Should a ball bearing replacement cost $500 or am I being ... - ball bearing price
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A New Carbon Nanotube coating could reduce friction and wear to Dawn Levy, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryScientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have invented a coating...
Norwegian mining facility chooses our air compressors and dryers for reliability, life-cycle cost and energy efficiency in extremely low temperatures
The use of USPS for shipping really saved me a bunch of money on my small order. the bearings I received were the ones I ordered, and got here in a timely manner.
Saving up to £13,000 a year and not making a single compromise on efficiency and reliability when it comes to compressed air in a mine. The secret? GA compressors
Our 2-stage oil-lubricated industrial air compressors provide a reliable air supply of up to 20 bar for high pressure applications in the toughest working conditions. Often used as mine compressor.