named, auditing and accountability, for everyone involved. Vital information is being trusted within your system. If you can’t provide an explanation for any missteps, you risk DFARS compliance.