ISO standards require periodic recertification with either re-examination or renewal every 5 years. The renewal process involves submitting evidence of continued work and study in vibration analysis. The renewal fee is $250.

CAT 2vibration analysis

Vibration Analysis is an important tool in an overall predictive maintenance program. Vibration data collected by properly trained analysts can be used to diagnose many types of problems in all types of industrial machinery. Vibration analysis can be used to find both major and minor problems before they result in costly downtime or catastrophic failures.

Prerequisites: A working knowledge of mechanical equipment is recommended. No prior vibration analysis experience is required.

Vibration analysisCAT 1 certification


Vibration AnalysisCat 1 Exam questions

By viewing the graphs above, you too can find problems in rotating equipment months to years before failure. While it may look complicated, we make it easy to understand.

Failure Prevention Associates offers vibration training and certification for Levels 1 and 2. FPA’s vibration certification is for industrial vibration analysis.

RBC has over 2,000 Authorized Industrial Distributor locations in the continental United States. Every distributor carries the full line of RBC products in standard sizes for most common engineering applications. They can often answer your design or purchasing questions during a simple phone call.

Vibration analysis trainingLevel 1 pdf

RBC has over 200 Authorized Industrial Distributor locations in Canada. Every distributor carries the full line of RBC products in standard sizes for most common engineering applications. They can often answer your design or purchasing questions during a simple phone call.


Vibration analysis trainingLevel 2 pdf

For CAT II Vibration Analyst, one must have at least 18 months of cumulative experience. In order to take the CAT II Training Class, you must have at least 6 months of experience as a vibration analyst and have passed a CAT I Exam. If you do not yet have all the 18 months of experience, but take the class and pass the exam, you will receive a provisional certificate. Once you have finished 18 months of experience, submit your evidence and you will receive your CAT II Certificate.

This course is designed for those who want to learn how to perform basic vibration analysis on industrial machinery. FPA’s Vibration Analysis Training will give participants the knowledge and skills to perform vibration data collection, analysis, and reporting. Vibration analysts, mechanical technicians, engineers, & machinery maintenance personnel will benefit tremendously from this course.

Vibration Analysiscourse Online

Free onlineVibration analysis Training

Students receive certificates for grades of 70% or greater. Major credit cards, Checks, or PO’s from clients are accepted for tuition fees.

To become a CAT I Vibration Analyst, one needs to take the class, pass the exam, and have at least 6-month experience as a vibration analyst. If you have not fulfilled the 6-month experience, but take the class and pass the exam, you will be given a provisional certificate. You will have one year to complete gaining 6 months of experience. Once you finish your 6 months, please submit evidence of your 6 months of experience, and then you will receive your CAT I Certificate.

To find the nearest distributor in your area, please input your 5 digit zip code or valid Canadian postal code below, then press the Find Locations button.


Failure Prevention Associates is pleased to announce that its vibration training and our certification complies with the ISO 18436-2 standards.