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We provide customs information for the UK, Switzerland and the EU, as well as national trade tariff information for many EU member stated, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.
The complete Italian Trade Tariff (Tariffa doganale TARIC) is now available in Taric Support. Please click below to request free trial access.
You will be able to quickly check conditions for import and export, validate your declaration lines to ensure you file a correct customs declaration and use the duty calculator to determine the amount of duties to be paid.
The code above is a complete TARIC code. This means it can be used for import declarations for the EU. For export declarations, you can use the corresponding CN-code, which consists of the first eight digits of this code. Note that the first six digits of this code are the HS-code, which is the same internationally. When classifying a product, you need to check a lot of different data sources. You can find them all in our online platform, just one mouse click away.
As customs information experts ourselves, we love to dive into the nitty-gritty details. We feel that seeking out complex legislative information is a thrill. We love to study all possible data sources meticulously so that we can assure that all information for a commodity code is complete and up-to-date. And so we also know what it takes to meet all customs formalities.
If you are dealing with high volumes, diverse commodity codes and/or are facing problems acquiring the information for a customs declaration quickly enough our solutions will speed up your process significantly.
The API and ABC solutions allow you to automatically validate and enrich master data files, order manifests and/or shipments, allowing you to do in seconds what would take days to do manually.
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The information in our platform is also available via an API or via an Excel upload-download routine called ABC (Automatic Batch Control). This makes it possible to integrate it into your own systems automatically.