L260pleco size

The question of feeding for the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is one of the most important, as many aquarium enthusiasts make common mistakes in this area.

Although bearing rumble is usually quite clear, part of testing for a bad wheel bearing is to jack the car up, set it on stands, grab the wheel at the 6:00 and 12:00 positions, and push-pull it. If you’re hands are at 3:00 and 9:00 instead, play in a front wheel can come from anything in the steering mechanism, but 6-and-12 play pretty much has to be coming from the wheel bearing. In an old-school car with adjustable wheel bearings, if there’s no rumble, you can try adjusting the bearing by pulling the cotter pin and moving the castellated nut by one notch, but play plus rumble equals bad.

Unfortunately, no one knows for sure why this happens. However, there are assumptions that this behavior is promoted by stressful situations (such as having multiple males in the aquarium, excessive attention from humans, such as frequent lighting with a flashlight). There is also a presumption that an improper diet can lead to such behavior.

To feed this type of fish, you should use food that sinks to the bottom of the tank and doesn’t float on the water’s surface.

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When I arrived home, I pulled the nose of the car right into the garage, then hopped on the laptop to get a set of front wheel bearing on order. I looked on FCP Euro, and was more than a little surprised to find that a front wheel bearing kit with German FAG wheel bearing assemblies now cost $312. Of course, I still had that set of bolts, so I could save myself the $4.29 per bolt right there. I mean thirty-four bucks is thirty-four bucks, right? One FAG bearing was $139. I began entertaining replacing just the left bearing, then price-shopping other manufacturers, when I decided that I should be certain that the wheel bearing was really the problem.

In this article, I will delve into the intriguing world of the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco, learning its secrets and dispensing helpful tips from professional breeders on how to maintain this fish’s well-being.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is a bottom-dwelling fish species. They are naturally adapted to live in rocky, fast-moving streams where they scavenge for food and hide in crevices and caves along the bottom of the water body.

L260pleco for sale

$8899. current price $88.99. Water Pump Kit with Housing ... LABLT Water Pump Kit Replacement for 382296 Johnson Evinrude Outboard 1964-1973 9.5hp 1958.

Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is a medium-sized fish. Adult females are typically smaller than females, growing up to 3 – 3.5 inches (8 – 9 cm) in length, while males can grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) in length.

Yes, these fish are completely plant safe. They will not eat any healthy plants in the tank. This specie does not eat living plant material.

Timing belts are made of a thick rubber material, allowing for quiet operation and cheap production. Timing chains on the other hand are, well, chains.

Temperature: This species requires very warm temperature conditions of 80 – 86°F (26 – 30°С). The Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos do not tolerate large temperature fluctuations.

Although they do not require social interaction, being in a group allows them to engage in natural behaviors, which will reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

Adult dwarf shrimp can be safely kept with these fish. Although L260 Plecos are not hunters, they are omnivores. Thus, there is always a potential that they will try to munch on baby shrimp if they are small enough to fit in their mouth.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is a fascinating and beautiful fish species that is highly prized by aquarium hobbyists for its striking coloration and peaceful nature.

Rob Siegel has been writing the column The Hack Mechanic for Roundel Magazine for 35 years, and is the author of eight books available on Amazon. He currently owns thirteen cars. Yes, his wife knows about all of them.

I intentionally jacked up the car at the right front wheel—the one I didn’t think was making the noise—to get a baseline. I grabbed it at 6 and 12, rocked it, verified it was tight, and spun it. As expected, it was quiet.

Note: Dechlorinators can be purchased at any pet store, (Seachem Prime – link to check the price on Amazon), to make sure the water is safe for your fish.

Avoid coarse gravel. Its sharp edges can injure/scratch the body of the fish as they swim in the lower regions of the tank.


