sb.18.13995 = HGV SB 18 13995 = Trismegistos 14802 = p ... - 13995
For most static load cases, the properties window contains the name, ID number, code and color of the load case. However, the static load cases for wind and snow have more attributes:
Static loadvs dynamicload
Click a section of the properties window. Notice the bottom area of the window; it displays a short description of the active cell's content.
Static loadformula
The properties of the static load case are viewed and defined in the properties window. The properties of a load case apply to all of its loads.
Category: defines the snow conditions according to the structure location. The combinations coefficients change according to the selected area.
Static loadexamples
A static load case groups loads with a static nature. Static cases may belong to different families, such as Live Loads (Q), Snow (N), Wind (V), Accidental loads (A) and Others (C).
Static loadand dynamicloadexamples
Wind type: from the drop-down list select the wind type: normal or accidental (available for EN 1991-1-4, EN 1991-1-4 NF, SR EN 1991-1-4/NB and Wind EN 1991-1-4 BS Wind families).
Define properties that are taken into account when generating concomitance combinations. See Configuring load cases combinations.