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Cause: An error was detected while shrinking the materialized view (MV) log during refresh at the position indicated by the first argument in the error message. The secondary error is indicated by the second argument in the error message. This error message is recorded in the trace file and alert log but is not thrown and the refresh operation is not aborted because of this error.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod option that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an on commit materialized view on detail tables with commit SCN-based materialized view logs.
Cause: The schema definition for the parent node being processed does not allow for the specified child node in its content model. Note that any typecasting via xsi:type must occur before the schema definitions for the new type can be used.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view whose definition query references object tables without the FROM ONLY clause.
Action: Check all edges going from a subplan to the intended top-plan. Make sure the top plan does not have any plan referring to it.
Action: Wait for the tablespace rekey to finish, or use the ALTER TABLESPACE ENCRYPTION FINISH [ ENCRYPT | DECRYPT | REKEY ] command to resume and finish the encrypt, decrypt, or rekey operation first.
Cause: The GROUP BY clause of the AS subquery of a CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement contained an expression that was not the SYS_OP_ZONE_ID function expression.
Cause: Out-of-place fast refresh was either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after changes to the base table made since the last refresh.
Cause: The administrator has shut down the Cluster Synchronization Service daemon. This error message is intended to be informative to users on the status of the service.
Action: Use bitmap segments to perform multiple (parallel) DML operations on the same object. Or commit before issueing the DML
Action: Please check the search scope that you use for search, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: An attempt was made to access the pathname of a resource that was either never saved to disk or was loaded using a method other than with its pathname.
Cause: An attempt was made to bind an existing resource to a new location in the hierarchy, but a lock could not be obtained on the resource.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an ORDER BY clause with a window specification that already referenced a window name that was defined with the ORDER BY clause.
Action: If the file was generated by the Oracle Data Pump Export utility, report this as an Oracle Data Pump Import bug and submit the export dump file to Oracle Support.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a system trigger with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE triggering events, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system trigger does not have a base table.
Action: Remove the JOIN KEY clause. It is not required or allowed when the child and the parent are in the same relation.
Action: Please check the LDAP rdn value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: The end of the dump file input was reached unexpectedly. This is caused either by a corrupted Oracle Data Pump Export dump file or by an Oracle internal error. This message should be preceded by another message identifying the name of the dump file in question.
Cause: An ALTER SYSTEM command or an internal self-tuning mechanism requested a write to the SPFILE but the SPFILE was not modifiable.
Cause: An invalid user name was specified as argument to procedure SET_INITIAL_CONSUMER_GROUP of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER or SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_USER of package DBMS_SYSTEM or the specified user was not logged on.
Action: Check the implementation of the indextype methods to make sure that the index creation and query methods are correct.
Action: Please check the LDAP notypes value that you use for LDAP explode_dn or explode_rdn operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Check your initialization parameter files in all instances and ensure that the ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter has the same value. Then restart the instance.
Cause: The cpu parameters for the specified level had a non-zero value, which is not a valid value for the plan's current cpu policy.
Action: Verify both SELECT clauses are compatible with each other such as numbers of SELECT list items are the same and the datatype for each SELECT list item is compatible
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a node of length exceeding the maximum length (specified by the maxLength facet) into an XML document.
Cause: A CYCLE clause was specified for a recursive WITH query but the cycle value was the same as the non-cycle or DEFAULT value.
Cause: Passwords for both the SYS and SYSTEM users were not provided in the CREATE DATABASE statement. If one of the passwords was provided, then both should be provided.
Cause: The OVER keyword was expected but not found. It may be due to one of the following reasons. 1. The OVER clause for the window function was missing. 2. There were unexpected identifiers before the OVER keyword. Note that for FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, NTH_VALUE, LEAD, and LAG, the IGNORE/RESPECT NULLS and FROM FIRST/LAST can only be specified either in the argument or before the OVER keyword. 3. A ranking function was given, and it was intended to be used to aggregate, but the argument of the function was missing.
Cause: The system failed to match the referred tablespace. There are 2 cases that this may happen. (1) This tablespace is in the transportable set, but it is not specified in the TABLESPACES list of the import command line option, assuming that TABLESPACES is specified. (2) This tablespace is in the TABLESPACES list, but it is not in the transportable set.
Cause: When creating the first change table, a purge job is submitted to the job queue. Submission of this purge job failed.
Cause: One or more column definitions in the REWRITE_TABLE is either missing or incompatible with the current Oracle version.
Cause: The table being loaded contained an ADT column or XMLType column with object-relational or binary storage and supplemental logging was enabled for the table. Direct path load is not supported for such tables when supplemental logging is enabled.
Cause: A WITH clause query referred to itself (recursive) but did not have a branch in a UNION ALL with no references to itself (the initialization branch or anchor member).
Cause: LPT (Logical Partition Tracking) fast refresh was either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after changes to the base table made since the last refresh.
Action: Make sure that the predicate is a proper single cell reference. In some cases, you might have to put explicit type conversion operators (or casts) on the constant expression.
Cause: For the specified filterid parameter, there is no corresponding filter definition found in the advisor repository
Cause: If the materialized view is invalid or unusable, it cannot be considered fresh with the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mv CONSIDER FRESH command.
Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.
Cause: The lower_bound argument specified in the call to procedure define_array had an invalid value. Legal values are all integers (both positive and negative) including zero. The null value is illegal.
Action: Correct the directory object parameter, or create a corresponding directory object with the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
Action: Please retry the query with the NO_FILTERING hint. If the same error still occurs, then increase temp tablespace.
Action: Make sure that the base worker id value is greater than 0 and less than the maximum value for the platform (normally 32767). If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: A SEARCH clause and a CYCLE clause was specified for a recursive WITH query, but the sequence column of the SEARCH clause matched the cycle mark column of the CYCLE clause.
Cause: One or more required system triggers are not installed. These triggers are required for the proper operation of Change Data Capture. Operations on Change tables cannot continue.
Action: Perform the operation using a database session that has the required privileges. See the Oracle ORADEBUG documentation for more details.
Cause: The container object for the summary contains one or more unmanaged columns do not allow nulls, and which do not specify a default valur for those columns.
Cause: A connection had to be routed through a local socket rather than a dispatcher. When this occurs, shared servers are less beneficial because the session that owns the socket cannot relinquish the process until the socket is closed. The most likely cause is that no dispatcher is configured for protocol=tcp.
Cause: An object column was used as a MODEL column. Object types are not allowed as partition by, dimension by or measure expressions.
Cause: A CDC API call specified a source database name that matched the staging database on which the CDC API call is being executed.
Cause: There was an attempt to create an Oracle external table partition from a Hive table partition with a partition key value identical to that of an existing partition. The Hive table partition key was of type decimal, but the Oracle table partition key was of type NUMBER(10, 0).
Cause: There was an attempt to synchronize an external table with a hive table when external table partitions were identical to the hive table partitions.
Cause: A TABLESPACE_EXPR metadata filter was supplied for for a transportable mode import job. Transportable mode import does not support the subsetting of tablespaces from a dump file set.
Cause: Oracle Text component failed. More information about the specific failure is available in the errors that follow.
Cause: Internal error. An Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) specific sharding functionality was called in a non-Oracle GoldenGate sharding deployment.
Cause: The argument for the CV operator of the MODEL clause was expected to be either a dimension by or a partition by expression.
Action: Either verify that the existing change source has the desired characteristics or drop the existing change source and perform the import again.
Action: Verify the state of the CSS. If the CSS died or is not responding, check the ORACLE and CSS trace files for errors and contact Oracle Support Services.
Action: Contact the change set's publisher to request that the change set be enabled. Subscriptions using this change set cannot be activated or have their subscription windows extended or purged until the change set is enabled.
Cause: An attempt was made by a PL/SQL module to use a PROPERTY_SET which is not valid and might have already been freed.
Cause: An error has occurred in a data cartridge external procedure. This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the data cartridge error.
Cause: An illegal subquery was specified in MODEL FOR cell index. A subquery used in a MODEL FOR cell index can not have subqueries, correlation, binds and references to WITH tables.
Cause: The calculated size of the BLOB in the CHILDREN column of the XDB$H_INDEX table was less than the required minimum without being chained.
Cause: The database link used to connect from a staging database to a source database was invalid. The database link may not exist, may not be accessible to the current user, or may have been redefined since the Distributed HotLog change source was originally created.
Action: Grouping functions (GROUPING, GROUPING_ID, and GROUP_ID) are used to identify the exact level of aggregation for a subtotal for a GROUP BY ROLLUP, CUBE or GROUPING SETS query. Specify a GROUP BY clause in the query, and specifically use GROUP BY extensions ROLLUP, CUBE or GROUPING SETS.
Action: First remove any referenes to the level prior to dropping it, or specify the CASCADE option with the DROP LEVEL clause.
Cause: The values specified for Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) sharding deployment parameters (number of shards, number of chunks, replication factor and distribution factor) were not compatible with each other.
Cause: There are three possible causes: The specified run_id does not exist; the run_id was created by another user other than the current user; the run_id has already been used.
Action: If the parameter needs to be set in both spfile and memory, then reissue ALTER SYSTEM SET ... APPEND with scope=spfile and scope=memory specified separately. For example: ALTER SYSTEM SET '_fix_control'='33423456:1' APPEND scope=memory;
Action: Check the spelling of the level name referenced in the JOIN KEY clause. If the referenced level is the first level in the hierarchy, you need not and must not specify a JOIN KEY clause.
Action: If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp). it means that the master process for the operation exited prematurely. Try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Try to recompile the operators which are referenced by this indextype. Use USER_INDEXTYPE_OPERATORS view to find out the referenced operators.
In 2014, researchers announced the discovery of shell engravings at Trinil, a site in Java, Indonesia, linked to Homo erectus. The engravings were found on freshwater shells, including Pseudodon and freshwater mussels, and consisted of zig-zag patterns (2.1.1) and lines etched into the surfaces. The researchers used several dating methods to determine that the shells were between 430,000 and 540,000 years old. Engraved shells created by Homo Erectus dating as far back as 500,000 years ago have been found, although experts disagree on whether these engravings can be appropriately classified as 'art.'[1] The discovery of these engravings provides evidence that Homo erectus had the cognitive ability to produce abstract patterns. It suggests that early humans may have had a capacity for symbolic thinking much earlier than previously thought. The question is whether this shell with geometric carving can be considered art. It would make this shell the oldest artistic expression in the hominid's world. Some researchers see it more as a design; however, it would be a stretch to call it art. The design was purposeful and deliberate; therefore, it should be considered art, however rudimentary.
Cause: The master process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.
Cause: One or more of the object(s) that have been specified to be disassociated, do not have an association defined for them.
Cause: A complex type bound or defined in one container, where cursor execution occurs in another container, was not an object or metadata linked type.
Action: Refresh the materialized view that contains the nested table column. This will implicitly refresh all secondary materialized views.
Action: Remove the FRESH_MV hint from the query to run the query without on-query computation. To run the query with on-query computation, verify that the system settings are compatible with this feature.
The cave paintings are a fascinating subject matter, depicting animals like bison, horses, and deer, which were crucial food sources for early humans. Additionally, some paintings showcase abstract shapes and patterns that may have had spiritual or symbolic meanings. One theory suggests that these paintings were used in spiritual ceremonies, with early humans believing that by representing the animals they hunted, they could gain control over them or access their spiritual power. This theory is supported by the fact that many paintings are situated deep within the caves, indicating that they were created for private rituals rather than public display.
Cause: ON COMMIT refresh of a read-only materialized view changed the master table/materialized view. A trigger on the refreshed materialized view may be the cause.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter materialized view under NLS settings which transformed the materialized view's defining query in ways not by supported by Oracle.
Action: Please check the authentication credentials that you use for binding, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Act on the class or resource by acting on the source, or change the source so that it no longer defines the class or resource.
Cause: The effective userid or roles on this call to DBMS_SQL are not the same as those at the time the cursor was parsed.
Cause: An invalid expression was specified in the MODEL rule ORDER BY clause where only expressions of dimension and measure columns and reference MODEL cell references are allowed
Action: Match up each JOIN KEY clause with the level it references in the hierarchy. Eliminate the redundant JOIN KEY clause.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after deletes or updates using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
Action: Create the change table with the OBJECT_ID flag set to 'N' or investigate why the object column is not in the source table and add it to the source table.
Action: Set the value of the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter to at least 2000. For XDB to run at its fastest, set DB_BLOCK_SIZE to 8000.
Cause: The level name specified with the REFERENCES portion of a JOIN KEY clause in a dimension DDL statement does not reference a level in the hierarchy that contains the JOIN KEY clause.
Cause: The query included a construct that was not supported by the on-query computation, and so the FRESH_MV hint could not be specified. The on-query computation does not support the CONNECT BY clause, the MATERIALIZE hint, or spreadsheet queries.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod value that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Specify values for both elements http2-port and http2-protocol, AND set different values for http-port and http2-port.
Cause: A CONNECT BY clause did not include a predicate referencing a PRIOR so there was no condition connecting a parent row to its child row.
Action: If possible, re-export the file using a version of export that matches the import target. Objects can not be imported into previous versions of Oracle that did not support them.
Action: Check whether the user has permissions to create the specified file or if the file exists whether the permissions on it allow the requested open mode.
Action: Reduce the parameter value length and retry the command. For the DISPATCHERS parameter, use listener aliases to reduce value length.
Cause: The OBJECT_ID flag was set to 'Y' on the call to CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE and change table belongs to the synchronous change set. The corresponding object column was not detected in the source table.
Action: User should either not request for this option or should provide an implementation type that implements the correct version of the indextype interface.
Cause: The ancillary operator matched to a primary operator was outside a UNION ALL view query block while the primary operator was contained in one of the UNION ALL branches.
Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a lateral view with a left correlation to the first operand of an ANSI RIGHT or FULL outer join.
Cause: The USING clause did not form a query that selects a value of the type specified by the term following the USING keyword.
Action: In WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=AUTO mode, set PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to a reasonably larger value. Or, in WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=MANUAL mode, set SORT_AREA_SIZE to a reasonably larger value.
Cause: A name containing a double quotation mark was supplied. Subscription names cannot contain the double quotation mark.
Cause: The recursive component of a recursive WITH clause element contained one of the following: - A LEFT OUTER join where the right side was the recursive query name. - A RIGHT OUTER join where the left side was the recursive query name. - A FULL OUTER join involving the recursive query name.
Action: Please check the search time value that you use for search, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: the materialized view is not allowed to have destructive PMOPS such as DROP, TRUNCATE and EXCHANGE (sub)partition. The UGA flag of i_am_a_refresh should be set first.
Action: Check the alert log to find out what the DDL record contained. Make any necessary changes to the change tables. Call ALTER_CHANGE_SET with recover_after_error and remove_ddl set to 'Y'.
Action: Change the cycle column list to use only names which are listed in the column alias list of the WITH clause element.
Cause: A worker process was requested to clean up and exit because an unhandled exception occurred in the master process.
Cause: The window functions specified with the EXCLUDE clause for the window aggregation group could not be used in SQL Model rules.
Cause: Each database can only have one change source with hot mine option enabled. The system detected an existing hot mine change source in the database, therefore, a second hot mine change source cannot be created.
Action: Do not create a materialized view on tables having inconsistent sharing, or ensure that tables have consistent sharing.
Action: Rewrite the program so that it does not attempt to close a DBMS_SQL cursor while it is executing under its own context.
Cause: While advancing a change set, an CDC determined that at least one of the data columns in a change table does not match the name of any of the columns in the source table. The source table column listis stored in dictionary table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_OBJ$
Action: Please check the LDAP sslwrl value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: The fast refresh operation was not possible because DML had occurred to one or more dimension tables of the zonemap.
Cause: User tried to drop a change table but its underlying storage table (that contains the change data) has been dropped.
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing published column was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing published column.
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, does not own the the lock associated with the lock. This is an internal error.
Cause: The setXXX method is called again with a different data type than originally specified, or the setXXX method is called for a subsequent iteration without being called before the first iteration.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a subtree that includes a plan or consumer group that is part of more than one top-plan as part of procedure DELETE_PLAN_CASCADE or package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER. Such a plan or consumer group cannot be deleted.
The early development of art is a fascinating subject that takes us back hundreds of thousands of years to a time when humans were beginning to evolve into the beings we are today. It is believed that the earliest form of art dates to around 45,000 years ago, when humans began to create cave paintings in Europe. One of the earliest and most enduring forms of ancient art is cave painting which can be found from Europe to Africa to Asia. One of the most famous examples of this art is the Lascaux cave paintings in southwestern France. These paintings date back over 17,000 years and depict a range of animals, including horses, bulls, and deer. The cave paintings of Altamira in Spain, which are slightly older, are also incredibly well-preserved and provide us with a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of our prehistoric ancestors. They were made by early humans who used charcoal, ochre, and other natural materials to create images of animals, people, and abstract shapes on the cave walls. These paintings provide a window into the early development of human art and creativity.
Cause: The length of a path name segment passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length of a path name segment.
Cause: Failure during attach to a LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Cause: A SEARCH clause was specified for a recursive query with a sort specification list which contained duplicate names.
Cause: The execution of the specified data cartridge routine caused an error, or the implementation of the data cartridge routine returned the ODCI_ERROR return code.
Cause: A table function T2 contains a reference to a table T1. T2 is also left outer-joined to T1. This is not allowed.
Action: If the user needs to remove the temporary tables, use the mapping table to get the temporary table names and drop them.
Cause: The ALTER TABLE statement was issued in an attempt to modify the data type or the length of a logical partition tracking column on the table specified in the ALTER TABLE statement.
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the source table was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing source table.
Action: Wait if the specified index partition is marked LOADING Rebuild the specified index partition if it is marked FAILED or UNUSABLE.
The early development of art 45,000 years ago is an important moment in human history. It shows us that creativity and artistic expression have been crucial to human culture for tens of thousands of years. The cave paintings created by early humans are a testament to their artistic skill, keen observation of the world around them, and desire to create something beautiful and meaningful. They remind us that art is not just a luxury but a fundamental part of what it means to be human. Early humans were no exception to this, and they created art for various reasons. Art, in its various forms, has played an essential role in human society from the earliest times to the present day.
Action: Verify that the LMON process is still active. Check the Oracle LMON trace files for errors. Also, check the related CSS trace file for errors.
Action: Do not attempt to delete more than the required minimum number of elements that must be present from the XML document.
Action: When referencing a defined window specification, directly reference the name after the OVER keyword instead of adding parenthesis which would be interpreted as defining a new window specification.
Cause: The list of tables passed to refresh_dependent contains at least one invalid table name. That table is not a detail table of any summary and is therefore an invalid input to refresh_dependent
Cause: An attempt has been made to access a domain index that is being built or is marked failed by an unsuccessful DDL or is marked unusable by a DDL operation.
Action: Specify a unique name for the log group. The name cannot be the same as any other log group, constraint, or cluster hash expression.
Action: Reduce the number of values in the list parameter. When using APPEND flag, ensure that the number of existing values plus the new values fit within the above limit.
Action: If DISTINCT functionality is desired, rewrite the expression. Apply the DISTINCT clause in a nested SELECT statement to produce the desired values, and then apply the aggregation function in an outer SELECT statement.
Cause: Adding scope or referential constraint on a REF column requires the creation of additional columns if the target table's object identifier is primary key based.
Action: Perform on-demand refresh of the materialized view or zonemap to synchronize the data between the materialized view and the detail tables and then issue the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW or ALTER MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement.
Action: Either drop the dependent objects first and then issue the DROP OPERATOR command or specify the FORCE option with DROP OPERATOR.
Cause: An error occurred while operating on the specified file. The possible causes are the file header is corrupt or check the next error on stack
Cause: An error occurred after the schema was evolved while cleaning up temporary tables. The schema evolution was successful
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Check the value of first_scn. Correct it to make sure it is an integer greater than zero and greater than any previous value for this change source.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an invalid DDL operation in a system trigger. Most DDL operations currently are not supported in system triggers. The only currently supported DDL operations are table operations, pluggable database operations, ALTER COMPILE operations, and ALTER SESSION operations.
Action: Check the *_IND_PARTITIONS view to see which partitions are marked FAILED. Rebuild or Truncate the FAILED index partitions
Cause: The installed version of the package from which this error is raised is not compatible with this release of Oracle.
Action: Either convert the underlying index type to system-managed or drop the local user-managed domain index before converting the table to interval partitioning.
Cause: The materialized view refresh failed because one or more columns in the materialized view was a different data type compared to the corresponding column(s) in the master table.
Action: Please check the LDAP newparent value that you use for LDAP rename_s operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: One of the base and varray datatypes specified in WITH ARRAY DML (DATA_TYPE, VARRAY_TYPE) clause could not be found.
Action: It is likely that this view existed before the import operation and import did not overwrite it. Determine whether the imported subscriber view should supercede the original view. If so, drop the original view and retry the import. If not, the subscriber view must have a different name in order to be imported.
Cause: The specified WITH clause element used the SEARCH clause or the CYCLE clause or both but did not have a column alias list specified for it.
Cause: User is trying to create a constraint on a time or timestamp with or without time zone column without explicitly specifying the time zone.
Action: Specify attibutes only for those dimension levels that functionally determine other columns within the same relation.
Cause: The partitioning column specified in the CREATE LOGICAL PARTITION TRACKING statement already had valid logical or physical partitions defined.
Cause: The system failed to match the referred owner. There are two cases that this may occur. (1) This user owns data in the transportable set, but this user is not specified in the TTS_OWNERS list of the import command line option, assuming that TTS_OWNERS is specified. (2) This user is specified in the TTS_OWNER list, but this user does not own any data in the transportable set.
Cause: An attempt was made to read from a file or directory that does not exist, or file or directory access was denied by the operating system.
Cause: A DDL operation on a local temporary tablespace FOR RIM was attempted in a system without any read-only running instances.
Cause: Due to constructs in the materialized view definition, it could not be tuned to be fast-refreshable or rewriteable.
Cause: There was an attempt to create hive catalog views or a DBMS_HADOOP package on a platform other than Linux x86-64.
Cause: The current varchar behavior is different. e.g. instr('abcd', 'cd', -2, 1) returns 3, whereas instr(to_clob('abcd'), 'cd', -2, 1) returns 0, (i.e. no match), because the reverse search starts from offset -2, which points to 'c' and moving backward, i.e. 'd' is ignored. This is symmetric to instr('dcba','dc',2,1), which returns 0.
Cause: Either the ORDER BY expression is mandatory for this function, or there is an aggregation group without any ORDER by expression.
Action: Use fewer location clauses. Either consider concatenating the input files or creating two external-organized or hybrid-partitioned tables with the input files split between them.
Action: Use different names for types/tables or use the NOGEN mode so that schema compiler does not generate new types/tables.
Action: Make sure that all database user/schema names specified in the XML schema document refer to existing database users/schemas.
Action: Restart the instance without specifying the ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter. Or, upgrade all instances to Oracle 8.1.6 or later release and then specify the parameter.
Action: Check the data in the staging logs of the materialized view's base tables for validity. If the data is valid, create additional partitions, including a default partition if needed, with the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW command.
Cause: A source column of an unsupported type was specified for inclusion in a change table. Columns types of LOB or LONG are not currently supported for change capture.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
Cause: Users should not explicitly modify summary advisor's internal tables. Such modifications may cause inconsistency in the internal tables and result in this error.
Cause: The MODEL FOR loop was used where it is not allowed. FOR loops are not allowed in complex dimensional predicates, on the right hand side of rules, or in the until condition.
Action: Be sure to specify a buffer size that is big enough to hold the worker process name (e.g. 30 bytes). If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: No action needed. DIAG is shutting down for rolling migration. This error number is solely used for internal purposes.
Action: Remove the inline external table clause from the materialized view definition query. Alternatively, you can replace the inline external table clause with a reference to an external table having the same properties.
Action: It is possible that the Java class was created from a damaged class file, in which case the CREATE should be reattempted with a correct class file. It is also possible that the message is the result of using "-" in the resolver so that the verifier could not check the correctness of some code. In that case, the class needs to be created with a resolver.
Action: Select a different job to restart, try a different operation, or contact a database administrator to acquire the needed privileges.
Cause: SCHEMA and NAMED keywords were used together in the same CREATE JAVA command, but only one may be used in a CREATE JAVA command.
Action: Either verify that the existing subscription has the desired characteristics or drop the existing subscription and perform the import again.
Action: Update the GROUP BY clause of the AS subquery of the CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement to have one expression, which must be the same SYS_OP_ZONE_ID function expression specified for the first column of the SELECT list of the subquery.
Action: 1. Make sure it is the correct location of the logfiles. If it is, make sure the directory contains logfiles. OR 2. perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_location to be an existing directory that contains the logfiles
Action: This message is followed by a second message giving more details about the error. Check the second error message for more information.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Examine all tables in the query registration and refer to the documentation for supported table types. The application can reattempt registration in best effort mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a view in SYS schema with V$ or GV$ name prefix, which is reserved for fixed views.
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema had errors during a rollback of XML schema evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Cause: When a time zone modifier is specified, the data type of datetime primary must be one of the following: TIME, TIME WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
Cause: A Master Table is required but no such table exists, or the content is not consistent with that of a valid Master Table, or the table is not accessible. Refer to any following error messages for clarification.
Cause: The given node's type cannot be converted correctly for this operation. For example, a DOM Element cannot be converted to Document Fragment
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a level using the default or RESTRICT option in a dimension while references to that level remain in the dimension. References can occur in hierarchies and attributes within the dimension.
Cause: In the VALUES LESS THAN clause for the last logical partition of logical partition tracking, MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns.
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change set was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change set.
Action: ORACLE uses the same varchar semantics on LOBs (instr). Using the same example, instr(to_clob('abcd'), 'cd', -2, 1) will return 3 as in the varchar case.
Action: Drop the imported change set because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change source was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change source.
Action: The feature is not supported on read-mostly instances as this can be achieved on the other cluster instances which are not read-mostly.
Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have identity columns with sequences that are neither both increasing nor decreasing.
Cause: The begin_scn was not greater than zero. The end_scn was less than zero. The end_scn was less than the begin_scn.
Cause: An improper value was used for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. The value either did not conform to the format of ORA_DEBUG_JDWP or was too long.
Cause: Job creation failed because a Master Table and its indexes could not be created, most commonly due to the pre-existance of a table with the same name (job name) in the user schema. Refer to any following error messages for clarification.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or modify the specified plan, but the plan has more than 28 consumer groups or subplans.
Action: Retry in case it's an intermittent failure. If it still fails, detach, reattach, and retry the call. Contact Oracle Customer Support if the problem persists.
Cause: A commit was not executed after adding a resource configuration to an RCList by calling DBMS_RESCONFIG.ADDRESCONFIG()
Cause: Estimate_Summary_Size uses Oracle SQL "EXPLAIN PLAN" command to estimate cardinality of the specified select-clause. This requires a table called the PLAN_TABLE in the user's schema. For more information refer to the SQL Reference Manual.
Cause: Either Oracle Data Pump Export or Oracle Data Pump Import was unable to position the file pointer to a specific block within the dump file. This message is usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
Action: Specify a different name for the cycle mark column for the CYCLE clause or remove the name from the column alias list.
Action: Check if this resource configuration really needs to be added. If so, remove it from resource and repository lists before adding it.
