Should You Replace Both Wheel Bearings or Hubs When ... - when to replace a wheel bearing
Timing beltreplacement cost philippines
my friend whom is driving a matrix was quoted $350 to change the timing belt, water pumps, and other pumps.(he say you guys should know what pumps are supposed to be changed )
Remember, once past 100k, you are effectively not "under warranty" conditions. So if you want to follow the cam cover, go at 95-99k. Mine is 60k and I changed it at 59k.
Either way, $350 is freaking cheap. Changing timeing belt is a major job. Buy a good timing belt (Stock part from Toyota), get a new belt tensioner. The tensioner needs to be replace, never reuse an old one! Water pump (its just a gear and housing, atleast for my car), and all accessory belts since you're already in there. (AC belt, power steering, water pump ...) Thats all.
Timing beltcost
mmmm.... recently i did what you have stated above.... except for the "other pumps" thing, workshop charged me all of the above + oil change(i bring my own oil) + oil filter + 50AH battery = $320
i "inspected" all the new parts, all are mitsubishi, made in japan.... anyway i drive a old old old proton lor. so i think should be ok lor.
The plastic cover to the timing belt compartment of my Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5 GDI states that the timing belt has to be replaced every 100,000 km, but C&C's schedule states a change at 80,000 km. I have not gone back to C&C for servicing since 35,000 km, but approached outside workshop instead. Should I follow the manufactuer's (100,000 km) or the agent's (80,000 km) schedule?
my friend whom is driving a matrix was quoted $350 to change the timing belt, water pumps, and other pumps.(he say you guys should know what pumps are supposed to be changed )
Timing beltreplacement time
Timing beltreplacement cost near me
All things said, I think $350 is really cheap. Not too user what the going rate in spore is, but I paid USD$600 for mine here.
Water pump and timing beltreplacement cost
Follow manufacturer. They are the ones that know the car unless someone sabo you and put in Mitsubishi Galant engine cover. See the manual to confirm. If both conflict, take the lower mileage.
my friend whom is driving a matrix was quoted $350 to change the timing belt, water pumps, and other pumps.(he say you guys should know what pumps are supposed to be changed )
Y not ask him to get all these repair in malaysia? Amount might be the same but it's RM$ not S$. Sorry if this offend anyone.
Other than water pump, the bearing also need to change ie. timing belt bearing, idle bearing etc etc. Make sure he do that...
Errr.....can I clarify what is the "other pumps" your friend is talking about? Cos I only know water pump is the only pump which is to be change when doing timing belt.