In contrast, soft failures are things that either give you ample warning before they fail completely, or their failure doesn’t immediately drag the car into the breakdown lane. A textbook soft failure is when the alternator or voltage regulator dies. Even though the battery is no longer being charged, the car can continue to run for some amount of time off the battery alone. On a vintage car like a 2002, you can likely drive for hours during daylight before the battery no longer has enough juice to light the spark plugs. On a late-model car loaded with electric motors and control modules, you might have more like fifteen minutes to an hour—enough to get to a rest area, possibly even a repair shop.

However, it is presumed that aquarists or fish collectors who originally discovered the species may have given it that name because of the elaborate and exquisite designs that adorn its body, which is reminiscent of classic Arabesque painting.

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Fish become sexually mature at the age of 2 to 2.5 years. It has also been observed that older fish (8-9 years old) almost stop reproducing.

Why do I have these and why can I lay my hands on them instantly? As Joseph Fiennes said in Shakespeare in Love, “It’s a mystery.”

Nonetheless, in captivity, the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco can easily survive for at least 10 years. There are reports that some individuals have lived up to 15 years or even more.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos enjoys water with a strong current and rich oxygenation. External canister filters with spray bars (for surface agitation) may serve for this purpose, otherwise, additional powerheads can be installed to provide adequate flow and oxygenation of the water.

After mating, the male will take care of the eggs and eventually fry. During all this time, he generally stays in the cave, guards, and fans the eggs after spawning.

Then I checked the lug nuts on the right front wheel. While none were loose to the point of being free-spinning, all were substantially below the 88 foot-pound torque spec. The rears were fine.

Typically, it takes around 5-6 days for the eggs to hatch, but this can be slightly longer or shorter depending on the temperature in the tank.

Once the eggs hatch, the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco fry will cling to the walls of the breeding tank. There is no need to feed fry right away because they start feeding on their yolk sacs.

Note: Personally, I would not advise taking any chances if you are serious about breeding expensive shrimp species! It is better to play safe in this case.

I snugged them down, grabbed the wheel at 6 and 12 and verified that the play was gone, spun it and verified that the noise was gone, let the car down off the jack, and tightened them up with a torque wrench.

Note: Do not forget to blanch vegetables in boiling water beforehand. They can die from stale vegetables. It should also be noted that they are relatively indifferent to cucumbers.


Their natural environment is composed of smaller rocks, sand, gravel, and lots of boulders. Ideally, we need to mimic it in our tanks.

Note: This system was created in the late 1980s by German aquarium enthusiasts as a means of standardizing the identification of various pleco species, which can have perplexing and frequently overlapping common names.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos should not be kept in small tanks due to their size and feeding requirements. Long tanks are better than tall ones.

Decorations provide hiding places (shelter and protection) and minimize their stress. This is especially crucial for breeding purposes!

Avoid adding fast bottom-dwelling species to the tank because they might steal the food before the Queen Arabesque has a chance to react.

Keep in mind that the so-called “five-minute rule” cannot be applied to this species. Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos eat very slowly. In addition, they are mostly nocturnal.

Nonetheless, successfully breeding and raising this species can be very satisfying for any aquarist. So, if you are willing to put in the effort to provide the proper care, the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco can be a wonderful addition to your tank.

They may show some aggression with fish competing for the same hiding places and foods. In addition, during the breeding season, males may become territorial towards each other to establish their own personal space.

This behavior is believed to test the male’s ability to protect the spawn from predators and to establish dominance over the female.

Perhaps the down comforter of soft failures is a bad wheel bearing. Loss of lubrication will cause them to wear, resulting in a rumble that sometimes can be more felt than heard (they may also squeak or squeal), but the failure process is gradual. They’ll get louder as wear and play embrace each other in an ever-widening downward spiral, but you’d have to be an idiot not to hear it and address it, making outright failure rare. Wheel bearings are pretty robust in BMWs. After owning over 70 cars, I’ve only ever seen one wheel bearing that completely self-destructed—a ’67 2000CS I bought came with one that had destroyed the stub axle. I had to replace the entire front strut assembly.