Action: Do not attempt to modify mandatory plan directives because they are required by the Resource Manager and cannot be modified.
Cause: The user is trying to perform an operation that is not allowed on object column or table that is enabled to store instances of a single type.
Action: Ensure that all the input parameter values are valid. Consult the Oracle documentation for valid parameter values.
Action: First, verify that the source system contains the source table. execute procedure to populate the redos log with logminer dictionary information. If this has been done and the problem persists, then contact Oracle Corporation
Cause: The name specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN, CREATE_CDB_PLAN, CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP, or CREATE_CATEGORY of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER was already in use.
Action: Either change the tablespace type to locally managed with automatic segment-space management, or create a SMALLFILE tablespace instead.
Action: Correct the precision or string length difference, specify the WITH REDUCED PRECISION option, or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.
Cause: All of the job queue processes used by refresh have stopped for some reason. At least one job queue process must be running in order to refresh summaries.
Cause: The call to the specified routine failed and the specific error text is included in this error message (the last %s string).
Cause: The materialized view log was not allowed to have destructive partition maintenance operations (PMOPS) such as DROP, TRUNCATE and EXCHANGE partition or subpartition.
Cause: Incremental refresh of summaries with STDDEV(X) requires COUNT(X) and SUM(X) columns to be included in the summary definition
Cause: An attempt was made to use a WHEN clause to reference a column with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system trigger does not have a base table.
Cause: The level specified in the REFERENCES portion of a JOIN KEY clause in a dimension DDL statement does not have a child level.
Action: For background processes this error can be ignored. All background processes working on this index will be removed. For foreground processes the operation should be retried at a later time.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view where the definition query did not use SELECT * at the topmost level.
Action: Either verify that the existing change set has the desired characteristics or drop the existing change set and perform the import again.
Cause: An ALTER SYSTEM command or an internal self-tuning mechanism requested a write to the SPFILE but no SPFILE was in use.
Action: Do not use the USING NO INDEX option to create an updatable primary key based materialized view, an index-organized materialized view or an object-id materialized view.
Action: Either drop the ancillary binding whose primary operators are missing, or drop the entire operator, if this is the only binding. This binding cannot be re-validated.
Cause: DML or DDL was used on a base table that had a staging log or was locked by synchronous refresh. The synchronous refresh operation locks tables related to the refresh group at PREPARE_REFRESH time and unlocks them after the EXECUTE_REFRESH is done to prevent wrong results.
Cause: An attempt to connect a session to a debugger could not proceed because the session is already connected to some debugger.
Cause: The SEARCH clause for a recursive WITH query specified a sequence column that was already listed in the column alias list for the WITH clause query name.
Cause: During creation of a control process or a worker process, a failure occurred allocating a process descriptor for the process.
Action: Please check the entry dn that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Verify that the source file, source directory, and destination directory exist and are accessible, and that the destination file does not already exist.
Cause: This change table could not be created because the create job privilege is needed to submit the default purge job.
Action: Make sure the arguments PLAN and GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN to procedure CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER are different.
Action: Add more space to the undo tablespace before retrying the operation. An alternative is to wait until active transactions to commit.
Cause: Failure during prepare session for a LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Cause: The resource specified in the defaultChildConfig element while creating a resource configuration or specified as the rcpath in a call using DBMS_RESCONFIG package did not conform to XDBResConfig.xsd schema.
Action: Wait to see if the ongoing index DDL ends and the index state changes from LOADING state. Else ,drop the domain indexes marked as LOADING with the FORCE option.
Action: If the index was marked LOADING, wait till it is marked valid before retrying the analyze. If index was marked FAILED, drop it OR rebuild it and retry the analyze.
Cause: Hang Manager detected one or more hangs. These could be valid hangs that require action or the system could be overloaded causing very slow progress which can be interpreted as hangs. If hang resolution is enabled, Hang Manager may attempt to resolve the hang by terminating the ultimate blocker.
Action: Make sure that the types used by the materialized view are the same on both the materialized view and master sites.
Cause: The change source cannot be enabled when there is no change table created in any of the change sets associated with the change source.
Cause: A warning was raised while operating on the specified file. However, the current operation was completed successfully.
Cause: The given node's type is not supported for this operation. For example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing in a document node as a child, are unsupported operations.
Action: Summaries whose refresh method is NONE (NEVER REFRESH) cannot be refreshed. Alter the summary to change the default refresh method from NONE to some other value.
Cause: The value of index1 was greater than the value for index2 in the call to bind_array. This is illegal since the elements of the table that will be bound are those with indexes greater than or equal to index1 and less than or equal to index2.
Action: Do not perform DML or DDL on such tables. You cannot modify tables locked by PREPARE_REFRESH until you have done the corresponding EXECUTE_REFRESH.
Cause: FOR loop allows only numeric and datetime without timezone type for bounds. Only constants of interval and numeric types are allowed as increment/decrement expressions.
Cause: The setDataBuffer method was called to get information about this column. Therfore, the current method cannot be called.
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the more specific error below, take corrective action
Cause: An attempt was made to base a normal trigger on a schema, a database, or a pluggable database, but normal triggers can be based only on tables or views.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.
Cause: An invalid argument is passed to the OCIFile function. The most common cause is that a NULL pointer is passed where a non-NULL pointer is expected.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view on a prebuilt table that has a managed column with a default on null expression.
Cause: A Partition Maintenance Operation (PMOP) has been performed on a detail table, and the specified materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs.
Cause: The process program opened too many handles, and the specified handle was either uninitialized or outside a valid range.
Cause: Both define_array and bind_array have been called on this cursor. This was illegal. It was not possible for a cursor to contain both array binds and array defines. The semantics of this setting were invalid. Array defines were used to move data from select queries into PL/SQL tables and array binds to bind PL/SQL tables to non-select queries.
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke an event handler with invoker's rights when the SET-INVOKER attribute in the resource configuration that defines the handler was not set to TRUE.
Action: Refresh the table's dependent materialized views before creating commit SCN-based materialized view log on the table.
Cause: The refresh process was unable to access a named pipe to the job queue process after it successfully opened the pipe. This usually indicates an internal or operating system error condition.
Action: If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), it means that the master process for the operation had an unhandled exception. Check the log file for the operation and the trace file for the master process for any additional information. Try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: A CREATE JAVA command attempted to create a source, class, or resource object with a name that is already in use.
Cause: Failure during add logfile to a LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Cause: An error exists in the materialized view definition. As a result, the materialized view statement could not be explained.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or query an external-organized or hybrid-partitioned table with more than the maximum allowed (32767) locations specified.
Cause: The ODCIObjectList returned by the ODCIGetInterfaces routine does not contain the required stream version for external tables.
Action: Check the set of requested access privileges to make sure that they are included in the set of access privileges granted to the user.
Action: Check the values of both begin_scn and end_scn. Correct them to make sure that they form a legal SCN range. An end_scn value of zero indicates an infinite scn range.
Cause: An attempt to open a connection failed because too many are already open by this session. The number of allowed connections varies as some may be in use through other components which share the same pool of allowed connections.
Action: If the function is deterministic, mark it DETERMINISTIC. If it is not deterministic (it depends on package state, database state, current time, or anything other than the function inputs) then do not create the index. The values returned by a deterministic function should not change even when the function is rewritten or recompiled.
Cause: The setBuffer method was not called for all column postions and the next method was called to fetch more than one row.
Action: Check your system for problems. Check the trace file for the process, if one was created, for any additional information. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
One of the most striking things about these cave paintings is their realism. The animals are depicted in great detail, with their muscles, fur, and movements captured with remarkable accuracy. This suggests that the early humans who created these paintings had a keen eye for observation and could represent the world around them accurately and aesthetically pleasingly. Another exciting aspect of these cave paintings is their use of color. The early humans who created these paintings (2.1.3) used various colors to create their images, including red, black, yellow, and white. These colors were made from natural materials such as clay, ochre, and charcoal and were applied using brushes made from animal hair or plant fibers.
Cause: The installation script initmeta.sql failed to load the named file from the file system directory into the database.
Action: Reissue the command using a scheduler credential object that exists or create a new credential object and then reissue the command. Do not qualify the credential name with a schema name. The credential name should be owned by the current user invoking the DBMS_LDAP method. If the credential is owned by a different user, create a synonym pointing to the credential, request the database administrator to grant EXECUTE privilege on the credential and then reissue the command.
Cause: Incremental refresh of summaries with VARIANCE(X) requires COUNT(X) and SUM(X) columns to be included in the summary definition
Action: Specify a JOIN KEY clause to indicate how the relation of the child level joins to the relation of the parent level.
Action: Make sure that the required columns are part of the summary definition if incremental refresh capability is desired.
Action: Make sure that the required columns are part of the summary definition if incremental refresh capability is desired.
Cause: Either (1) FETCH_XML was called when the "DDL" transform was specified, or (2) FETCH_DDL was called when the "DDL" transform was omitted.
Action: Do not create logical partition tracking on a table that already has logical partition tracking enabled, or try creating logical partition tracking after dropping the existing logical partition tracking.
Action: Do not drop a change table while there are active subscribers. If this is an emergency, use the FORCE parameter. This will forcibly drop the change table out from under all subscribers.
Action: Ensure that the XML schema changes specified in the XMLDiff argument to DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.inPlaceEvolve are permitted.
Action: Ensure that the SELECT or READ privilege is granted on a valid object when the WITH HIERARCHY OPTION is specified.
Action: It is likely that this table existed before the import operation and import did not overwrite it. Determine whether the imported change table should supercede the original table. If so, drop the original table and retry the import. If not, the change table must have a different name in order to be imported.
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing publication was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing publication.
Cause: A set operator such as UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, or MINUS was encountered in an unsupported context, such as in a materialized view definition.
Action: Ensure table is not a global temporary or a private temporay table or an materialized view log. Refer documentation for details.
Cause: The schema does not allow a child node of this type to be inserted into a parent node of this type. For example, only element nodes may only be inserted into a document
Cause: Attempted to access a function-based index that was marked disabled because the function, on which the index depends, was changed.
Cause: The user specified a REF or a LONG datatype which is not supported in CREATE/ALTER INDEXTYPE WITH ARRAY DML (DATA_TYPE, VARRAY_TYPE).
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to import objects. The schema specified is needed to import this object, but access to this schema is not available.
Action: Change the sort specification list to use only names which are listed in the column alias list of the WITH clause element.
Cause: The refresh job queue process encountered an error and is reporting it. The accompanying text of the message indicates cause of the error
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact Oracle support.
Cause: The XML schema does not specify the name for the global declaration of attribute or element or simpleType or complexType.
Action: Remove all but one of the ENABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION or DISABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION clauses; then, reissue the command.
Cause: An attempt was made to create multiple domain indexes on a column list using indextypes which do not have disjoint operators.
Action: Convert the server parameter file into a parameter file and then add the parameters needed and recreate the server parameter file.
Action: Make sure that all schemas referenced via include definitions target the same namespace as the parent schema. Further make sure that the namespace specified in the import definition matches the actual target namespace of the specified schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the PRIVATE_TEMP_TABLE_PREFIX parameter to a value that does not comply as specified in the documentation.
Action: Examine all column datatypes in the expression and refer to the documentation for supported query types. The application can reattempt the query registration in best effort mode.
Cause: A NAMED keyword was specified in the CREATE JAVA CLASS statement. NAMED keywords are valid only in CREATE JAVA SOURCE or RESOURCE statements.
Action: Please check the LDAP message that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Do not drop or alter the internal index on a materialized zone map. Operate on the materialized zone map instead.
Action: Reduce the parameter value length and retry the command. For the DISPATCHERS parameter, use listener aliases to reduce value length.
Cause: The change set is currently advancing. Change sources related to an advancing change set cannot be altered. Change tables related to the advancing change set cannot be created, altered or dropped. Some or all the parameters of the change set cannot be altered while the set is advancing.
Cause: The refresh process was unable to open a named pipe to the job queue process usually because of insufficient system resources
Cause: The relation of the child columns on the left side of the JOIN KEY clause differed from that of that child level.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the audit table to a table or view object that does not have a column with the same name and type as the one in the audit table.
Action: To identify which plans and/or plan directives need to be modified, look at all plans that have no plan directives. Then, alter the top-plan so that all its leaves are consumer groups.
Action: Do not run Data Manipulation Language(DML) on tables that have on-commit materialized views in a distributed transaction. If this error occurs, run on-demand fast refresh or complete refresh to the on-commit materialized views.
Cause: The data cartridge encountered an unexpected condition. The argument is a string that identifies the internal error to Oracle development. This argument and the database version number are critical in identifying the root cause.
Cause: Some objects which crossed the boundary of the recovery set were not allowed in the tabelspace point-in-time recovery.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before the database is open or before server errors, but these types of triggers are not supported.
Cause: A Partition Maintenance Operation (PMOP) has been performed on the materialized view, and no materialized view supports fast refresh after container table PMOPs.
Cause: The job name was defaulted, and the name creation algorithm was unable to find a unique job name for this schema where the table name (for the master table) didn't already exist.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: Trying to create a synchronous change table and the source schema did not match any existing schema names in the database.
Cause: An attempt was made by a PL/SQL module to use an LDAP session which is not valid and might have already been closed.
Cause: The end data of the change set is earlier than the begin date. The end date must always be later in time than the begin date, so that the duration between the begin and end dates is a positive amount of time.
Action: Remove all plan directives that have the plan or consumer group as GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN; then delete the plan or consumer group.
Action: Create a master process first. Then call the function from the master process. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Do not drop the NOT NULL constraint on an identity column. The only way to drop the constraint is to remove the identity property of the column with ALTER TABLE MODIFY column DROP IDENTITY.
