Five-year-old Daniel with social educators Tatiana (right) and Hetsyu (left) at a child-friendly space in Romania supported by DEC funds. Photo: Christopher Lete/World Vision

Generators are as important as armour in helping the civilian population survive this winter in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has told an emergency conference in Paris convened to coordinate infrastructure and humanitarian aid to the country over the next four months, reports Patrick Wintour for The Guardian.

The majority of DEC funds (58%) have been spent in Ukraine, and the rest in neighbouring countries. In Ukraine, DEC charities and their local partners have been providing cash payments, food, shelter, hygiene items, healthcare, psychological support and repairing damaged water and sanitation infrastructure. In neighbouring countries, refugees have received cash payments, accessed protection services, education support and food assistance.

From delivering essential supplies and services to communities in Ukraine, to helping refugees settle into a new country, your donations have made a huge difference to millions of people affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Anastasia* tries out one of the specially equipped taxis her new business will soon provide for people with disabilities in Mykolaiv. Photo: Katya Moskalyuk/DEC

© Disasters Emergency Committee 2024. Registered Charity No. 1062638. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3356526.

Millions of lives were turned upside down and families were torn apart. Facing impossible decisions, many were left cold, hungry and homeless. But they were not alone.


The film was shot in Ukraine in February 2023 by a mostly Ukrainian crew and features the Ukrainian cast reciting lyrics from ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. Although the people in the film are actors, they represent real stories of people who have been helped by DEC charities using funds from the appeal, and have all themselves been affected by the conflict.

"We know that we're not forgotten," says Yulia. "It's not just about the help; it's about the understanding and compassion. Words cannot describe how grateful we are."

“The UK public have been incredibly generous in donating to this appeal," said Simon Beresford, Director of Fundraising and Marketing at the DEC. "We are committed to showing people how their donations are helping, and we wanted to make a film that had an emotional impact while inviting viewers to find out more. "We’re really proud of the fact that we could work with a Ukrainian cast and crew to make this film. Everyone who worked on the film in Ukraine has been affected in some way by the conflict and their creative input has been invaluable to the project.”

© Disasters Emergency Committee 2024. Registered Charity No. 1062638. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3356526.

In Mykolaiv city, Ukraine, residents have started to return home since the initial months of the conflict when the area came under heavy bombardment. Internally displaced people from other regions closer to the frontline have also been arriving to build new lives. DEC charity Oxfam is supporting them through its local partner, ensuring your donations help restore livelihoods - and a degree of normality.

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Actor and writer Simon Pegg appeared on the One Show last night to talk about his recent visit to Romania to see how UK donations are helping Ukrainian refugees there. Watch a clip below.

Social worker Yana (left) provides psychological support to people like Ivanna* (right) at a community centre in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, established by the local partner of DEC charity Christian Aid. Photo: Katya Moskalyuk/DEC

Hanna was told about the HelpAge community centre by her neighbours, and says it has helped her immensely. "I’ve been coming here since the beginning of the conflict. This centre is like the sunrise to me. I came here and started singing. Now I am into drawing and embroidering. We have a lot of nice people here."

The project is run by DEC charity World Vision and funds from the DEC appeal have also provided psychosocial and child protection training for social educators like Tatiana, who herself fled Ukraine in difficult circumstances.

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Schoolteacher Yulia and her son Kolia* in a public bomb shelter in Kharkiv, where her children are able to study online and she is able to teach through her mobile phone, thanks to the DEC-funded generators providing electricity. Photo: Maciek Musialek/DEC

DEC charities have used funds to work directly while also supporting a range of local organisations across five countries, reaching vulnerable and marginalised groups such as women and children, older people, those with disabilities, ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ+ community.

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May 15, 2015 — First, one of the backing plates for the brakes might be touching the rotor or drum. This will make a scaping sound that will increase with the ...

The journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow has narrated a 15-minute documentary on the DEC's Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. The film shows how people across the UK came together to raise money for the appeal, and how those donations have gone on to help millions of people in Ukraine and neighbouring countries since the conflict began. Featuring interviews with aid workers and people who have benefitted from DEC funded projects, it tells the story of how the crisis has unfolded, and how DEC charities have responded.

Hanna, aged 69, lives in Dnipro and has struggled with her mental health since the conflict escalated. "The war was like a big shock to me," she says. "It felt like the ground was slipping under my feet. I didn’t know what to do."

Since the start of the conflict millions of people have been displaced, unable to stay in what was once the safety of their own home. Within Ukraine, some families have been hosted by local residents, while others have sought refuge in more rudimentary shelters such as basements and subways.

Whilst some elements of the response have stayed the same, other needs have changed over time. For example food, water and medicine are still needed by many, but others outside of Ukraine have settled in their neighbouring countries, and are looking for more long term forms of support.


"This opportunity not only allowed me to revive my career but also provided me with a path to healing from the traumas I endured and the heartbreak of losing my former students," says Tatiana.

Thanks to your support, we set a new Guinness World Record for the most money raised online in one week (£61,997,547) when we launched the appeal. A year on, that figure has risen to over £400 million.

Based on programmatic data, detailed interviews with aid workers and testimonies gathered from people affected, the report provides a powerful insight on how donations from the UK public have enabled DEC charities to provide vital aid to millions of people in need, both inside Ukraine and in neighbouring countries.

When the conflict in Ukraine escalated, Anastasia* and her husband, both wheelchair users, stayed in their adapted home, unable to access bomb shelters. The first six months were the hardest, with the city in disarray and basic services unavailable.

2024527 — A bad wheel bearing can cause the brake rotor to wobble, which shoves the caliper piston back into its bore so that when you apply the brakes, ...

DEC charities have also been running education and protection programmes, especially for children at risk, ensuring they have shelter, accommodation, education, and other crucial services they need to adjust to life in a new country.

Individual fundraisers, community groups, academic institutions, employees and companies, arts organisations, trusts and foundations, celebrities and sports clubs all dedicated time and effort to raise money for the appeal.

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Two years on from the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, the needs and ways in which DEC charities deliver aid have changed.

DEC funds have provided warm blankets and generators for electricity during power outages, and been used to repair shelters for displaced people especially during the winter months. At a public bomb shelter in Kharkiv, the local partners of DEC charities have also been providing psychological support to adults and children.

DEC charity Age International has been working with its local partner to provide 'community safe spaces’ for older residents and displaced people across the eastern and western regions of Ukraine. DEC funds are also providing home-based care to people who are unable to leave their homes, providing assistive mobility devices, hygiene items and psychological support.


If the bearing is bad, it's likely it will make a rattling noise as you turn it. While it's not as severe as a wobbling wheel, rattling wheel bearings should be ...

our longest running appeal will close for donations at the end of December 2024 but aid will continue to reach people affected by the conflict.

Porsche, BMW and Mercedes Benz make use of an internal timing chain. These chains are more durable and less likely to fail themselves. Other components used to ...

The DEC has released a powerful 60-second TV ad highlighting the UK public's hugely generous response to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal which has raised over £400 million one year since the conflict escalated.

DEC charities are continuing to address the changing needs of families in Ukraine, including food and shelter, as well as multi-purpose cash so they can buy what they need. Social workers help tailor the support to individuals, from specific dietary requirements for older people to education support for children with special needs.

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Your donations to the DEC appeal are providing a place for people like Hanna to socialise, take part in fitness, music and craft activities, and to access support from social workers and psychologists. For many it also helps foster a sense of identity, a space to build confidence, make friends, and create a new community.

"These people are not only having to assimilate into Romanian society but also come to terms with what they've left behind"A year on from the conflict in Ukraine, @SimonPegg tells us how the refugees are integrating into Romanian society.#TheOneShow ?