On newer BMWs, the front wheel bearings are very different than on the 1970s-era cars. About ten years ago, I owned a ’99 E39 528iT wagon that needed struts, control arms, and other front-end work. The E39’s wheel bearings are part of an assembly that includes the front hub—the wheel bearing assembly bolts to the steering knuckle, and the wheel bolts directly to the bearing assembly.

Danio choprae, commonly known as the Glowlight Danio, is a freshwater fish and the smallest member of its genus. Although this species has only recently entered the aquarium hobby (in 2003), it...

Rear wheel bearings on old BMWs are incredibly robust. I’ve only ever had one go bad. It was on a Bavaria that my wife and I took on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard in 1986. We were foolishly driving in near-hurricane conditions and got caught in a tidal surge on the road that runs on the barrier beach between Edgartown and Oak Bluffs and drove through water that was deeper than we expected (as I said, foolish). On the drive home, the right rear wheel bearing began rumbling ominously. At the time, I didn’t own the necessary bearing puller, and had to take the car into the late great Beaconwood Motors who had the back page ad of Roundel for a generation. It was one of a handful of repairs the past 40 years I’ve paid someone else to do.

Breeding Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos is possible but is also challenging since they have particular needs in terms of water quality, temperature, and breeding conditions.

Rob’s newest book, The Best of The Hack Mechanic, is available here on Amazon, as are his seven other books. Signed copies can be ordered directly from Rob here.

In the repair world, there are “hard failures” and “soft failures.” Hard failures are things that instantly drag a car to a stop when they break. Broken ball joint? The worst type of hard failure—the front wheel folds under the fender like a broken ankle and you lose control of the car. Bad fuel pump? Usually a hard failure—it either pumps or it doesn’t. (Okay, there are some exceptions. The one my E39 wigged out on a low tank in hot weather, then recovered. I replaced it anyway.)

The Queen Arabesque Pleco may cohabit peacefully with a variety of other fish species in tanks that have similar water parameter requirements. Nonetheless, if you thinking about breeding them, a species-only tank is highly recommended!

Keeping these fish with plants can be problematic for another reason. The thing is, these fish prefer very warm water, and unfortunately, most plants cannot thrive for long in such conditions.

If you are new to this hobby, the term “L pleco” refers to the Loricariidae family – freshwater catfish frequently maintained as aquarium pets.

I then jacked up the left front wheel and rocked it at 6 and 12. Yup, play. Then I spun it. Yup, rumbly. No doubt—a bad left wheel bearing. I set the car back down and began to walk back to the computer to order the bearings, vividly recalling how much of a pain in the butt they were to replace in the 528iT wagon ten years ago. I wondered if maybe still having those eight spare bearing bolts had made the whole thing a matter of fate.

SKF 711823 INTERCHANGE. Cr Seals Part series 711823 is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers: NSK 711823. SKF ...

And so, just to be certain, to placate my left brain and make sure I didn’t go to all that work unless it was absolutely necessary, I took a 1/2-inch ratchet and a 17mm socket and checked the wheel’s lug nuts.

L260Pleco breeding

Therefore, it is crucial to provide suitable spawning sites (caves), such as slate or PVC pipes with one entrance for the female to lay her eggs. The male will then fertilize the eggs and guard them until they hatch.

The name Hypancistrus is derived from the Greek words ‘Hypo” referring to the reduced jaw dentition and ‘Ankistron’ meaning ‘Barb’ which refers to the characteristic gill cover odontodes that give the genus its name.

There are hundreds of L pleco varieties, and some species can be very similar to each other, making it extremely difficult for aquarium hobbyists to tell them apart.


You will have to change 20-25 % of their water every week. However, you may need to remove a different percentage of water depending on your filter and other tank factors.

Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos are cave spawners, meaning that they lay their eggs in a suitable breeding cave or similar structure.

If you still decide to keep this species in community tanks, some good options include: Neons, Endlers, Pygmy Cory, Guppy, Harlequin Rasboras, etc.