Cause: The value is none of the followings: 'ADJUST', 'NO_ADJUST', 'ANSI_DATE', 'ADJUST_WITH_ANSI_DATE'. 'NO_ADJUST' is the default value.
Cause: One of the following has occurred: 1) Attempted to invoke setRender* method after the resource was rendered through a setRender* method or after data was written to the output stream. 2) Attempted to access the output stream of the resource after a setRender* method was executed on the resource.
Cause: An attempt was made by a PL/SQL module to use an LDAP MESSAGE handle which is not valid and might have already been freed.
Cause: An LPX routine (XML/XSL processing) returned an internal error number to its PL/SQL wrapper routine in facility KUX which provides the implementation for package UTL_XML.
Action: Subscribe to all the desired tables and columns before activating the subscription. Ensure that the correct subscription name is specified.
Cause: The process targeted to execute the ORADEBUG command was busy executing another ORADEBUG command. But, because the total wait time for all targeted processes exceeded the maximum wait time, the ORADEBUG command was not issued to the target process.
Action: Make sure that the number of workers value is greater than 0 and less than the maximum value for the platform (normally 32767). If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp) and you specified the parallel parameter, try the operation again with a smaller value for the parallel parameter. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: User specified a create local domain index statement using an indextype that does not support local domain indexes on tables partitioned with the given method
Cause: The XMLType object pointed to by the given REF could not be deleted because either the REF was invalid or it pointed to a non-existent table.
Action: Check the list of events from X$KSLED and verify the event name parameter passed to the WAIT_FOR_EVENT procedure.
Cause: The function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile function to initialize the OCIFile context.
Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.
Cause: The init.ora file did not contain a value for the instance_number which is required to identify this instance to other instances of the database running on the same cluster
Cause: An invalid method name was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP or UPDATE_CONSUMER_GROUP of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Action: Increase the amount of memory allowed for the sort or increase the maximum number of I/O buffers allowed in the system and retry the query.
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have object id columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the object id columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
Cause: Did not find any publications that matched the input parameters or the user does not have the privileges to access the specified publication.
Cause: An attempt was made to read or update an imported table with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data, which has not completed the import process through transportable tablespace mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to insert the ambiguous TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data into a table that had not completed the Daylight Saving Time upgrade process.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view whose definition query did not select from an object table.
Cause: A JOIN KEY clause was specified that did not conform to certain requirements. A JOIN KEY clause connecting a child level with its non-immediate ancestor level is allowed only when that child level and its ancestor level satisfy the following conditions: 1. The immediate parent of the child level must be a skip level. 2. The child level cannot be a skip level. 3. The ancestor level must be a non-skip level. 4. The ancestor level must be the nearest non-skip level to the child level in the hierarchy.
Action: Ensure that the specified value in XML documents is valid with respect to the datatype and other constraints in the schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an XML Node with localname or namespace value greater than or equal to 64K. This is not supported.
Action: Wait if the specified index is marked LOADING Drop the specified index if it is marked FAILED Drop or rebuild the specified index if it is marked UNUSABLE.
Cause: The user is trying to drop a type from being stored in a substitutable column or table. This error is raised due to one of the following reasons : - the column is enabled to store instances of some subtype of the type being dropped. - the column is enabled to store instances of only one type
Cause: The database was configured with Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) enabled in Oracle Database Standard Edition (SE).
Action: Check the trace files of other active instances in the cluster group for indications of errors that caused a reconfiguration.
Cause: An element or attribute for a complextype derived by restriction has an attribute whose value is different from that in the base type
Cause: User attempted to advance a change set which does not contain any change tables. Without change tables, a change set cannot be advanced.
Cause: The character set used as an encoding of the URL is a fixed-width multibyte character set and is not allowed for a URL.
Cause: The primary key, unique index, foreign key or all column supplemental logging attribute can be specified at most once in a create/alter ddl.
Cause: A non-existent object name was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Action: Do not perform PMOPs or modify the table between the execution of PREPARE_REFRESH and EXECUTE_REFRESH. You can do these operations before PREPARE_REFRESH or after EXECUTE_REFRESH.
Action: Check your INIT.ORA files on all instances and ensure that the initialization parameters in error have the same value.
Cause: The bound table did not contain elements at both index locations in the call to bind_array of dbms_sql. This was not allowed. Both index locations must contain elements. tab.exists(index1) and tab.exists(index2) must both return true.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod_array that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Update the GROUP BY clause of the AS subquery of the CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement to have one expression, which must be the same SYS_OP_ZONE_ID function expression specified for the first column of the SELECT list of the subquery.
Cause: The specified filter is invalid. It contains at least one invalid filter item. If a filter item has a string list, it becomes illegal when the string list cannot be successfully parsed. If the filter item contains a range definition, and the lower bound of the range is greater than the higher bound, the item also becomes invalid.
Cause: The GROUP BY clause of the AS subquery of a CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement contained more than one expression.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a time/timestamp expression whose format does not explicitly have time zone on a TIME/TIMESTAMP or TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column.
Cause: The user tried to drop a subtype with VALIDATE option which tried to check for stored instances of the type in the stated table
Cause: An attempt was made to switch the consumer group of a user or a session to OTHER_GROUPS or an INTERNAL_USE group.
Cause: The ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter must be set to 1 in a two node cluster database configuration or unspecified if a secondary instance is not needed.
Cause: An error was detected by the refresh statistics subsystem at the position indicated by the first argument in the error message. The secondary error is indicated by the second argument in the error message. This error message is recorded in the trace file and alert log but is not thrown and the refresh operation is not aborted because of this error.
Cause: An attempt was made to import a .class file containing a character that cannot be converted to the server character set. The .class file could not be imported because of the illegal character.
Cause: Failure during set parameters for a LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a commit SCN-based materialized view log on a table which had direct load/PMOP log entries in sys.sumdelta$ and sys.sumpartlog$.
Action: Define the UNION ALL view query block to contain both the primary and ancillary operators, so that the operators are contained by the query block in the UNION ALL branch, rather than in the query block outside of the view.
Cause: One of three possible actions caused the error: 1) ENABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION was specified more than once. 2) DISABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION was specified more than once. 3) Both ENABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION and DISABLE LOGICAL REPLICATION were specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a commit SCN-based materialized view log on an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) table.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an XML Text Node with a size greater than 64K, or an XML Comment Node with a size greater than 4K. These cannot be printed. For example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing in a document node as a child, are unsupported operations.
Action: First delete the user defined statistics and then reissue the DISASSOCIATE command or specify the FORCE option with DISASSOCIATE.
Action: The query has some constructs that make it incompatible with Continuous Query Notification like synonyms or views. Please check the documentation for complete list.
Action: Check the HTTP server that the HTTP operation was performed to make sure that it follows the HTTP protocol standard.
Cause: Failure during processing of parameters from restored SPFILE. It could be that restore image of the SPFILE is corrupted.
Cause: The client side sql or plsql function operation requires a connection to the server, but currently no client/server connection existed.
Action: Do not drop the NOT NULL constraint on a DEFAULT ON NULL column. The only way to drop the constraint is to remove the ON NULL property of the column default.
Action: Check the remote server or the network to ensure that it responds within the timeout limit. Or increase the timeout value.
Action: Correct the host or port specifications if they are incorrect, and verify that the debugger is properly waiting for a connection.
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is allowed only for ADD partition to a HASH partitioned table or ADD subpartition to a composite partitioned table.
Action: Check the alert file and relevent trace files and contact Oracle Support Services with the incident information.
Cause: failed to propagate supplemental logging attributes to all RAC instances. Most likely caused by an instance leaving the RAC while this DDL was in progress.
Cause: The user attempted to change the definition of a Data Pump job through filters, transforms or parameters after it had started. These changes can only be made while defining a job.
Cause: A WITH clause query referred to itself (recursive) but used a UNION ALL operation with more than two branches, which is not currently supported.
Cause: A worker process was requested to clean up and exit (signaled by PMON, doing cleanup because the master process died unexpectedly).
Action: Switch to SYS before performing the ownership change, or have the intended recipient of the resource perform the transfer.
Cause: Import could not read from the dump file. This could be the result of a device error. This message is usually followed by a device message from the operating system.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add object id columns to the materialized view log, if required.
Action: When creating asynchronous change tables, always specify 'Y' for the RSID parameter. When altering asynchronous change tables always specify 'N' for RSID.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before the role change completed. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Control columns are selected with separate parameters. If you did not want a control column, then change the name of the specified column so that it does not conflict with a reserved column name.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view whose type does not match the type of the master object table.
Cause: The VALIDATE_PENDING_AREA procedure found that either the intended top-plan(s) are involved in a loop or there are no top-plans.
Action: Update the parameter value using the ALTER SYSTEM SET statement with scope set to SPFILE, and try opening the pluggable database again.
Cause: An attempt was made to include a column in a log group with one of these unsupported data types: LONG, VARRAY, nested table, object, or LOB.
Action: In order for the materialized view to work correctly, any fine grain access control procedure in effect for the query must return a null policy when the materialized view is being created or refreshed. This may be done by ensuring that the usernames for the creator, owner, and invoker of refresh procedures for the materialized view all receive a null policy by the user-written fine grain access control procedures.
Cause: The table object contained at least one type that requires direct path and at least one type that requires insert as select or external tables to import the data. There is no method available to export or import this data over a database link.
Action: Drop the materialized view that contains the nested table column. This will implicitly drop all secondary materialized views.
Action: Consider either creating the user in the database or map the user to a different user via FROM_USER and TO_USER import options.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete more than the required minimum number of elements (specified by the minoccurs facet) from an XML document.
Cause: The CYCLE clause for a recursive WITH query specified a cycle mark column that was already listed in the column alias list for the WITH clause query name.
Cause: User attempted to execute the DROP_CHANGE_TABLE procedure on a table that is not a CHANGE table. This can also occur when a CHANGE table object has been orphaned. CHANGE tables can become orphaned after a CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE failure or an incomplete DROP_CHANGE_TABLE.
Cause: An object modified in the current transaction was found during the creation of in-memory private temporary table using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS).
Cause: The specified element name was not defined globally (at the top level) of the XML schema. Elements must be defined globally to be the root of an XMLType object.
Action: Check all expressions, clauses and operators in the query and refer to the documentation for supported query types. The application can reattempt the query registration in best effort mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to resolve a class that is not authorized to use a referenced class. The name of the referenced class could not be determined.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an object more than once in a transaction. This error is usually caused by a DDL statement that fires a system trigger that tries to modify the same object. It can also happen when an attempt is made to perform more than one DDL operation on a queue table in the same transaction without issuing a commit between operations.
Action: Modify the trigger to avoid modifications to the objects in the same tablespace as the one which is being made read only, or use autonomous transactions to commit modifications
Action: Make sure that the required columns are part of the summary definition if incremental refresh capability is desired.
Cause: A datetime field (YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND) is expected but not found, or a datetime field specified the end field in an interval qualifier is more significant than its start field.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Java source object with text that could not be parsed adequately to determine the class(es) defined by it.
Action: Either drop the dependent objects first and then issue the ALTER OPERATOR DROP BINDING command or specify the FORCE option with ALTER OPERATOR DROP BINDING.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE for change tables, but DROP TABLE is not supported for change tables.
Cause: Since FROM is specified in TRIM function, either trim specification (TRAILING, HEADING, BOTH) or trim character or both must be specified.
Cause: The selected Instance Membership Recovery protocol was not compatible with other running instances in the cluster database.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Do not specify a scope constraint on a nested table column when creating it. Instead, specify it using the ALTER TABLE statement.
Cause: The ENABLE ON QUERY COMPUTATION option was specified for the materialized view [owner].[mv_name] but on-query computation was not feasible for the change scenario.
Cause: There was an error originating from this synchronous change table. One possible cause is that schema redefinition has occurred on the source table and one or more columns in the change table are now a different type than corresponding source columns. Another possible cause is that there is a problem accessing the synchronous change table.
Action: Do not use the following ALTER TABLE statements on a table with a staging log: * ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION * ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION * ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE PARTITION You must use the REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION procedure in the DBMS_SYNC_REFRESH package to perform these operations.
Cause: A call was made to refresh_all_mviews, but no summaries exist. At least one summary must exist before calling refresh_all_mviews
Action: It is possible that an attempt was made to create the Java class from a damaged class file, in which case the CREATE should be reattempted with a correct class file. It is also possible that the message is the result of using "-" in the resolver so that the verifier could not check the correctness of some code. In that case, the class needs to be created with a resolver.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a parameter value but the number of characters in the parameter value was longer than the allowed maximum. For a list parameter, one of the values in the list was longer than the allowed maximum.
Action: Check the alert file and relevent trace files and contact Oracle Support Services with the incident information.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before execution suspended. This type of trigger is not supported.
Cause: The requested read operation could not complete because a partial multibyte character was found at the end of the input.
Cause: Either the directory did not exist, it was not writable, or the path contained reference to the parent directory.
Cause: The character set mode in which the file was opened did not match the character set of the read or write operation.
Cause: The cycle mark or the non-cycle mark values specified in the CYCLE clause of a recursive WITH query were not one byte character string values or not boolean constants as required.
Early humans had various reasons for creating art, including spiritual or religious purposes. Many ancient artifacts and cave paintings discovered have religious significance, honoring gods, ancestors, or other spiritual entities. These art forms may have been used to invoke the power of these entities or as part of rituals and ceremonies. Additionally, early humans created art for aesthetic reasons, appreciating the beauty of the natural world and expressing it through their art. Some of the earliest art forms, such as figurines and sculptures, were created for their beauty and elegance. These portable objects were often intricately carved and decorated using materials such as stone, bone, and ivory.
Action: Add an xmlns attribute definition (attribute name="xmlns:prefix" and value="namespace URL") to the current XMLType document. The safest place to add this attribute is in the root node of the document to ensure that the mapping will be in scope.
