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According to a recent Royalty Auto Service YouTube channel episode, the Toyota Tacoma, Tundra, and 4Runner all share a common problem that sometimes confuses both mechanics and their customers―a constant or alternating hum with vibration that can be felt through the wheel or floorboard that manifests at particular speeds…and then goes away at a different speed.

Timing beltreplacement cost

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This problem was addressed by the host with a previous repair on a 2015 Tacoma with front end issues that needed major front end repair. After the repairs were completed, the Tacoma operated significantly better; however, the owner noticed a slight hum-like sound with some vibration from the repaired Toyota's front end.

Have you ever wondered what keeps your vehicle's engine running? The timing belt or timing chain plays a critical role and is something you shouldn't overlook or fail to maintain. Timing belts and timing chains serve the same purpose, however, they differ in appearance, function, and maintenance requirements. It's important to know whether your car has a timing belt or a timing chain.

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Timing belt chainreplacement cost

I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give ...

Torque News is an automotive news provider by Hareyan Publishing, LLC, dedicated to covering the latest news, reviews, and opinions about the car industry. Our professional team of reporters has many years of experience covering the latest cars, trucks, upcoming new-car launches, and car shows. They provide expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in covering automotive news. Torque News provides a fresh perspective not found on other auto websites with unique pieces on design, international events, product news, and industry trends. offers a new look at the world's love affair with cars! We are committed to the highest ethics, providing diverse voices, accuracy, making corrections, and the best standards of automotive journalism. Copyright © 2010-2024 Torque News.

One of the greatest frustrations of any repair is a repair that does not solve a problem…or at least solve it completely. Second to that frustration is when you hear a hum-like sound coming from your Toyota's front end, and the dealership garage either tells you they hear and feel nothing or says something like, "That's normal for a Toyota."

Timing belt vs timing chain vs timinggear


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Looking a little deeper into what could be the cause of the noise, the host discovered this is a situation familiar to some years of Toyota models due to one of the most common modifications owners like to do with their Tacoma, Tundra, and 4Runners―put on bigger wheels with a lift kit.

A timing chain does the same job as a timing belt but looks and acts differently. A timing chain is made of metal, very much like a chain on a bicycle. It links different parts of the engine together and makes sure they work in perfect timing. Timing chains are stronger than rubber timing belts, largely due to being made of metal. This often results in them lasting longer than timing belts.

Timing belts are quiet when they are in good working order, meaning your engine will have minimal noise. Timing belts are made of rubber, and as such, they are prone to wear and tear. They will make a flapping noise when they have broken or worn out.

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Timing belt vs timing chainpros and cons

Mar 21, 2024 — Timing chains are made of metal and last for a very long time as well. If your vehicle has a timing belt, your owner's manual has a schedule for replacing the ...

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Keeping the timing belt or timing chain in good condition is crucial because they are essential for your car's engine to run. If they fail, your car will just stop working, which can lead to expensive repairs and unsafe situations on the road. At Westgate High Tech Auto Care, located at 12300 W Center Rd. Omaha, NE 68144, we’re here to help ensure that your car is in top shape. If you have any questions or need a check-up, come visit us. Call 402.397.8144 to schedule today!

In other words, you can expect problems to eventually develop when you change the geometry of the axle with the differential that affects the bearing between the two, which is why having your vehicle lifted is one of those jobs best left to a garage that specializes in ensuring that everything is aligned precisely right―especially with a vehicle that is going to see some off-road adventuring.

Timing belt vs timing chainreddit

Follow along with the host as he shows how the hum-vibration was diagnosed and repaired on a 2015 Toyota Tacoma with 4WD. In the video, you will see the following:

A timing belt is a part of your vehicle's engine that looks like a rubber belt with teeth on one side. These teeth mesh with gears to synchronize the movement of the engine's components. Think of it like a bicycle chain that must align to ensure everything runs smoothly.

One (1) bearing SKF 1205EKTN9. Ball rows:Double row bearing. Material:Standard bearing steel. Seal:None, open bearing. Category:Self-aligning ball b.

Timing belt vs timing chainprice

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Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati who currently researches and works on restoring older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. He also reports on modern cars (including EVs) with a focus on DIY mechanics, buying and using tools, and other related topical automotive repair news. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites as well as on Facebook and his automotive blog "Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair" for useful daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.