T6 Torx Screwdriver

They are only available through customer support. As the 840/540 are still quite new I suspect that for a failure like this Garmin would want the unit back to inspect it.

Some experts say a bad wheel bearing can sound like a bird chirping. Also, if your car wobbles or pulls to one side, you will want to get it checked. In ...

Bearings help ensure your tires and wheels, axle shafts, driveshafts, and more rotate smoothly as you drive down the road. Seals also help keep grease from ...

2010726 — It was in fact the front wheel bearing assembly. I ended up changing both however one way to determine what side is causing the issue is to jack ...

Sep 26, 2009 — Noticed my rear axle seal was leaking yesterday while parked out side. Im debating if i should just replace the seal on the one side or do both?


Bijur Delimon Lubrication Engineers has the capability to help you plan, design and set up an automatic lubrication system in your facility.

That information is incorrect. Garmin Customer service should be able to offer a replacement quarter turn mount kit. See the post from Garmin here

Single Row Ball bearing 608ZZ 8x22x7mm.

Thank you for sharing your experience! I checked the screws on my edge 840, one was already quite loose (without blue Loctite) the other was stuck (had blue Loctite traces) I freshly glued both screws with Loctite, now it should be ok

The tech support person I talked to about an hour before that post said nothing...Is there a place online I can find those?

Schatz makes ABEC 5 bearings. See inner ring, outer ring, and width specifications listed. All tolerances shown are in .0001 inch. Duplex and non-duplex.

I am planning to pull the screws out of the new one and Locktite them, but does anyone else have other suggestions that can prevent this in the future?

Feeler Gauge Assortment ... This Feeler Gauge Assortment set has what you need to dial in your padding work. Included are 2 light weight handles with O-rings for ...

Garmin replacement screwamazon

Sep 4, 2024 — Wheel bearings cost about $100 each, with labor around $100 per hour, so you are looking at roughly $600 in total. If you can remove the ...

The screws on my computer also fell out during the ride. The case is damaged and the screws are lost. I contacted support, but they offered me a device replacement for $200 because of mechanical damage (lol, the damage was caused by the absence of Locktite or a design flaw). I am very disappointed.


Good morning. This past weekend I had the 2 screws that hold the mounting tabs in place fall out.  Has this happened to anyone else?

I understand they might, but they're putting that inconvenience on the customer.  Not only did the device fail, they now want the customer to deal with getting a replacement and setting that up, and sending in the original.  N.G.