Cause: The percentile value specified for the PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC function was not in the range of 0 to 1.
Cause: The value of the initialization parameter in error must be identical on all Oracle cluster database instances and was not.
Cause: An attempt was made to merge external Hive table partitions with a hybrid Oracle table, whose external partitions are not of the Hive type.
Cause: A problem occurred when trying to establish a debugger connection. This might indicate that the port specified as the location of the debugger is actually being used by some other type of application.
Cause: An event was set to let ON COMMIT refresh to obtain a shared lock for all the detailed tables, whether they have been modified or not.
Action: Call the procedure again, making sure that all the required parameters have been specified. Ensure that at least one parameter is not null. Refer to user documentation for the correct way of calling this procedure.
Action: Wait till the index partition operation completes OR issue a DROP INDEX FORCE to drop the index OR issue a ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION to drop the partition.
Cause: A timeout occurred while trying to place a lock on the subscription. Another session had already acquired the lock on the subscription.
Action: Change the token representing the reject limit to either a number in the range of 0 and 100000 or the keyword UNLIMITED.
Cause: Change sources with the hot mine option enabled are limited to 1 change set. The system detected an existing change set so a second one can not be created.
Cause: The XML schema specifies a content model that is sequential, where the order of nodes in the instance must follow the order specified by the schema, and this instance relies on the schema validity to avoid maintaining instance order information
Action: Contact Oracle support or workaround problem by removing NLS settings or modifying the materialized view's defining query.
Cause: An expression other than MODEL aliases, constants, or expressions of the two is specified in the MODEL SELECT clause.
Cause: Job creation or restart failed because a job having the selected name is currently executing. This also generally indicates that a Master Table with that job name exists in the user schema. Refer to any following error messages for clarification.
Cause: At least one ancillary binding of the specified operator could not be validated because all of its associated primary operator bindings have been dropped.
Action: Perform one of the following actions: - Remove the use of the PL/SQL function. - Mark the PL/SQL function as DETERMINISTIC. - Disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view. The function should be marked DETERMINISTIC only if it always returns the same result value for any given set of input argument values, regardless of any database state or session state. Do not mark the function as DETERMINISTIC if it has any meaningful side-effects.
Cause: An attempt has been made to access a domain index that is being built or is marked failed by an unsuccessful DDL or is marked unusable by a DDL operation.
Cause: The requested access privileges have not been granted to the current user. User must be granted privileges prior to resource access.
Action: Consider using different export options, or removing some of the pointers that caused the violation, or selecting a different set of tablespaces.
Cause: Internal error. The payload for Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) command sent from the Sharding Catalog to the shard database contained invalid operation code.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: The user specified an invalid option like ASC, DESC, SORT or a parallel clause, partitioning clause or physical attributes clause.
Action: Do not alter the database time zone when there are tables containing TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns. Alternatively, export the tables containing TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns and drop them before altering the database. Finally, re-import the dropped tables.
Action: Drop the domain indexes in his tablespace. Also, find the domain indexes which created secondary objects in this tablespace and drop them. Then try dropping the tablespace.
Action: Remove all references to the target resource configuration by executing DELETERESCONFIG or DELETEREPOSITORYRESCONFIG procedures in DBMS_RESCONFIG package or specify the DELETE_FORCE option in the DELETERESOURCE statement.
Cause: A CYCLE clause was specified for a recursive WITH query but the cycle mark value and the non-cycle value or DEFAULT value were not all character values or boolean values.
Action: Make sure the event that is being fired does not generate infinitely recursive calls, either to itself or to other functions or procedures.
The creation of these cave paintings was a significant development in human history. It shows that early humans were focused on survival and wanted to express themselves creatively and create beautiful and meaningful art. It also suggests that early humans had a rich cultural and spiritual life that was not just about practical concerns but also about more abstract ideas and concepts.
Cause: An invalid privilege name was specified as an argument to procedure GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE or REVOKE_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.
Action: Specify a one byte character string or a boolean constant for the cycle mark and non-cycle mark values of the CYCLE clause for the recursive WITH query.
Action: Check the data in the staging log for validity. If the data is valid, create additional partitions,, including a default partition if needed, with the ALTER TABLE command.
Action: Verify the state of the CSS. If the CSS was not started, start it and then retry the database startup. If the CSS died or is not responding, check the Oracle and CSS trace files for errors and contact Oracle Support Services.
Action: Select a different job name, DROP the existing table, or eliminate any problems indicated by the following error messages.
Action: Make sure that the CDC API call is being executed from the staging database and that the source database is correctly specified. The source database and staging database need to be different databases.
Action: To improve the scalability of your configuration, configure a dispatcher for protocol=tcp. To route these particular connections through a particular set of dispatchers, you can specify presentation=kgas. However, if you haven't done so, any protocol=tcp dispatcher will be used.
Cause: There was an error while trying to expand a view hierarchy. This could be due to invalid subviews (or subviews with errors)
Action: Check the spelling of the host name or the IP address. Make sure that the host name or the IP address is valid.
Cause: An incorrect datafile was copied to the production database. The datafile information in the export dump file differs with the information in the datafile in the production database.
Cause: When creating a synchronous change table, the underlying source table must exist when the procedure is called. In this case, the source table did not exist.
Cause: An invalid index was specified in a call to bind_array of dbms_sql. The index may have been null or of an improper value.
Cause: Failure during create of a new LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Action: Remove the reference to the SYS relation from the select clause or disable the REWRITE option on the materialized view.
Cause: The Oracle Data Pump Export utility was unable to write to the export file. This could be the result of a device error. This message is usually followed by a device message from the operating system.
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change set was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change set.
Cause: Local temporary tablespace could not be used as the default temporary tablespace; Temporary tablespace could not be used as the default local temporary tablespace.
Cause: OTHER_GROUPS was not included as part of the specified top-plan. Each top plan must include the built-in consumer group OTHER_GROUPS.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Users can call the DBMS_OLAP.PURGE_FILTER subprogram to remove the inconsistent data from summary advisor's internal tables
Cause: The number of child columns specified in a JOIN KEY clause is not the same as the number of columns in the specified parent level.
Action: Be sure to specify am error stack buffer size that is big enough to hold the error stack string (e.g. 4096 bytes). If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: If you plan to continue using Oracle RAC with Oracle Database 19c or later releases, install Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (EE) to upgrade your database. If you plan to continue using SE without Oracle RAC enabled, convert your database to a single instance Oracle Database before upgrading.
Action: Please refer to the Post-installation Tasks section in the Database Install Guide for instructions on how to install JAccelerator (NCOMP).
Action: Specify another separator for the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function to use which does not occur in any column value, then retry.
Action: Ensure that the columns projected from the CURSOR argument of a pipelined table function includes the PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, and CLUSTER BY columns of the pipelined table function.
Cause: Failure during detach from a LogMiner session after successful advance of an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error. This exception is raised when an asynchronous change set has been successfully advanced but CDC was unable to detach from the LogMiner session
Action: If specifying an absolute offset, ensure it is in the range [0, total number of bytes in the file], or if specifying a relative offset, ensure it is no greater than the current byte position plus the number of bytes remaining in the file.
Action: Remove all table-level supplemental log data and then disable logical replication. Or, do not disable logical replication, and add supplemental logging.
Cause: An attempt was made to audit a DDL statement with BY SESSION clause specified. DDL statements can be audited BY ACCESS only.
Cause: An internal error was detected by the zonemap staleness tracking subsystem and the DML operation on the zonemap fact table was aborted.
Action: Use V$DATABASE to determine the databasewide supplemental logging directives. Minimal supplemental logging could be dropped if and only if no other databasewide supplemental logging directives are enabled.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod type that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: A DDL operation on a local temporary tablespace FOR LEAF was attempted in a system without any read-only running instances.
Cause: An invalid parameter name or value was passed to the DBMS_HANG_MANAGER package when setting an Oracle Hang Manager parameter.
Cause: Reject limit specifies the number of records rejected before terminating a table scan. The range is a either a number between 1..100000 or UNLIMITED if no limit is intended.
Cause: An attempt was made to add or remove an xsi:schemaLocation, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, or xsi:nil attribute to or from a schema-based XML node using DOM.
Cause: Both define_array and define_column have been called on this cursor. It was not valid for a cursor to both contain regular and array defines. Array defines were used to move data from SELECT queries into PL/SQL tables and regular defines to move data from SELECT queries into PL/SQL variables.
Cause: Attempt to perform parallel insert on a non-partitioned object after a previous DML on the object in the same transaction.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a scope constraint on a nested table column when the nested table is being created.
Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.
Action: Ensure that the following invariants hold for each shardgroup: number of chunks >= number of shards number of shards >= replication factor distribution factor >= replication factor - 1
Action: Fix the HTTP server error and retry the HTTP request. Contact the administrator of the HTTP server when necessary.
Cause: The recursive component of the UNION ALL in a recursive WITH clause element used an operation that was currently not supported. The following should not be used in the recursive branch of the UNION ALL operation: GROUP BY, DISTINCT, MODEL, grouping sets, CONNECT BY, window functions, HAVING, aggregate functions.
Cause: An EXTERNAL MODIFY clause was specified when querying a table that was not an external or hybrid-partitioned table.
Cause: Out-of-place Partition Change Tracking (PCT) refresh was either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after changes to the base table made since the last refresh.
Action: Correct name resolver or address resolution problems in the referenced class, or correct compilation problems in its source.
Cause: The caller did not use the name of an existing change source. The name given does not match the name of any existing change source.
Action: Use a level name that begins with a letter, consists of only letters, digits, and underscores and contains no more than 30 characters.
Cause: Oracle XML DB internal tables are in an invalid state, probably because the database was not upgraded or the upgrade was not successful.
Cause: All identifiers used in the DBMS_OLAP package must have at most 30 characters, and must start with a letter that is followed by any combination of letters, numerals, and the signs '$', '_', and '#'. Other characters cannot be used in identifiers. The rules for DBMS_OLAP identifiers are the same as for PL/SQL identifiers.
Action: Check the plans that have the specified plan as a GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN, and remove the plan directive that causes the loop.
Cause: The address space defined for the MODEL (partition by and dimension by expressions) do not uniquely identify each cell.
Action: Verify that the mode of the job specified objects to be moved. For command line clients, verify that the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE and CONTENT parameters were correctly set. For DBMS_DATAPUMP API users, verify that the metadata filters, data filters, and parameters that were supplied on the job were correctly set.
Action: Select a different upper_bound or lower_bound and reissue the API call that produced the error. Alternatively, make the upper_bound or lower_bound parameter NULL and reissue the API call.
Cause: IS ANY predicate is used outside dimension expression or with non-dimensional or different dimensional arguments.
Cause: An invalid plan name was specified as an argument to procedure UPDATE_PLAN or UPDATE_CDB_PLAN of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM handle is referencing a DOM Node whose DOM Type that does not match the one available in the session. This could happen because the pl/sql handle was reused, or the original document is no longer available.
Cause: A method in package UTL_XML was called with an invalid XML context handle. All handles must have previously been allocated by UTL_XML.XMLINIT.
Action: Ensure that the types used by the materialized view have been evolved to the same version at both the master and materialized sites. Then, before refreshing the materialized view, evolve the materialized view using ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.
Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.
Action: Select a different job name, or stop the currently executing job and re-try the operation (may require a DROP on the Master Table).
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object with a name matching private temporary table prefix (either ORA$PTT_ or value in parameter, private_temp_table_prefix).
Action: Make sure that the required columns are part of the summary definition if incremental refresh capability is desired.
Cause: For materialized views with user-defined types, the definition query cannot reference tables from different master sites.
Cause: Improper use of WITH clause because one of the following two reasons: 1. nesting of WITH clause within WITH clause not supported yet 2. For a set query, WITH clause can't be specified for a branch. 3. WITH clause cannot be specified within parenthesis.
Cause: Either operations were performed on the newly created subtype while the session was in progress, or the type information was not available in the object cache.
Cause: An attempt was made in the definition query to select an embedded user-defined type, function returning a user-defined type, or a function whose arguments are user-defined types.
Cause: The table being loaded contains a xml column with object-relational storage. The xmltype column contains a type with subtypes. This type of attribute cannot be loaded with direct path.
Action: Rewrite the recursive WITH clause query to refer to itself directly in the FROM clause of one of the UNION ALL branches.
Cause: If the materialized view is fresh, ORACLE ignores the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mv RELY FRESH command, and issues this error message.
Cause: The parameter value is inconsistent with another value specified by the program. It may be inconsistent with the object type associated with the OPEN context, or it may be of the wrong datatype (a boolean rather than a text string or vice versa).
Cause: An attempt to open a debugging connection failed because this server configuration cannot support the required asynchronous socket traffic detection.
Cause: An attempt was made to create logical partition tracking on a table that already had logical partition tracking enabled.
Action: Verify the state of the CSS. If the CSS died or is not responding, check the ORACLE and CSS trace files for errors and contact Oracle Support Services.
Action: Check the name and call the procedure again, with the name of an existing change set. Contact the publisher or database administrator if user privileges are required to access the publications in the change set.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify SQL Model rules with window functions defined with the GROUP-based window aggregation group.
Cause: None of the specified queries can be successfully parsed. The error may come from many sources: SQL syntax error, the owner specified by the load_workload subprograms do not match the real user who generates the SQL statement
Cause: A file rename attempt was refused by the operating system either because the source or destination directory does not exist or is inaccessible, or the source file isn't accessible, or the destination file exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a new window specification in which another defined window specification with the WINDOWING clause was referenced.
Cause: An attempt was made to create under a supertable (superview), a subtable(subview) of the same type as another existing subtable (subview).
Cause: The window functions can not be used in SQL Model rules that have FOR-loops on the left side or aggregates on the right side.
Cause: The table that was loaded contained an XML column with object-relational storage. The XMLType column either contains an out-of-line partitioned table or the table itself is partitioned by one of the attributes of XMLType. This type of table cannot be loaded with direct path.
Art also served as a way for early humans to record their history. Paintings, sculptures, and other art forms depict important events and people. For example, ancient Egyptian art depicts the lives of pharaohs and their conquests (2.1.4), while Greek art depicts actual events such as battles and sporting events. These artworks serve as a historical record of the past and provide insight into the lives of ancient people.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a mandatory plan directive where either PLAN or GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN or both were not mandatory
Cause: The update operation for attributes was not permitted because Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) was not running on the host.
Cause: An invalid method was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN or UPDATE_PLAN of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Action: Check spelling. If error was due to an incorrect name, then retry the procedure using the correct name. To drop a table that is not a CHANGE table, or an orphaned CHANGE table, use the DROP TABLE DDL command instead.
Cause: The process targeted to execute the ORADEBUG command was busy executing another ORADEBUG command for a time greater than the timeout value specified.
Cause: This event was disabled by default. If enabled, the fix for bug 6074902 will be disabled and you will be unable to create database links starting with a number when creating a materialized view on remote tables.
Action: Make sure the export file used for transportable tablespace is not corrupted. If the error still occurs, call Oracle support.
Action: Contact the change set's publisher to request that the capture error be resolved. Subscriptions using this change set cannot be activated or have their subscription windows extended or purged until the capture error is resolved.
Cause: Either an ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH SYSTEM MANAGED STORAGE TABLES command was issued with an indextype which is not system-managed, or an ASSOCIATE STATISTICS command was issued with an indextype which is system-managed.
Cause: An error was indicated when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. Usually a TNS error will display along with this message to further explain the problem, although this TNS error will likely be hidden if you choose to trap the error.
Action: To change the fixed username of the database link, drop the existing database link and recreate it with the correct username.
Cause: overlap exists between requested memory range to watch and internal memory structures that watchpointing operations need
Cause: The partitioning column specified in the CREATE LOGICAL PARTITION TRACKING statement was not one of the columns of the specified table.
Cause: A attempt failed to invoke an invalid event handler. Either the handler did not exist or the handler could not be compiled successfully.
In the early days of human existence, art served as a powerful tool for communication. Our ancestors utilized artistic expression to convey important messages, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to their communities. One of the most notable forms of early art was cave paintings, which depicted animals, hunting scenes, and various rituals. It is believed that these paintings were used to communicate important information such as hunting strategies, prey location, and the significance of traditions to the community. Through art, early humans were able to express themselves in a way that was both meaningful and effective, allowing them to share their values and ideas with others. Today, we continue to appreciate the value of art as a means of communication and self-expression.
Cause: The materialized view creation failed because fast refreshable remote materialized view on a detail table with commit SCN-based materialized view log was not supported.
Action: Rebuild the index partition by using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION statement or remove all rows from the partition using the ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE PARTITION statement.
Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters are being passed and take the apropriate action.
Action: Alter the materialized view [owner].[mv_name] to disable on-query computation, or refresh the materialized view [owner].[mv_name] before issuing the query again.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Java source object that would define a class that is already defined by a different Java source object.
Action: A generated always identity column cannot be directly inserted. Instead, the associated sequence generator must provide the value.
Cause: If creating an asynchronous change table, the RSID was set to 'N'. If altering an asynchronous change table with an operation parameter of 'DROP' RSID was set to 'Y'.
Cause: The recursive component of the UNION ALL in a recursive WITH clause element referenced the recursive query name more than once. Only one reference to the recursive query name is allowed in the recursive branch of a recursive WITH clause element.
Cause: The instances that were running were only read-mostly or read-only instances which causes the whole cluster to shut down.
Action: Only insert elements and attributes declared in the schema. Check to make sure that xsi:type (if used) is specified first.
Action: Verify that all complex types that are bound or defined in one container while execution occurs in another container are object or metadata linked types.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a method in a Java class that had not been previously and cannot now be compiled or resolved successfully.
Action: Determine why the change set is disabled and correct this condition. Alter the change set specifying 'y' for advance_enable then retry the operation.
Action: Check to see if the domain index has been implemented with system-managed storage tables. To associate statistics with a system-managed domain index, issue ASSOCIATE STATISTICS command with the indextype of this domain index.
Action: Check further error messages in the stack for more detail about the cause. If the master table column has been altered or redefined, drop the materialized view and re-create it.
Cause: The ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter was specified when one of the instances in the cluster was running Oracle 8.1.5 or an earlier release.
Cause: Local temporary tablespace that was created using FOR RIM or FOR LEAF could not be used as the default local temporary tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a FOR EACH ROW clause with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system triggers does not have a base table.
Action: Connect to the appropriate schema, DROP TABLE MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE and recreate it by invoking the admin/utlxmv.sql script prior to invoking the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
Action: Add a GROUP BY clause to the AS subquery of the CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement. The GROUP BY clause must use the same SYS_OP_ZONE_ID function expression specified for the first column of the SELECT list of the subquery.
Cause: A column was used in the definition of a level after it had already been used to define a level in a different dimension.
Action: 1) Relink the application against the new release of the client library; or 2) Relink the application against the older release of the client library without statically linking defopt.o.
Action: Check the child columns and the columns in the definition of the referenced parent level and correct the discrepency.
Action: Make sure that all of the data columns of the change table have the same names as the corresponding columns in the source table, and that all the columns exist in the source table.
Cause: An attempt was made to chunk a table by ROWID, but the table was not a physical table or the table was an IOT. physical table or the table is an IOT.
Cause: One or more of the materialized view logs on the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view omits the sequence number option. Such a log cannot be used to refresh a materialized view after deletes or updates and direct path insert.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the APPEND option with ALTER SYSTEM SET or ALTER SESSION SET for a single value parameter.
Cause: An element in the sort specification list of a SEARCH clause that was specified for a recursive WITH query did not appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element.
Action: Make sure the name begins with a letter, contains only letters, digits and underscore and contains no more than 30 characters. If you qualify the name with the owner name, make sure the owner name conforms with the requirements for an owner name on your system.
Cause: The row count was larger than the maximum value of the unsigned integer. OCCI clients using 'executeUpdate()' cannot retrieve row counts larger than the maximum value of the unsigned integer.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an unsupported fast refreshable JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) materialized view.
Cause: User specified a create local domain index statement on a table partitioned using a method not supported by domain indexes
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than the allowed number of elements (specified by the maxoccurs facet) into an XML document.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires after an instance shutdown, but this type of trigger is not supported.
Cause: The upper_bound or lower_bound specified in extend_window or purge_window API is beyond the range of records in the change set.
Action: Check the alert log to find out whether capture, apply or both reached the limit. Once apply reaches its limit, the change set is permanently disabled. Create a new change set with new limits to continue capturing data.
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but encountered a problem passing parameters to the lock manager.
Cause: An attempt was made to update xdbconfig.xml when either 1) a value was specified for http2-port but not for http2-protocol (or vice versa), OR 2) http-port and http2-port were set to the same value.
Cause: The specified schema URL is currently being referenced by the same session. This could happen because of PLSQL XMLType variables still in scope.
Cause: The stream state was discovered to be invalid during compression or uncompression, or an invalid compression quality was requested or a NULL or invalid compression parameter was detected.
Cause: A problem kept a socket from reading or writing the expected amount of data. More specific information is not available.
Action: Fix the syntax by adding the OVER clause for the window function if it was missing, or removing invalid identifiers, or adding an argument for ranking functions.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a PMOP (partition maintenance operation) or otherwise modify a table that was locked by synchronous refresh. The synchronous refresh operation locks tables related to the refresh group at PREPARE_REFRESH time and unlocks them after the EXECUTE_REFRESH is done to prevent wrong results.
Cause: The necessary privileges are not available for operations such as: restarting a job on behalf of another owner, using a device as a member of the dump file set, or ommiting a directory object associated with any of the various output files. Refer to any following error messages for additional information.
Cause: Oracle Data Pump Import was unable to open and read the export file. This message is usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
Cause: The user attempted to register an unsupported query type or an unsupported operation like a DML/DDL for change notification.
Cause: An XML namespace mapping (xmlns:prefix=namespace URL) must be defined for each particle (element or attribute) stored in an schema-constrained XMLType document.
Action: Only load valid SQL statements into the advisor repository. Make sure the statements can be parsed with privilege of the owner as specified in the owner parameter of the load_workload() subprogram.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the audit table to a table or view object that has fewer columns compared to the base audit table.
Cause: Trying to add attribute/element nodes to a simple type against the schema definition. Simple types can have only special attribute like namespaces, xsi:nil etc.
Cause: A class in use by the current session was redefined or dropped, invalidating the current Java session state and requiring that it be cleared.
Action: Please check the session handler that you use for binding, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Either verify that the change table contains the desired columns or drop the change table and perform the import again.
Cause: A snapshot log that utilizes Change Data Capture is being imported to a database where Change Data Capture has not been enabled.
Action: Do not specify the ORDER BY clause with a window specification that already references a window name that was defined with the ORDER BY clause.
Cause: Your program contains a set of calls that are too deep to be handled. Only transitions between the different execution engines (SQL, PL/SQL, and Java) count in reaching this limit; calls within the same engine don't count.
Cause: Failure during processing of parameters from restored SPFILE. It could be that restore image of the SPFILE is corrupted.
Cause: A type used by the materialized view was found to be incompatible with its corresponding type on the master site. This could be because the type does not exist on the master site or has been evolved to a different version from that on the materialized view site.
Cause: Users should not explicitly modify summary advisor's internal tables. Such modifications may cause inconsistency in the internal tables and result in this error.
Cause: the set of rows returned by the source SQL text is not the same as the set of rows returned by the destination SQL text
Action: Call the setXXX method with the same data type as done before the first iteration. If no setXXX method was called for this parameter postion the first iteration, then make sure that a setXXX method is called before the first addIteration method is called.
Cause: One or more column definitions in the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is either missing or incompatible with the current Oracle version.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a subtable(subview) of a type which is not a subtype of the type of the super object.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a private temporary table that exceeded the maximum allowable private temporary tables per session.
Art also played a role in early human development. The act of creating art helped to develop cognitive and motor skills. Early humans learned how to manipulate materials and design objects, which helped to develop their problem-solving abilities. Making art also helped develop fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Art's significance in early humans' lives cannot be overstated. Art was an integral part of their culture and played a crucial role in their development as a species.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE with SKIP_EXT_DATA = FALSE to refresh with data from external partitions. If you do not want to use data from external partitions, you can use fast refresh with SKIP_EXT_DATA = TRUE.
Cause: Minimal supplemental logging could not be dropped as one of primary key, foreign key, unique or all column supplemental logging is enabled at the database level.
Action: For background processes this error can be ignored. All background processes working on this index will be removed. For foreground processes the operation should be retried at a later time.
Action: 1. Make sure that the logfile location contains logfiles whose names match the logfile_suffix pattern for the change set. OR 2. perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_suffix such that it matches the names of existing logfiles in the directory
Cause: Constructor invocation did not succeed, since no user-defined constructors were defined for the opaque type, and since opaque types do not have default constructors.
Action: Confirm that the database, and any ASM instances on which it depends, is operating normally. An outage in one of these can cause this error and it is an expected result. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: This instance did not participate in the instance membership recovery protocol because it was not in good health. Some or all of its receivers were not making progress. Therefore, this instance terminated itself.
Cause: The create flag was specified in OCIFileOpen such that the file was to be created. But unable to do so. Or the file already exists and the permissions on it doesn't allow the file to be opened in in the requested open mode
Cause: The session encountered an out of memory condition in Java from which it could not recover. Java session state was cleared.
Cause: A list of column aliases or names was specified for a WITH clause query name but the number of elements in the list did not match the number of elements in the select list of the definition query.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a tablespace group to contain a tablespace that is a local temporary tablespace.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the database time zone when there were tables containing TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns in the database.
Action: Change the subscription request to select only columns that are in the same publication. Consult the USER_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS view to see current publications.
Action: Do not create system triggers that might modify an already modified object. Also, do not specify more than one DDL operation on a queue table in the same transaction.
Action: Check the spelling of the source tables. Make sure that all of the source tables belong to the synchronous change set.
Action: Please check the LDAP sslpasswd value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Ensure that the complete multibyte character is sent from the remote server and retry the operation. Or read the partial multibyte character as RAW.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can use the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API to determine which materialized view logs omit the sequence number option.
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML schema document are valid SQL names. This implies that the database length and other restrictions on names be satisfied.
Cause: An invalid reference to a job which is no longer executing, is not executing on the instance where the operation was attempted, or that does not have a valid Master Table. Refer to any following error messages for clarification.
Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly Check the user defined warning log tables for greater details.
Action: Check further error messages in stack for more detail about the cause. If there has been schema redefinition, drop and recreate the synchronous change table.
Cause: A correctible error was signaled in the resumable session and the error was not cleared within the timeout interval.
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but encountered a invalid lock handle, which did not correspond to any existing handle.
Cause: An attempt was made to insert the affected TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data into a table that had not completed the Daylight Saving Time upgrade process.
Cause: The specified publication did not exist or the specified subscription subscribed to a publication that no longer exists.
Action: Ensure that the logical partitioning column specified does not have any valid logical or physical partitions defined.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a REFERENCING clause with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system triggers does not have a base table.
Cause: The specified upper_bound or lower_bound is forcing a condition where the change view window will have nothing in it.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the scope for a REF column to a table whose object identifier's type is different from that of the original scoped table.
Cause: The schema document contains references (via include and import definitions) to other schemas that do not belong to valid namespaces.
