Shop for V Groove Bearings at Save money. Live better.

Note that the capitalized syntax makes no difference for the default output, but would indeed capitalize the first letter if the default prefix had been changed via an option to use lower case (e.g. “fig.”).

Cross referencefilter

For LaTeX output the amsthm package is used to typeset these environments. For other formats a similar treatment is used, but you can further customizing this using CSS.

As with theorems you can optionally include a heading as the first element of the div (or a name attribute) to give the environment a caption for typesetting (this typically appears in parentheses after the environment title).

Cross referencemeaning

Theorems are commonly used in articles and books in mathematics. To include a reference-able theorem, create a div with a #thm- label (or one of other theorem-type labels described below). You also need to specify a theorem name either via the first heading in the block. You can include any content you like within the div. For example:

Cross referencedata

As described on the Overview above, this is the markdown used to create a cross-referenceable figure and then refer to it:

If you’d like subfigure captions that include only an identifier, e.g. “(a)”, and not a text caption, then specify fig-subcap: true rather than providing explicit subcaption text:

You can also create multiple tables within a code cell and reference them as subtables. To do this, add a tbl-subcap option with an array of subcaptions. For example:

Note that cross reference identifiers must start with their type (e.g. fig- or tbl-). So the identifier #fig-elephant is valid for a cross-reference but the identifiers #elephant and #elephant-fig are not.

Cross referenceBible

Unless you are creating a cross-reference, avoid using the reserved cross-reference prefixes for code cell labels (e.g. set using the label code cell option) and element IDs (set using a # in an attribute).

There are a number of options that can be used to further customize the treatment of cross-references. See the guide on Cross Reference Options for additional details.

Black-Scholes (Equation 1) is a mathematical model that seeks to explain the behavior of financial derivatives, most commonly options:

18200 Miles Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44128 U.S.A. Phone: 800.321.9300 Local: (216) 475.8000 Fax: 800.441.9303 Local Fax: (216) 475.6067 Email:

If you need to generate a dynamic caption, instead of using the fig-cap or tbl-cap code cell option, combine inline code with the Cross-Reference Div Syntax.

A NOTE ON EXPRESSING BAR TOLERANCES, it is common to hear bar tolerances specified as; “Plus nothing minus .002”, or whatever the downside tolerance is. To avoid potential problems, it is better to state both plus and minus terms with a specific decimal position. Make sure that both parties know how far out that “plus” side is carried. Is it measured to the third decimal place, or the fourth? Many “Plus Nothing” bars actually may only be measured to the third (thousandths) place which allows the bar to actually be a plus tolerance. Such as plus .0005″. Note that Bearing Fit or Bearing Tolerance insures a minus tolerance.

There are options available that control the text used for titles and references. For example, you could change “Figure 1” to read “Fig 1” or “fig. 1”. See the options documentation for details on how to customize the text used for cross-references.

You may want to create a composition of several sub-tables. To do this, create a div with a main identifier, then apply sub-identifiers (and optional caption text) to the contained tables. For example:


These syntax variations work not only for Figures, but for all cross-referenceable elements in Quarto such as Tables, Equations, Theorems, and so on.

This replacement wheel hub assembly for your 2008, 2009, 2010 or 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan fits the front 5 lug wheel with ABS. Hit the road again without ...

Note that subfigure reference labels are created automatically based on the main chunk label (e.g. @fig-plots-1, @fig-plots-2, etc.).

To create a cross-reference to a code listing using div syntax, create a fenced div with an id starting with lst-, include the code cell followed by the caption inside the div:

Crossreferencing example

You can also cross-reference tables created from code executed via computations. To do this, add the label and tbl-cap cell options. For example:

Note that when using section cross-references, you will also need to enable the number-sections option (so that section numbering is visible to readers). For example:

Cross-references make it easier for readers to navigate your document by providing numbered references and hyperlinks to various entities like figures and tables. Every cross-referenceable entity requires a label—a unique identifier prefixed with a cross-reference type e.g. #fig-element. For example, this is a cross-referenceable figure:

You can also create multiple figures within a code cell and reference them as subfigures. To do this use fig-cap for the main caption, and fig-subcap to provide an array of subcaptions. For example:

The examples on this page all use the default syntax for inline references (e.g. @fig-elephant), which results in the reference text “Figure 1”, “Table 1”, etc.

BEARING FIT (TOLERANCE), is achieved by subsequent processing of a steel bar or shaft. You may accomplish this at any point prior to use of the bar; do-able on-site locally, or as a specification for subsequent processing accomplished at the mill. This, as stated, refers to the tolerance alone; making no statement in regards to the integrity nor the cleanliness of the material. Bearing Tolerance is referred to as a “minus/minus” tolerance, as opposed to a plus or minus tolerance.

Cross referencein research

To create a cross-reference to a table using div syntax, create a fenced div with an id starting with tbl-, include the table followed by the caption inside the div:

To cross-reference a callout, add an ID attribute that starts with the appropriate callout prefix (see Table 1). You can then reference the callout using the usual @ syntax. For example, here we add the ID #tip-example to the callout, and then refer back to it:

You may further avoid potential headaches by specifying the actual diameter wanted in terms of the actual decimal, both over and under (plus and minus), such as .2500″/.2495″.

