Dodge 126818

WOERNER products are instrumental in significantly lengthening the service life and efficiency of your machines, whilst lowering the input costs appreciably.


They extend from small units with a standard design to sealing pressure units for the chemical industry, for instance, to customised large-scale units with a capacity of several thousand litres.

For more than 100 years, WOERNER has been a successful provider of centralized lubrication systems. Discover the benefits at WOERNER!

P2b scm 207replacement

For over 70 years, Dodge has been talking to mounted bearing users and listening to their needs. This experience lead to the design of the optimum mounted ball bearing. A state-of-the-art facility was built to manufacture the new Dodge design. The result is the Dodge SC/SCM/SL line. Its premium attributes make it the most reliable setscrew mounted ball bearing on the market and provides the user unmatched quality and true total value. Dodge Pillow Block Ball Bearing Unit, Medium Duty Non-Expansion Single Lip, Series: 214, 2-7/16 in Bore Dia, 7-1/2 to 8-1/2 in Bolt Center-to-Center Length, 3 in Base to Bore Centerline, 10-3/4 in Overall Length, 2.31 in Overall Width, 6.09 in Overall Height, Two-Bolt Base Mount, Round Bore Type, 2.69 in Base Width, Setscrew Locking Device, Single Lip Seal, Non-Expansion Expansion Type, 13995 lb Dynamic/9838 lb Static, 225 to 400 deg F, 3000 rpm Maximum, Steel, Powder Coated Medium duty wide inner ringStronger and more flexible cage


P2b scm 207specs

Thank you for your loyalty, trust and pleasant cooperation. We wish you a Merry Christmas as well as health, happiness and success for 2025!

Apart from different components for centralised lubrication systems, WOERNER also offers a large selection of different units to supply centralised lubrication systems.

EUGEN WOERNER GmbH & Co. KG has been developing and producing high-quality and innovative centralized lubrication systems that minimize friction and wear in machines for more than 100 years. For optimum lubrication, WOERNER offers an extensive product portfolio ranging from individual components and complete units to customer-specific system solutions.


At WOERNER, we use our knowledge and expertise coupled with state-of-the-art design and manufacturing technologies to develop and produce high-quality lubrication systems.