Cause: The excluding new values specification for the existing materialized view log cannot be accepted when including new values is the current option.
Cause: The USING NO INDEX option was specified to create an updatable primary key based materialized view, an index-organized materialized view or an object-id materialized view.
Cause: An attempt was made to return implicit results to an older version client that is not capable of receiving these implicit results.
Action: Since the change set is currently being advanced, the best action is to wait for it to finish advancing. Only one caller at a time can advance the change set. Check for the cause of long running advance operations.
Cause: Internal error. A database initialization parameter required by the shard database was not set during deployment.
Cause: This instance was evicted from the group by another instance of the cluster database group for one of several reasons, which may include a communications error in the cluster and failure to issue a heartbeat to the control file.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a range-partitioned table with local user-managed domain indexes to interval partitioning.
Action: Ensure the subscription name is correct and correct it if necessary. If it is already correct, try the operation again after the session holding the lock has released it.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an unsupported fast refreshable materialized view on detail tables with commit SCN based materialized view logs.
Action: If the end of the input is reached prematurely, check if the input source terminates prematurely. Otherwise, close the connection to the input.
Action: Do not attempt to alter or drop the predefined change set or correct call to supply the name of a user-created change set.
Cause: Explain rewrite generates a shared cursor after parsing the user query. Raising this error will prevent the cursor from being shared.
Cause: The SQL type information provided in the XML schema is not compatible with the XML datatype for the specified attribute or element.
Cause: A predicate that is not a single cell reference predicate was specified where a single cell reference predicate was expected. A single cell reference predicate is either a constant expression or a predicate of the form
Action: Include the URL of all participant and dependent XML schemas through the procedure argument SCHEMAURLS in a correct order. For example, if XML schema S depends on XML schema T, then T must appear before S.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation which is supported only for bigfile tablespaces, e.g. resize tablespace.
Action: 1. Create the directory if it does not exist. If the directory does exist, change the file system permissions so the directory can be accessed. OR 2. perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_location to be an existing directory that contains the logfiles
Cause: A parameter was specified as an argument to procedure CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE or UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER that is not allowed when the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN is a plan. Only the following parameters are allowed when GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN is a plan: - MGMT_P1, MGMT_P2, MGMT_P3, MGMT_P4 MGMT_P5, MGMT_P6, MGMT_P7, MGMT_P8 - UTILIZATION_LIMIT
Cause: Constructor invocation did not succeed, since no user-defined constructors were defined for the opaque type, and since opaque types do not have default constructors.
Action: Make sure that there is a database link to the source_database for the Distributed HotLog change source. Make sure this database link is accessible to the current user.
Cause: A SKIP clause cannot be specified with a level when all of the columns that make up the level have NOT NULL constraints.
Action: Reorganize dimension levels and hierarchies into a single dimension such that no column is used to define levels in different dimensions. There is no limit on the number of levels or hierarchies you can place in a dimension. A column can be used to define any number of levels provided all such levels are in the same dimension and provided no two levels contain identical sets of columns.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a system trigger on the schema of SYS user. This type of trigger is not supported currently.
Action: Fix the problems indicated in the secondary error, or disable MV log shrink during refresh by setting the parameter _mv_refresh_shrink_log to FALSE.
Cause: The specified control process started but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.
Cause: the current operation is not allowed because an undo tablespace containing active transactions is pending from a previous SWITCH UNDO operation. The operation will be allowed again after all transactions in the previous undo tablespace are committed.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Java class using data expected to be in binary (Java .class) format. The data was found not to be in this format, or to be incorrectly formed.
Cause: The ODCIObjectList returned by the ODCIGetInterfaces routine does not contain the interface(s) required by the current usage.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data from a table with triggers that had not completed the Daylight Saving Time upgrade process.
Cause: Too many properties were specified for the type. The type can only have the same number of properties (elements and attributes) as the number of columns in a table.
Cause: The specified column cannot be used in a Distributed HotLog configuration when the source database version is or
Cause: This event is set to allow concurrent refresh of materialized view and truncate of base table; it prevents a deadlock situation. (bug 6710019)
Action: Configure the appropriate cache for the block size of this tablespace using one of the various (db_2k_cache_size, db_4k_cache_size, db_8k_cache_size, db_16k_cache_size, db_32K_cache_size) parameters.
Cause: datetime/interval column with existing data is being modified to decrease fractional second or leading field precisions.
Cause: Oracle Text component attempted to access an index that either no longer exists or was altered in such a way that automatic index maintenance is no longer applicable.
Cause: The user is trying to enable a column to store instances of a subtype. The error is raised due to one of the following :
Cause: WITH ARRAY DML (DATA_TYPE, VARRAY_TYPE) option and WITHOUT COLUMN DATA option conflicted in an alter indextype statement
Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update data with a node of the incorrect type. Text and attribute nodes must be updated with string data, whereas element nodes must be updated with XMLType data.
Action: When referencing a window name in the window specification, define the PARTITION BY clause in the definition of the window name.
Cause: A referenced name was resolved to a synonym, which translated to a class whose name does not match the referenced name.
Action: Remove all unnecessary characters. Only 15 characters are required for both the hex and decimal representation of the 48 bit SCN.
Cause: All Change Data Capture (CDC) identifiers must have at most 30 characters, and must start with a letter that is followed by any combination of letters, numerals, and the signs '$', '_', and '#'. Other characters cannot be used in identifiers. The rules for CDC identifiers are the same as for PL/SQL identifiers.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the initial consumer group of the specified user but the user does not have the privilege to switch to that group.
Cause: The SELECT expression was of a different numeric precision or string length than the corresponding container column. Therefore, query rewrite cannot guarantee results that are identical to the results obtained with the un-rewritten query.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or drop a Java class or resource that is known to result from compilation of an existing Java source object.
Cause: The source table was missing or was not set up correctly for an imported Change Data Capture change table. A synchronous change table requires the source table to exist and have the Change Data Capture trigger defined on it. An asynchronous change table requires table rules to be defined for the source table.
Action: Modify your PL/SQL program to only perform calls to one of the two functions depending on the kind of cursor at hand.
Cause: An element in the cycle column list of a CYCLE clause that was specified for a recursive WITH query did not appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a commit SCN-based materialized log with asynchronous and scheduled purge option.
Cause: One or more of the materialized view logs on the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view omits the sequence number option. Such a log cannot be used to refresh a materialized view after deletes or updates have been performed on multiple detail tables.
Cause: Failure during detach from a LogMiner session during advance of an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error. This exception is raised when a previous exception occurred during the internal protocol with LogMiner, after which Change Data Capture attempted to detach the LogMiner session as part of recovery. The detach session also failed
Cause: An attempt was made to create a commit SCN-based materialized view log on a table which had direct load/PMOP log entries in sys.sumdelta$ and sys.sumpartlog$.
Action: Check the values of subscription_name and publication_id. Check any other subscribe calls to see if they subscribe to columns that are shared among more than one publication on the same source table. Do not attempt to subscribe to the same publication more than once in the same subscription. Use the publication_id variant of the SUBSCRIBE call if needed to specify precise publications.
Cause: An error has occurred in the Summary Advisor package This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the nature of the error.
Cause: A MODEL cell was updated on the same measure in multiple MODEL rules. Multiple assignment is not allowed in automatic order MODELs as it causes in ambiguity and nondeterminism.
Cause: An attempt was made to define more than the allowed number of children in a complexType element of an XML schema document.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Make sure that job queue processes are enabled and are currently running. If this does not solve the problem, contact Oracle.
Action: Check your initialization parameter files and correct the value of the ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter. If you are configuring a two node primary/secondary cluster database, set this value to 1. Otherwise, do not specify any value for the parameter.
Cause: The current application is statically linked with defopt.o from an older release, which is incompatible with the current client shared library.
Action: Either create another type of index on the temporary table or change the table from temporary to a permanent table
Cause: An error occurs during a conversion between datetime/interval and string data type due to one of the following reasons: - The buffer is too short to hold the result. - The format string is bad.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Java class object with bytecodes that caused the Java verifier to issue a warning.
Action: Try re-establishing a connection. You may need to restart whatever program is at the other end of the socket that failed, or you may need to have some problem on your network fixed.
Cause: A detail table was truncated or moved. A materialized view did not support fast refresh after a detail table was truncated or moved.
Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN was issued on a column on which either a functional index or bitmap join index exists.
Action: Use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW command to clean up the residual meta data for the materialized view. Then use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to recreate the materialized view. Thereafter, use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW command rather than the DROP TABLE command to drop a materialized view.
Cause: An attempt was made to pass a CURSOR argument to a pipelined table function whose projected columns did not include all the columns specified in the PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, or CLUSTER BY clauses of the pipelined table function.
Cause: A NULL entry was detected in the column with a NOT NULL constraint during a fetch from an external or hybrid-partitioned table.
Cause: The XML schema document contains a null SQL name. For example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
Cause: The user tried to create a column or table of an object type that contains a supertype attribute. This is not supported because it leads to infinite recursion in our current storage model. Note that creating a column of a type implies that we create columns corresponding to all subtype attributes as well.
Action: Modify the conditions in the operation so that every source row matches exactly one row in the table being updated.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a table to have columns of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type or user-defined data types involving TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type when DST upgrade is in BEGIN UPGRADE stage.
Cause: The REFRESH command specified the value of the parameter SKIP_EXT_DATA as FALSE. This materialized view does not support fast refresh when SKIP_EXT_DATA = FALSE is specified.
Cause: One or more deletes or updates has been performed on one or more of the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view. This materialized view does not support fast refresh after deletes or updates.
Action: This is not allowed currently due to unclear specification in SQL Standards for this interval type. Change the interval type to interval day to second and resubmit statement.
Cause: The MODEL rule ORDER BY clause did not generate unique values for all cells that satisfy the predicates in the left side of the rule.
Action: Add a column alias list for the WITH clause element. That is, add a list of aliases for the select list items following the WITH clause element name.
Cause: An error occurred while reading the specified file. The most probable cause is that the transfer was initiated in ASCII mode.
Action: Users can call the DBMS_OLAP.PURGE_RESULTS subprogram to remove the inconsistent data from summary advisor's internal tables
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have new values logged, or the timestamp associated with the new values columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Support and report the error.
Cause: The ALTER DATABASE SET COMPATIBILITY command failed because one or more instances do not support dynamic compatible setting change.
Cause: A mapping table could not be created during XML schema evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Action: Use the correct UTL_FILE read and write procedures which coorespond to the character set mode in which the file was opened.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after TRUNCATE or MOVE using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a fast refreshable materialized view on tables which have commit SCN-based materialized view logs and tables which have timestamp-based materialized view logs.
Action: Modify the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement that created the current control file to include undo tablespace(s) and reissue the statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a class that references a name longer than 4000 characters. The class could not be created because the name is too long.
Cause: The definition of one or more synonyms in the from clause have changed. The structure of the materialized view has become invalid.
Cause: There is at least one query name which is inlined more than once because its definition query is too simple and references another query name. This is currently unsupported yet.
Cause: An ATTRIBUTE clause in a dimension statement specified a determined column on the right that is in a different relation than that of the level on the left.
Action: See alert log for a list of parameters that are obsolete or deprecated. Remove them from the SPFILE or the server side PFILE.
Action: Drop the imported change set because it is invalid. Retry the import, ensuring that STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=y is specified.
Action: The number_of_failures parameter returns the count of how many failures occurred. The trace logs for each refresh operation describe the each individual failure in more detail
Action: Either the table is already hierarchically enabled or the user trigger tabname_xdb_pitrigger needs to be dropped. Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then rebuild it.
Cause: An attempt was made to reference (+) in either the select-list, CONNECT BY clause, START WITH clause, or ORDER BY clause.
Cause: The count argument specified in the call to procedure define_array of package dbms_sql had an invalid value. Invalid values are negative numbers and nulls. The argument must be a positive integer.
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a resource based on a path name or resource handle that points to an entity other than a resource.
Cause: an event is set to let on-commit MV refresh to grab all the detailed tables, no matter whether they have modified or not.
Cause: An attempt was made to store more than the maximum number of XML extras (e.g. comments and processing instructions) either before or after the document's root node.
Action: Perform one of the following actions: 1) Drop the index using the DROP INDEX command. 2) Rebuild the index using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD command. 3) Enable the index using the ALTER INDEX ENABLE command. 4) Make the index usable using the ALTER INDEX UNUSABLE command.
Cause: An operator or expression in the query was incompatible with query registration in the guaranteed granularity mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view on a prebuilt table that has a managed column which is a virtual column.
Action: Eliminate the processes for any failed Data Pump job and try to create the new job again. If the error continues to occur, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Action: Check the log file of Cluster Synchronization Services daemon to verify the state of the service. Start the service if needed; otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a base data type to an indextype with an ARRAY DML that is already supported by the indextype.
Cause: If the window specification is specified using RANGE option and there are multiple ORDER BY expressions, then the aggregation group cannot contain any expression (It can only have CURRENT ROW, UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, or UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING). First end point (bound) cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING and second end point cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING. If the first end point is CURRENT ROW, then second end point can only be CURRENT ROW or expr /UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. If the first end point is expr FOLLOWING, then second end point can only be expr/UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.
Throughout the early stages of human civilization, significant artistic advancement was observed across various cultures and regions worldwide. From prehistoric cave paintings to the magnificent architecture of the great empires in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, ancient art serves as a reflection of our ancestors' beliefs, values, and culture. The intricate details and symbolism found within these forms of art provide a unique insight into the cultural practices of our forefathers, allowing us to better understand the historical context surrounding their lives and the world they lived in.
Action: Check the spelling of the schema_name and source_table. Verify that the specified table exists in the specified schema and is subscribed to by the subscription.
Action: If the end of the HTTP response is reached prematurely, check if the HTTP response terminates prematurely. Otherwise, end the HTTP response.