While microorganisms, biofilm, gammarus, and bloodworms are the main components of their diet, these fish have also been observed consuming raw potatoes, pumpkin, and peppers.

L260Pleco diet

After the recording session ended, I began driving back toward the highway. As I approached a small service station, I debated stopping to have them throw the car up on the lift and check it, but again, since the rumble remained low and constant, I headed home. Still, to err on the literal side of safety, I stayed in the right lane, turned the flashers on, and drove at 50 mph.

The Loricariidae family is represented by many species that have not been scientifically described. Therefore, the L260 designation is a code used by aquarium hobbyists to identify this particular species since 1998.

Does it occur frequently? No, it does not. That is why dwarf shrimp and the Queen Arabesque Pleco are frequently kept together in aquariums.

Tip: If mating lasts too long, it may be better to separate them to allow the male to feed. Otherwise, he can cannibalize the eggs.


Important: Make sure that you cycle your tank before bringing these fish home. Once the tank is cycled you need to check the quality of the water using a test kit.

Hi everyone! I’m Michael and this is the place where I nerd out about shrimp. So, if you are interested in getting into this hobby or just want some extra tips and tricks, well this is the right place for you. On this blog, I share all the things I learn about shrimp breeding as I go.

An obvious advantage of this method is that you know exactly what ingredients are in the mixture. The spread mixture on the stone allows the fish to gradually scrape off the food, allowing them to stay satiated longer than with a tablet. In addition, this feeding method is the most natural for Queen Arabesque L260.

Keep in mind that a powerful filtration system needs to be in place to properly aerate the aquarium water and maintain a high level of oxygenation.


Once the female is receptive, she will enter the breeding cave to lay eggs on the walls or ceiling of the cave. The male will then fertilize them.

Cepaea nemoralis, also known as the Wood snail or European snail, is a terrestrial snail that is admired for its attractive shell coloration. Moreover, this is one of the few snails that people...

I was driving my 2003 E39 530i up to do some recording in Chelmsford, about 30 miles north of me, when I began to hear and feel a rumbling coming from the left front of the car. It ramped up over several minutes, but then plateaued. If it instead had gotten VERY loud VERY quickly, with obvious metal-smacking-against-metal instead of the more gentle rumble of a worn bearing, that would be the hallmark of loose lug nuts, something you need to pay attention to IMMEDIATELY because you may have only five or ten seconds before the wheel falls off.

Boca Bearings High Speed, High Heat Instrument Oil is an ideal lubricant for almost any application: Bearings, RC parts, bike chains, fishing reels, etc.

These fish will appreciate all types of rocks, sandstones, driftwood, PVC pipes, clay caves, bamboo caves, slate shelves, and other decorations to enrich the environment in your tank.

Still, to be careful, I pulled into the right lane, slowed down, and listened. The somewhat rapid onset was uncharacteristic of a wheel bearing, but the other symptoms fit. Since I had a recording appointment with a fiddle player, I preferred to keep going, unless of course I couldn’t for safety reasons. The rumbling remained at a constant low level, so I assumed it was a wheel bearing doing the soft failure thing, and continued on.

In addition to the fact that frozen food has a low nutritional value due to the amount of water it contains, their mouth is designed to scrape food off of surfaces. Therefore, it is advised to rinse it at least a few times before feeding them frozen food.

At this point, it is important to feed them small amounts several times a day, rather than one large feeding, to ensure that they are getting enough food and to prevent overfeeding, which can lead to poor water quality and health problems.

Many aquarium aficionados are fascinated by the beautiful Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco (Hypancistrus sp.). This fish may give a sense of elegance and even mystery to any aquarium because of its dark coloration and beautiful arabesque patterns.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is not a particularly active species. Even though some individuals may be outgoing, generally, these fish spend much of the day hidden in caves or beneath rocks.

Note: This fish is very particular about the oxygen content in the water and requires constant water aeration, otherwise it may die.

I can only speculate what happened. Due to the space constraints in my garage, when I swap winter/summer wheels, I’ll usually pull one end of the car in, jack it up, swap both wheels, snug the lug nuts with a ratchet, let the car down, torque the nuts, air the tires, then pull the car out, flip it around, and do the other side. I must’ve gotten interrupted. Maybe I received a text I felt that I needed to respond to. Maybe my wife was leaving and I walked outside to kiss her goodbye. Maybe I had back pain and took a break. I don’t know.

Most experienced aquarists recommend going for an oversized filter to be able to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.

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To make sure this doesn’t happen again, I’m instituting a new system of checking the lug nuts on all four wheels after I’ve done any work where a car is jacked up for any reason.

Although males and females look very similar and there are some physical differences between them that may help you determine their sex:

It is important to note that while many sources mistakenly classify this fish as a carnivore, it is actually an omnivore.

For example, compared to L066, L260 has generally thinner stripes. L260 is generally more visually appealing than L411. While young L411 may be attractive, it tends to become darker and less prominent with age, whereas L260 tends to become more beautiful as it ages. In addition, L260 has dots/spots.

Nobody knows how long these fish can live in the wild because as I have already said this species hasn’t been even scientifically described yet.

At the moment, it is known only that this species is exclusively found in Rio Tapajós, Pará, Brazil, which is one of the main tributaries of the Amazon.

L260Pleco max size

Depending on the size of the females, a single clutch can contain anywhere from 10 to 40 eggs, with an average of around 15–20 yellow eggs per clutch. The eggs are relatively large (2.5 – 3 mm in diameter).

However, despite its relatively widespread use, the Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco’s origin, behavior, and care needs are still not well known. As result, many aquarists may have concerns about this species.

The Queen Arabesque L260 Pleco is a calm and peaceful fish that won’t bite at the fins of other fish or act aggressively toward them. These plecos will not suck the slime from other fish as well.

HYDRAULIC OIL ADDITIVE, 1U9891 by Caterpillar for sale online and in stock at Maxim Truck & Trailer. Maxim has parts for all makes of trucks and trailers ...

My ever-rational left-brain shot back indignantly. “You can’t be serious,” it sneered. “You actually had a wheel fall off that 1600 back in 1984. And you’ve had two close calls, both more recently than you’d like to admit. You know what loose lug nuts sound like, and this wasn’t it. And you learned your lesson. You conditioned yourself to always tighten lug nuts with a torque wrench. It’s not loose lug nuts. Really. It’s not. It can’t be. You are not that careless.”

The requirements for keeping this type of fish can be quite complex for beginners since they are quite demanding when it comes to specific water parameters and conditions for their care.

And I’m going to have some sort of voodoo ceremony with that bag of Locktite-coated wheel bearing bolts. I can’t tell whether they were bad juju that triggered the problem or a talisman that warded off disaster, but clearly they played some role outside the normal Western vectors of Newtonian mechanics and Cartesian cause and effect. They deserve reverence.

However, it is important to note that this species is not hardy and requires careful attention to water quality and temperature to thrive and breed.

Feb 22, 2024 — Proven as a standard in the heavy duty industry, SKF Scotseal units are available in a range of designs suited to the varying customer application requirements.

On 1970s-era BMWs, there are inner and outer front wheel bearings with each sitting in its own race that’s pressed into the hub. Since the front discs on these cars sit on the inside surface of the hub, and since the bearings lift out of their races and present their greasy private parts to you when you pull the hub off the spindle, the advice is that, if there’s no documentation on how old the bearings are, to replace both sets of bearings on both sides when the front discs are replaced.

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Mas Maq Sf Exp 12685 Schedule, Routes & Time Table. Train no. 12685 Mas Maq Sf Exp is one of the major trains on this route for travellers. It starts from Mgr ...

The Queen Arabesque L260 Plecos are compatible with any freshwater snails. Together they will do a good job of scavenging for food particles, plant matter, and algae along the lower levels of the tank.