
Easy-to-install safety end caps protect exposed rotating shafts, reducing hazards around many types of equipment. The patent-pending design meets all applicable OSHA requirements.

BearingCover plate

The new Fafnir® safety product line consists of a mounting ring and snap-on cover, both molded in a durable, bright yellow polymer. The end cap snaps into the adhesive-backed ring that adheres to the outboard face of most flanged bearing housings. The secure, 360-degree fit makes for a rugged unit that also provides basic protection from contaminants and washdown.

Factory retrofits are a snap with everything provided in a handy kit. The cost-effective end covers are simple to install on Timken and most other flanged units. Current sizes range from 20 mm to 50 mm (3⁄4in. to 1-15/16in.) shaft sizes for two or four-bolt flanged cast iron, malleable iron, and other selected housing styles and sizes.

BearingCover Plastic

Easy-to-install safety end caps protect exposed rotating shafts, reducing hazards around many types of equipment. The patent-pending design of this Fafnir® safety product line meets all applicable OSHA requirements.

Easy-to-install safety end caps protect exposed rotating shafts, reducing hazards around many types of equipment. The patent-pending design of this Fafnir® safety product line meets all applicable OSHA requirements.