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I had a rear making so much noise I was wearing ear plugs on the freeway, only had a tiny bit of movement, hard to detect. The race was beat up pretty bad, I can't imagine what it looks like if you can really tell it can wiggle.
What happens when a wheel bearing goes outafter
It would most likely need the spindle nut to come off, which it could if the stub starts walking around too much in the loose bearing and getting hot..
1) As the photos all transfer OK using a different account, a different computer and AirDrop, this implies that the photos on the iPhone are all OK. So what is it about my account settings that is fouled up?
How long willa wheel bearinglast after it starts making noise
Update; I'm just found that there is an ImageCapture option called "Keep originals". Selecting this and it transfers all the photos in the original HEIC format with no problem.
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How long can you drive onabadwheel bearing
So selecting these settings should maintain the original format when transferring to the mac using ImageCapture. Which avoids the problems caused by the HEIC to JPG conversion.
5) Read all the other support posts I can find about the -9934 error. Seems lots of people have the problem but no-one has fixed it :-(
How to tell whichwheel bearingis bad while driving
When I worked in a shop, I had a forester come in with a REALLY amazingly bad wheel bearing. They ruined the axle, hub, knuckle, rotor, caliper bracket, tire was rubbing stuff and it ruined the sidewall... They completely hosed EVERYTHING in the rear on that side. It was a very expensive repair which could have been avoided by just fixing the problem in the first place.
This has occurred several times now. Previously I've worked round the problem by AirDropping the troublesome photos. But its getting tedious and needs fixing.
1) checked disk space and permissions on the target folder. 45Gbyte of free disk space and Read/Write access so no problems there.
What happens when a wheel bearing goes outwhile
Had a 81 gl with wheel falen off the axle shaft wore thru riding on the dead bering and lost the wheel funny thing is a 81 gl will drive on 3 wheels well for a bit anyway
rear bearing in 95 impreza AWD has been going out for a while. There is some play if I shake the wheel hard. Is it possible for this to come off when Im going 80 down the highway?
Wheel bearingreplacement cost
I actually had a buddy drive back up from california (800 miles)and lost his spindle nut along the way, the wheel was being held on solely by the brake capiper bracket. It had eaten through the outer pad, and ground half the outer bracket off. It probably wouldn't have made it another 100 miles.
Transferring photos and video using ImageCapture v8.0 from iPhone 11 Pro running iOS v14.71 to a mac pro running OSX Big Sur v11.5.2 connected by a genuine apple USB cable. ImageCapture converts the photos from HEIC format to JPG in Pictures/Adriani11
Unlikely since the axle cup wouldn't fit through the hub, but still its not a good idea to let it go to long. I've heard of people's cars catching on fire cause of bad wheel bearings
Frontwheel bearingnoise symptoms
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they also get very unsafe to drive....the car will start loosing control and fishtailing at highway'll go from 80 to less than 80 really fast when it starts happening. if it's that loose you can tell you may have signs or you're at least really close to have issues like that.
It's more likely to seize (that's right, freeway speed, locked wheel. Very dangerous, and could do serious damage to differentials/transmission). Also really hard on the tire, so you could have a catastrophic tire blowout.
Update; just found that on the iPhone in Settings > Photos there is an option 'TRANSFER TO MAC OR PC'. There are 2 alternatives 'Automatic' or 'Keep Originals'. 'Automatic' might force a conversion to JPG. 'Keep Originals' should retain your original format selected in Settings > Camera > Formats. I've got 'High Efficiency' selected.
So selecting these settings should maintain the original format when transferring to the mac using ImageCapture. Which avoids the problems caused by the HEIC to JPG conversion.
Catastrophicwheel bearingfailure
It can if the axle spindle breaks, which is not out of the question if you're trying to do 80 on the highway. If you have play that bearing needs to be replaced ASAP. It's on the verge of chewing through the bearing races and causing damage to the knuckle, hub, and axle. At this point I would say the car is not even safe to drive.
Update; just found that on the iPhone in Settings > Photos there is an option 'TRANSFER TO MAC OR PC'. There are 2 alternatives 'Automatic' or 'Keep Originals'. 'Automatic' might force a conversion to JPG. 'Keep Originals' should retain your original format selected in Settings > Camera > Formats. I've got 'High Efficiency' selected.
Email me if you want my step-by-step guide on how to replace your rear wheel bearing with the Hub Shark (HF style) tool kit.
2) Why does ImageCapture on the mac pro transfer into JPG format whilst on the iMac it retains the HEIC format? I can't find an option setting for this anywhere.
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Nothing like driving a known unsafe car at 80 mph, and possibly causing a wreck. Your life, and life of your family members are at stake. Do the right thing and get the bearing fixed as soon as possible.
I do a lot of wheel berrings about 2-4 a week rears fronts they seem to go alot round here all the dirt and salt beats them up on some cars i have done them mutiple times they just get overwhelmed with dirt. And i get alot of damaged spindles from bering race spining on spindle shaft