Figures, tables and code listings are known as “float” cross-references. Floats can appear in the rendered document at locations other than where they are defined, i.e. they float, and usually have captions.

Cross referenceSpark Plug

9995: factors, prime check, fibonacci check, bell number check, binary, octal, hexadecimal representations and more.

Quarto enables you to create cross-references to figures, tables, equations, sections, code listings, theorems, proofs, and more. Cross references can also be applied to dynamic output from Knitr and Jupyter.

If the code cell produces a figure or table, you can combine the lst- options with label and fig-cap/tbl-cap to create cross references to both the code and output:

Be careful, the two are often confused between end-user and vendor. They are not interchangeable. BEARING QUALITY refers to manufacturing restrictions that are employed, when the mill makes the steel. It is commonly referred to as “Clean Steel Production”. The processing refines the steel, removing non-metallic inclusions and generally improving the quality and core integrity of the steel. This is not something that can be achieved in subsequent processing; it either is bearing quality, or it isn’t.

Note that we also used the layout-ncol attribute to specify a two-column layout. See the article on Figures for more details on laying out panels of figures.

The presence of the label (#fig-elephant) makes this figure referenceable. This enables you to use the following syntax to refer to it elsewhere in the document:

For LaTeX output, the amsthm package is used for typesetting theorems. For other formats an appropriate treatment is used (the above is an example of HTML output).

The reserved prefixes are: fig, tbl, lst, tip, nte, wrn, imp, cau, thm, lem, cor, prp, cnj, def, exm, exr, sol, rem, eq, sec.

201546 — A broken camshaft is usually caused by a connecting rod or other rotating part coming loose and striking it. Sometimes the cam will break after ...

For markdown tables, add a caption below the table, then include a #tbl- label in braces at the end of the caption. For example:

To cross-reference code from an executable code block, add the code cell options lst-label and lst-cap. The option lst-label provides the cross reference identifier and must begin with the prefix lst- to be treated as a code listing. The value of lst-cap provides the caption for the code listing. For example:

You may want to create a figure composed of multiple subfigures. To do this, enclose the figures in a div (with its own label and caption) and give each subfigure its own label and (optionally) caption. You can then refer to either the entire figure in a reference or a single subfigure:

If you’d like subtable captions that include only an identifier, e.g. “(a)”, and not a text caption, then specify tbl-subcap: true rather than providing explicit subcaption text:

Jun 10, 2023 — Timken bearings aren't U.S. made anymore, and are "sourced" from (guess where) steel. So if you're buying based on brand name, it's likely you' ...

In addition to the compact syntax for the most common uses of float cross-references, you can also define float cross-references with a div syntax. Use the div syntax when you need more flexibility in the content of your cross-reference, for example, to have a video be referenced as a figure. Basic examples of the div syntax are included in the sections below, but you can find more complicated examples in Cross-Reference Div Syntax.


2021107 —  ...

CORROSION RESISTANT™ SERIES. MOUNTED BEARING UNITS. Page 2. • Solid base ... TOPLINE ball bearings are rated for extremely low (as low as -75°F) and high ...

\[ \frac{\partial \mathrm C}{ \partial \mathrm t } + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2} \mathrm S^{2} \frac{\partial^{2} \mathrm C}{\partial \mathrm S^2} + \mathrm r \mathrm S \frac{\partial \mathrm C}{\partial \mathrm S}\ = \mathrm r \mathrm C \tag{1}\]

The proof environment receives similar typesetting as theorems, however it is not numbered (and therefore cannot be cross-referenced). To create a proof add the .proof class to a div:

Cross referenceWord

Oct 14, 2018 — Nominal bore size is 0.725" which means that a wad would have to expand the thickness of 2 pieces of paper to seal a 0.735" bore. The Winchester ...

If you need to generate a dynamic caption, instead of using the fig-cap or tbl-cap code cell option, combine inline code with the Cross-Reference Div Syntax.

You can also define custom types of float cross-reference to reference elements beyond figures, tables and code listings. Read more at Custom Float Cross-References.

For LaTeX / PDF output, you can use the raw LaTeX commands \listoffigures, \listoftables and \listoflistings to produce listings of all figures, tables, etc. within a document. You can use the lof-title, lot-title, and lol-title crossref options to customize the title of the listing.

To create a cross-reference to a figure using div syntax, create a fenced div with an id starting with fig-, include the image followed by the caption inside the div:

Figures produced by Jupyter and Knitr can also be cross-referenced. To do this, add a label and fig-cap option at the top of the code block. For example:

Note again that cross-reference identifiers must start with their type (e.g. #fig-) and that cross-reference identifiers must be all lower case.


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You can customize the appearance of inline references by either changing the syntax of the inline reference or by setting options. Here are the various ways to compose a cross-reference and their resulting output: