BR31 flight status

Crampons are another item you might glaze over when trying to spend that starting gold. But, if you’re playing in cold climes, or hunting white dragons, they can be surprisingly useful. Crampons make you completely unable to fall prone while moving across slippery ice. So you can move your full speed and never worry about falling.


For two gold pieces, a humble crowbar can be yours. Why would you want one? Well in addition to weighing five pounds, a crowbar gives you advantage to Strength checks whenever you’re able to apply the crowbar’s leverage.


So the next time you’re trying to get past that locked door, don’t despair. Give yourself advantage when you try and pry it open.


Dungeons & Dragons is a game full of weapons, armor, and a surprising number of little items that can make a big difference.


Never underestimate what the right man in the wrong place can do with a crowbar. One of these applied properly can make all the difference in the world.


D&D has a lot of items. Flip to the Equipment chapter, and you’ll find a whole laundry list of items. From mugs of ale, to flasks of flammable liquid, to more polearms than you might expect to find. But lurking among the list of things you can throw at other people to do weird damage, are some items that prove to be surprisingly useful.

It also grants advantage on any ability check made to appraise an item. As well as to checks made to inspect something that is small or highly detailed. This means magnifying glasses can help you solve crimes when fine details matter.

The fully elastomer axial seal, V-ring, which is mounted directly on the shaft is a very popular Dichta's product thanks to its high quality and use ...


The average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 (including parts and labor). But goes deeper than that.

Dynamic means time variant. A load which changes in magnitude,direction and position with respect to time is called dynamic loading.

Speaking of opening doors. A Portable Ram is a perfect tool for doing exactly that. When you have a Portable Ram and use it to try and break down a door or gate, you gain a +4 bonus on the Strength check to do so. And on top of that, one other character can help you with the ram, giving you advantage on the check.


Various types of bearings are used to lessen this friction force for moving mechanisms such as machines. The bearing gets its name from the fact that it bears a.

... V ... V ...

So look past the Basic Poison (Vial) and Caltrops (Bag of 20), consider more than the Adventurer’s Pack or the Explorer’s Pack. Look at some of the more mundane, seemingly unremarkable items, like…

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Br32flight status

Wheel Bearings & Hubs in Transmission & Driveline(1000+) ; 8903. current price $89.03 ; 8421. current price $84.21 ; 8463. current price $84.63 ; 8623. current ...

Br32seat map

Finally the humble climber’s kit. This piece of gear can be clutch from levels 1 through about three. After that, it starts to fall in usefulness. A climber’s kit works thusly: spend an action use the kit and anchor yourself. And when you do, you can’t fall more than 25 feet away from where you anchored yourself.

Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela Editor: Danni Button, Adam Harrison Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett Full Masthead & Authors

Sun Storm features a single wire braid reinforcement and an extremely durable yellow cover which lasts up to four times longer in abrasion tests compared to ...

Alright, every now and then an adventurer needs something a little more all-purpose. And you’d be surprised to find that a magnifying glass does three different things. For one, it starts fires. Per the rules, a magnifying glass can focus “light as bright as sunlight” onto tinder, and in about five minutes, boom, fire.

Fractured race: One of the rings is sliced completely through to allow for ball insertion, and then re-assembled. A pair of steel bands is used to support the ...

45162. (a) The governing board of any school district shall, not later than the date prescribed by law for approval of the publication budget of every year ...

Alemite was established in 1918 and is a leading worldwide provider of lubrication and fluid handling systems and equipment. These include pumps, reels, grease ...
