For the 2002-2008 NISSAN Z33 (350Z) in all flavors, as long as they're not sliding into a curb somewhere. Under new management! Use the wiki that we all toiled over or I swear to god I'll remove your post so fast

Bearing rolling noisewhen accelerating

Rizescu, C.I., Constantin, V., Rizescu, D., Besnea, D. (2020). Noise Analyses for Rolling Bearings. In: Gheorghe, G. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference of Mechatronics and Cyber-MixMechatronics – 2019. ICOMECYME 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 85. Springer, Cham.

The paper refers to a noise analyses developed both in Matlab and Python environments in order to determine the failure of rolling bearings. The various types of vibration and sound in rolling bearings are grouped into the four categories: structural, manufacturing, handling and others (like lubricant noise, seal noise, etc.). There is known that any frequencies of vibration and sound generated in rolling bearings are related to the natural frequency of the raceway rings. Of the two raceway rings, the natural frequency of the outer ring becomes a problem more often than the inner ring due to a loose fit between it and the housing. The modes of vibration of the outer ring are roughly divided into two categories: those that consider the outer ring as a rigid body and those that consider it as an elastic body. There are several formulas for calculating the natural frequency of the bending mode in the outer ring of a ball bearing. The authors developed an experimental setup for study the noise behaviour of rolling bearings: normal or damaged bearings. Both bearings have operated on the experimental setup successively and the noises were recorded. Comparing the frequencies behaviour of the two bearings a conclusion could be set.

Bearing rolling noisewhile driving

Pretty sure my rear right wheel bearing is going bad there’s no play at all side to side but a solid amount of play up and down and nothing else back there has any play at all. Any recommendations on what type of wheel bearing I should replace it with? Drift car for context


Cioboata, D., Dontu, O., Besnea, D., Ciobanu, R., Soare, A.: Mecatronic equipment for bearing ring surface inspection. Rom. Rev. Precis. Mech., Opt. Mecatronics 48(48), 262–266 (2015)