Dropped the car off at the dealer which, as soon as I uttered the words "warranty repair", there weren't enough places for them to hide, it seemed.

Wheel bearing hummingbut no play

2022311 — EOM stands for "end of message." It's used mostly in email subject lines to explain that the message is over and the body is empty.

Humming noisein car getting louder with speed

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I'm thinking I have a bad bearing. It doesn't do this all the time but on a 120 mile trip this weekend it did it about 10 times and then it would go away. For about a mile or 2 at a time I would get a loud humming noise. Kind of like wha-wha-wha-wha.....A pulsing noise. and my steering wheel would vibrate like crazy, the shifter would too. Pretty much the entire car would vibrate a lot. This is at 60mph. After a few miles it goes away and it smooth.

Apparently what seems like the rear left bearing is going out on me too. Humming noise when coasting between 40mhp and 25mph. 68K miles on the car.

Per the letter that went to the owners, it states the bearing's functionality is not affected, it's just noise. So I don't think there would be anything to be heard.

When I got back from the trip, the noise I am hearing can be described as an unsteady hum that you hear the loudest at exactly 38mph. Over 40 and under 30 the sound cannot be heard. It does not change in pitch, just volume. It also does not change in nature when I steer the car left or right. Sounds sort of like a cyclical whoom-whoom, definitely not grindy or metallic noise.

It's the rear left BTW. I think I am going to try swapping a front tire with a rear tire temporarily to see if it makes a difference.

For a national average across all vehicles, the average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 ...

I hear a high pitch noise at 30mph-50mph on the driver side; especially, if I am beside a car or a wall. Can I take it to any dealer for a warranty work or do I have to go to where I bought the car?

Bad wheel bearing humming noisewhile driving

distributor. (1) (in relation to 131 PROD 1.3 and PROD 3) a firm which offers, recommends or sells investments or provides investment services to clients.

Any dealer can do warranty work, however some are better than others. I got a bad bearing replaced, but it took about 10,000 miles and a tire rotation before they agreed that it might be the bearing. Once they replaced the bearing the noise went away. Also in my experience the bearing noise will be most noticeable at around 40mph. Above that speed and there may be too much road/tire/wind noise to hear the bearing. Try driving around 30-40mph making long turns in either direction, this change in pressure on each side should make the sound louder or softer, though the pitch should be relative to the vehicle speed.

I ain't letting this one go simply out of principle. The dealer is 5 minutes away from me so it definitely makes things a little easier. I'm going to swap the tires. If the noise remains, I am going to have my shop check out the bearings and have them replace it. Upon replacing the bearing and said noise going away, I'm going to dump them the bill and settle on nothing less but every penny restituted.

Did yours sound like my description? I had my mechanic go on a drive with me and he, too, thought it might very well be the tire.

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2010712 — The wheel bearing itself is approx $45-65 and it is 2-3 hours of shop time based on your local rate. Discover more answers. 2005 Honda Pilot.

Wheel bearing noise

I think my rotors are wrapped or dirty. I hear a noise when braking, not a screeching noise but a (wuum wuuum wuum) sound.

Bad wheel bearingsound

This seems to be a favorite tactic for the dealerships- perhaps its even in their training manual. Its a simple thing to blame it on the tires and be done with you.

Bottom line- I think they just shined me on because they didn't want to honor the warranty. I'm not going to go back and get in their face about it- what good would it do me? I will however share that experience with everyone else because I'm sure its a common practice.

This is all I can tell you. I was on a 2200 mile round trip to Canada over 4 days. The day before I left, I had the tires balanced and rotated. I'm running GoodYear Eagle F1 AS ultra high performance and I am aware these tires can and will get loud with age. I only have 10k miles on them.

As you mentioned, you could try rotating the tires (again) and see if the noise moves forward (I assume that the front bearings don't have any problems). If the noise remains then it is prob. the bearing.

The dealership said that they put it on a lift and listened for the noise and didn't hear it. This is how they decided that is was the tire. Funny thing, I had 5-10K more miles on the tires and finally changed it out myself and the noise went away. I bought a new set of tires about five months after changing out the bearings and did not notice a great difference in the amount of road noise.

Bad wheel bearing humming noisewhen accelerating

-noise is no speed dependent in the sense that it's only occuring between 30-40mph (that tells me the opposite but whatever)

The dealership likes to put it back on the tires, however in my case this was not true-- I do not hold a high opinion these guys. In the meantime, my mileage was above the warranty limit so I ended up changing it out myself to solve the problem. Its not a difficult job- prob. 30-45 minutes, but the part is about $125 or so.

At PartsGeek.com, we specialize in bringing you top-grade, reliable wheel bearings without the hefty price tag. Our catalog houses over 1,000 wheel bearings ...

At this point I really have no choice but to just go with this and hope that if it's the bearing, it will get louder and more obvious.

Frontwheel bearing noisesymptoms

Are you f-ing kidding me? How's that for treating a customer like shit? And don't sit there and tell me what you think it is or is not. Just take it for a drive, inspect it, then let me know. When I dropped it off in the morning the guy kept dismissing me. "Oh, it doesn't sound like a bearing problem to me, I'm positive it's just the tire."

The important thing for you to do is to remain healthy and even though you are thin get checked out for things such as cholesterol and diabetes and moderately ...

Wheel bearingreplacement cost

Oh, and the guy I dealt with goes ... you know these things, being all-wheel-drive, you have to replace all four tires at the same time.

MIBearings LLC 1056 Smith St Traverse City, MI 49686 United States of America Toll Free: 877-929-7280 Text, Int., & Local: +1 231-714-4177 Fax: 231-237-4037

Also, the day before I left I cleaned my wheels and when I got home the Driver Front wheels if flithly but the passenger front is still clean.

I think my rotors are wrapped or dirty. I hear a noise when braking, not a screeching noise but a (wuum wuuum wuum) sound.

Part Number, NJ 311 ECJ. Equivalent to Manufacturer, SKF. System of Measurement, Metric. Roller Bearing Type, Cylindrical. For Load Direction, Combined.

Bearing Accessories · Surplus Bearings · Ball Bearings · Pillow Block Bearings · Takeup Bearings · Tapered Roller Bearings · Type E Bearings · 2-Ply Rubber ...

Took the car for a drive and supposebly listened/checked/tested the wheel bearings and they said it's the tire making noise and the bearings are all in good shape.

I had my 18's on when my first one went about a year ago. Dealership didn't give me any trouble but I guess that depends on the dealer.