Signs of a bad wheel bearing…Pay attention! | Car Care Tips - bad rear wheel bearing sound
Dynamic loadexamples
Frequency analysis (FFT) decomposes the physical signal versus time and describes the repetitiveness of vibration patterns, so that the frequency components corresponding to each component can be investigated.
What isdynamicloading in structures
In real world applications of rotating machinery, it is highly desirable to incorporate the frequency spectrum analysis (FFT) in addition to physical vibration waveform analysis.
My plot/graph looks fantastic, however, it only works as a “one and done” point in time view. I would like to update the data at each page load.
Staticloadvsdynamic load
Thank you for the reply. I used the ‘Updates on Page Load’ method originally, which wasn’t working for me. Upon comparing your code, and my own, I discovered that if I drop the parenthesis from ‘app.layout = serve_layout()’ the page does indeed load my data file on refresh.
As per the demos, I have attempted to make app.layout call a function which loads up my data into a pandas data frame, then builds my layout and returns it all at once. Unfortunately, the layout seems cached somehow/somewhere, and isn’t clear where that’s stored. If I stop/restart the server, it will load the new data, but not upon refreshing the page.
I’m performing a school science experiment using a Raspberry Pi to capture temperature from four different sensors, once per minute. I’ve built a simple Dash site to plot my data using datetime as my ‘x’ and each of the four sensors are a unique line as ‘y’.
Vibration analysis is a process that monitors vibration levels and investigates the characteristics in vibration signals. It is commonly conducted both as a vibration waveform versus time directly, as well as FFT amplitudes versus frequency spectrum.
A complex machine with multiple moving components will generate a mixture of vibration characteristics, which is a combination of vibrational behaviors from each rotating component. Therefore, it is difficult to use only physical signals to examine the condition of the critical components such as wheels, bearings, and shafts in rotating equipment.