There are premade solutions made for bearings but rubbing alcohol works, too, just make sure it is 90% ABV or higher. Rubbing alcohol also does wonders to ...

DEC charities are working with local partners to distribute and install generators, from small portable models to larger ones to power shelters, as well as other essential items like food, clean water and medical care to people across Ukraine this winter.

May 2, 2024 — What Other Symptoms Indicate Bad Wheel Bearings? · Unusual noises coming from the wheels · Poor handling · Pulling to one side while driving or ...

DEC member charities have used appeal funds to support refugees from Ukraine in Poland, Romania, Moldova and Hungary. This includes cash support and supermarket vouchers to help people make choices about what they buy with dignity. DEC funds have also helped provide hot meals, food packages and essential items through collective centres.

Since the launch of our appeal in March 2022, DEC charities and their local partners have helped an estimated* 8.2 million people, responding to their changing needs as the crisis wears on. More recently, funds have allowed displaced children to continue their education, supplied generators during power outages, rebuilt community spaces destroyed by shelling, and provided cash payments to people in financial hardship.

The incredibly generous response of donors in the UK means that the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has now raised over £400 million, making the DEC the biggest charity donor to the response inside Ukraine and for the regional refugee response, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Financial Tracking Service.

Anastasia is purchasing essential equipment for the vehicles and setting up office premises for the taxi hotline. In future, she hopes to provide facilities to support bedridden patients, and plans to grow the taxi service into a social enterprise, employing people with disabilities and eventually opening a rehabilitation centre.

Each image in the gallery is an example of how millions of acts of generosity are delivering real impacts for people affected by the conflict, thanks to your donations.

"Most of our power plants are damaged or destroyed by the bombings,” said Zelenskiy. "That’s why the generators have become as important as armour to protect the population.” Strikes to key infrastructure have caused power outages across the Ukraine as temperatures are falling in a country where it can reach -20C.


Hanna practices needlework at a DEC-funded 'community safe space' for older people in eastern Ukraine. Photo: Katya Moskalyuk/DEC

In February 2022 conflict erupted in Ukraine causing widespread damage and loss of life - and triggering a massive humanitarian crisis.

As the conflict wears on, your donations are helping people earn a living once again. DEC funds are supporting vocational and entrepreneurial training, as well as providing small business grants to those who lost their jobs, helping them regain their independence and the opportunity to contribute to society once again.

When Yulia and her family first fled their home they hid in cold, damp basements for days with no lights or electricity, surviving on just water and cookies. They then moved to a public bomb shelter where a local partner of DEC charities provided aid to keep families safe and warm.


In the article below, we detail three ways people’s needs are changing, and how DEC charities are adapting their programmes to meet them.

Now, she is setting up a taxi service addressing the need for accessible transportation in the city, thanks to a grant from DEC charity Oxfam.

20241029 — Hearing noise that coincides with the rotation of your tires? A bad wheel bearing might be the culprit. Read on to know how to deal with the ...

Five-year-old Daniel is one of the many children who attend a child-friendly space in Romania that provides refugee children from Ukraine with a place to learn, play, and make friends. "I'm very thankful that even though we are away from our country, we feel at home and safe in Romania," says Daniel's mother Anna, pleased that he has started to socialise.

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When the conflict escalated in early 2022, many of those who remained in Ukraine were cut off not just from their families who fled to safety but from their wider communities. Among them were older people who stayed behind in unsafe environments or moved to areas where they were isolated and lonely, unable to access practical help or psychological support.

Father Vitaliy Novak, of DePaul Ukraine, was recently interviewed for @BBCNews's Ukrainecast. Listen to his interview at 23:10.The DEC is proud to support the work of Father Vitaliy and many other aid workers like him in across Ukraine.#UkraineAppeal

This year, thanks to your donations, DEC charities have been supporting people affected by conflict in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

The DEC has launched a major report on its response to the ever-changing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine over the first year of the conflict.