Cause: Failed to successfully execute the partition maintenance operation of a secondary table in system managed domain index.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a simple username and password-based authentication to the directory server using a non-existent or an invalid scheduler credential. This error could also occur if the credential existed as a synonym and there was insufficient privileges on the base credential pointed to by the synonym.
Cause: The referred datafile is not in a state ready for tablespace copy operation. For example, the datafile may be offline. The datafile needs to be ONLINE, and either READ ONLY or READ WRITE.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a PL/SQL DOM handle that exceeded the maximum allowable number of PL/SQL DOM handles.
Cause: Failure during activation of a LogMiner session while advancing an asynchronous change set. This is an internal error.
Action: Use COMPLETE REFRESH or change underlying materialized view logs to make them compatible with each other for fast refresh.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a bigfile tablespace that is dictionary managed or locally managed with manual segment-space management.
Cause: The dimension statement failed because the column(s) in the JOIN KEY clause permitted NULL values. The JOIN KEY columns are related to the columns of the dimension's skip levels in one or both of the following ways: 1. A skip level is defined over one or more of the JOIN KEY columns. 2. The attribute clauses of a skip level determine one or more of the JOIN KEY columns.
Action: Specify a different name for the sequence column for the SEARCH clause or remove the name from the column alias list.
Cause: The FRESH_MV hint was specified for the query but on-query computation was not feasible due to conflicting system settings or processes.
Cause: An attempt to transport a tablespace, or unplug a pluggable database containing a tablespace in the middle of a tablespace encrypt, decrypt, or rekey failed.
Action: If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), it means that the master process for the operation died unexpectedly. Check the log file for the operation and the trace file for the master process for any additional information. Try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: The statement contained a REF operator. Repeatable behavior cannot be guaranteed with the REF operator. Therefore, query rewrite cannot support the REF operator.
Cause: A JOIN KEY clause was omitted in a dimension statement. A JOIN KEY clause is required when the child level and the parent level are not in the same relation.
Cause: While advancing a change set, an CDC attempted to query the LogMiner dictionary system tables to obtain the columns from the source table. The query returned no rows. This may be because none of the redo logs contains a catalog, or it may be an internal error.
Cause: An attempt was made to import a .class file containing a class name of length greater than %d. The .class file could not be imported because the referenced class name was too long.
Cause: The user tried to create substitutable table or column of a non final type. This operation is not currently supported.
Action: Either redefine the named handler with definer's rights or change the SET-INVOKER attribute in the resource configuration that defines the named handler to TRUE.
Cause: Specified change set does not exist or the user does not have access to the publications in that change set. The name specified did not match the name of any existing change set. Certain privileges are required to access the publications within that change set.
Action: Take the corrective action to resolve the error reported. Refer to GPnP logs and documentation to figure out why the call failed.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant the SELECT or READ privilege when the WITH HIERARCHY OPTION was specified on an object that is not one of the following: - Object table of non-final type - Object view of non-final type
Cause: An attempt was made by a PL/SQL module to use a BER_ELEMENT which is not valid and might have already been freed.
Cause: The directory specification for logfile location for the change source, does not contain any files whose names pattern-match the logfile_suffix.
Action: The maximum length of the description field is 30 characters. Ensure the length does not exceed this value and retry the command.
Action: Either verify that the existing subscription has the desired characteristics or drop the existing subscription and perform the import again.
Action: Create a supported fast refreshable JSON materialized view. Currently, only a replication JSON materialized view with no joins or aggregates is supported to refresh fast.
Cause: The memory type associated with this property is mapped to an incompatible database type, and a conversion cannot be made.
This page titled 2.1: The Development of Art (45,000 BCE - 500 CE) is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Deborah Gustlin & Zoe Gustlin (Open Educational Resource Initiative at Evergreen Valley College) .
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information on this issue. Examine the next error on the stack, take appropriate action, and then retry the operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable supplemental logging in a pluggable database when database was in shared undo mode and supplemental logging was not already enabled in CDB$ROOT.
Cause: Users should not explicitly modify summary advisor's internal tables. Such modifications may cause inconsistency in the internal tables and result in this error.
Action: This feature will not work under this server configuration. Either the feature is not supported on this platform at all, or is available only through use of a protocol=tcp dispatcher in shared-server configurations. Please consult the platform-specific documentation and "readme" material.
Action: Check the input parameters on the call to SUBSCRIBE. Validate that the proposed source table has been published by checking the USER_PUBLICATIONS view for that source table. Contact the publisher if user privileges are required to access the publication. Retry the command with correct security or publication information.
Cause: The request was aborted by the target session. Possible causes include an unresolved error while the request was processed or the target session had aborted.
Cause: The operation failed because the lock requests caused the whole requested Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to be locked.
Cause: The execution of the session was stopped by the debugger. This can occur because of an explicit request sent by the debugger, or because the debugger disconnected without requesting the ORACLE server to let the session continue to run after the disconnection. It can also occur if the ORACLE server needs to disconnect the debugger at a time when the person controlling the debugger might not expect, such as upon a reset of the related package state or a change of the login user. To prevent continuing the execution using debugger-introduced modifications that might have been intended to be temporary, the ORACLE server needs to fully terminate the session.
Cause: The SELECT clause referenced UID, USER, ROWNUM, SYSDATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, MAXVALUE, a sequence number, a bind variable, correlation variable, a set result, a trigger return variable, a parallel table queue column, collection iterator, a non-deterministic date format token RR, etc.
Cause: Obsolete or deprecated parameters for this instance type were specified in the SPFILE or the PFILE on the server side.
Action: Make sure that default values are specified for all NOT NULL columns that are not part of the summary definition.
Action: Check the ancestors of the plan or consumer group and make sure it is only part of the top-plan that includes the subtree being deleted.
Action: Check the syntax of the statement. If it is a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement, then also check the PARAMETERs specified for the materialized view.
Action: Wait until the change set has finished advancing, then reissue the command. If altering the change set, only the advance_enable parameter can be altered during an advance.
Cause: The relation of the child columns on the left side of the JOIN KEY clause was the same as that of the parent level on the right side.
Cause: The value specified for the FILESIZE parameter was either too small to hold the header information for the export file, plus any data, or exceeded the allowed maximum size for a dump file.
Cause: The Oracle Data Pump Export utility was unable to open and write to the export file. This message is usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
Cause: Invalid session id and serial# were specified as arguments to procedure SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_SESS of package DBMS_SYSTEM.
Cause: Either Oracle Data Pump Export or Oracle Data Pump Import was unable to close the dump file. This message is usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
Action: Refresh the table's dependent materialized views before dropping commit SCN-based materialized view log on the table.
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: - Checkout is requested for a resource that isn't under version control". Only version-controlled resource can be checked out. - Checkout is requested for a row of a non-versioned table.
Cause: An error occurred in the synchronous refresh package (DBMS_SYNC_REFRESH). This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the nature of the error.
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact Oracle support.
Action: Please check the LDAP sslauth value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Action: Correct the call to supply only valid parameter values for a synchronous change set. Synchronous change sets only support the default values for the following parameters: begin_scn, end_scn, begin_date, end_date, stop_on_ddl, supplemental_processes.
Cause: An attempt was made by a PL/SQL module to use a MOD_PROPERTY_SET which is not valid and might have already been freed.
Action: Either verify that the existing subscription has the desired characteristics or drop the existing subscription and perform the import again.
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the source table was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the source table. If change table is asynchronous, ensure that STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=y is specified for the import.
Action: Ensure that VALUES LESS THAN clause for the last logical partition of logical partition tracking has MAXVALUE specified for all columns.
Cause: An attempt was made to seek past the end of the file, or both the absolute and relative offsets were NULL, or absolute offset was less than zero.
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML schema document are valid SQL names. Otherwise, remove such attributes from the schema and try again.
Cause: An event was set to specify the number of attempts that the system needed to make in order to validate an invalidated summary object.
Action: Create the PLAN_TABLE as described for EXPLAIN PLAN. On most systems a script utlxplan.sql will create this table.
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the more specific error below, take corrective action
Action: Ensure that all SCORE labels are the same or all are distinct, if they are all on the same column. Ensure that all SCORE labels that query from different column are distinct.
Action: Do not attempt to alter or drop a predefined change source or correct call to supply the name of a user-created change source.
Action: Make sure that the resource and resource configuration names are specified correctly and the resource configuration belongs to the configuration list of the given resource.
Action: Check the trace logs for more information. Ensure that the package has been installed successfully. Try issuing a DESCRIBE command from SQL on the package. If it fails, then try reinstalling the package. If it succeeds then try invoking one of the procedures from SQL.
Cause: Message from the master process on the status queue had an invalid message type, indicating a failure in the protocol.
Cause: The Master Table or Data Pump file contents appear invalid. The table or file may not have been produced by a Data Pump job, or they may have been corrupted.
Cause: The directory specification for logfile location for the change source, does not correspond with an existing directory, or the directory was not accessible.
The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by NICE CXone Expert and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Legal. Accessibility Statement For more information contact us at
Cause: An attempt was made to use the CREATE JAVA SYSTEM command in a database where the Java system classes already are installed.
Action: Recheck the publication or subscription specified. Either call the procedure again with an existing publication or create a new subscription that only subscribes to existing publications.
Action: Specify a valid username argument. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
Cause: A WITH clause query referred to itself (recursive) but did not use a UNION ALL operation in its definition query.
Action: The query defining the materialized view must conform to a star or snowflake schema, the fact-table and materialized view must both be partitioned, and the partition-key of the materialized view must be functionally-dependent on the partition-key of the fact-table. Run CAN_SYNCREF_TABLE to obtain more diagnostics and troubleshoot the problem further.
Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid SQL name. For example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
Cause: A nonexistent plan directive was specified for procedure UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE or UPDATE_CDB_PLAN_DIRECTIVE of package DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.
Action: Connect to the appropriate schema, DROP TABLE REWRITE_TABLE and recreate it by invoking the admin/utlxrw.sql script prior to invoking the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE() API.
Action: Drop the change sets first, then re-issue the command. May have to drop some change tables before the change sets are dropped.
Cause: An attempt was made to merge external Hive table partitions with an unpartitioned or a non-list partitioned Oracle table.
Action: First drop the relevant associations using the DISASSOCIATE command and then retry the DROP command, or use the FORCE option with DROP TYPE command.
Cause: The value specified for the time zone string, which appears in ALTER SESSION statement, environment variable ORA_SDTZ, or a datetime factor, is not valid.
In addition to these reasons, art also served a social function. Art was used as a means of socialization and identity formation. It was a way for early humans to express their individuality, creativity, and connection to their community. For example, cave paintings created by early humans were often made in groups and may have served as a way to strengthen social bonds.
Action: Rewrite the query using only one reference to the recursive query name in the recursive branch of the recursive WITH clause element.
Cause: After creating the job infrastructure and sending the initial message to the master process, it failed to respond in the allotted time and most likely aborted during startup.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can use the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API to determine which materialized view logs omit the sequence number option.
Cause: A lock used in synchronizing Data Pump resources during job creation and deletion could not be obtained during job creation. This indicates that a process for some other Data Pump job has not released the lock due to an internal error.
Cause: The block size of the tablespace to be plugged in or created does not match the block sizes configured in the database.
Cause: The text in the XML document did not represent a valid value given the datatype and other constraints in the schema.
Cause: The user tried to grant UNDER privilege on an object that is not one of the following : non final object type, object table of non final type, object view of non final type.
Action: Check the subscription name and correct if necessary. Call the ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION procedure for this subscription and then reissue the original command.
Cause: Oracle Text component failed to acquire SGA memory for writing batches of postings lists. All available memory was used by other background processes. A predefined timeout elapsed but no memory was freed.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an external-organized table or hybrid-partitioned table with a column of type LONG, LOB, BFILE, ADT, or VARRAY.
Action: Please check the LDAP deleteoldrdn value that you use for LDAP rename_s operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support.
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema had errors during evolution. For more information, see the more specific error below this one
Cause: A self-cyclic rule was detected in the sequential order MODEL. Sequential order MODELs cannot have self cyclic rules to guarantee that the results do not depend on the order of evaluation of the cells that are updated or inserted.
Action: Either verify that the existing change table has the desired characteristics or drop the existing change table and perform the import again.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view on a prebuilt table that has a managed column that is an identity column.
Action: Only passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM users can be provided in the CREATE DATABASE statement. Re-issue the statement with passwords for users SYS or SYSTEM.
Cause: A CREATE AND RESOLVE NOFORCE JAVA CLASS command specified definition data that could not be resolved, or resolution failed for some referenced class.
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: - Checkout is requested for a resource that is already checked out to the workspace by the same of different user.
Cause: The total wait time for all targeted processes exceeded the maximum wait time, therefore the wait for the targeted process to finish executing the ORADEBUG command was aborted.
Cause: The ordering specified by the content model of the parent does not allow for this element to occur at this position.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an updatable materialized view with user-defined types where the definition query did not use SELECT * at the topmost level.
Cause: Incremental refresh of summaries requires a COUNT(X) column in order to incrementally refresh AVG(X). It requires both SUM(X) and COUNT(X) columns in order to in refresh STDDEV(X) or VARIANCE(X)
Cause: The foreign key did not contain a partition key. If a table does not have a primary key, the foreign key must contain a partition key.
Cause: Attempted to start a partition maintenance operation on a table with the specified domain index partition in a FAILED state or to modify the parameters of that specified domain index partition in a FAILED state.
Action: Check the XML schema definition to ensure that the specified element name has been defined globally (at the top level).
Cause: Attempted to create or update a resource that had duplicate resource configurations or conflicted with the repository configurations.
Cause: Window functions are allowed only in the SELECT list of a query. And, window function cannot be an argument to another window or group function.