
Axial bearings Rothe Erde. Motor Sizing Basics Part How to Calculate Radial Load and Axial Load. Why is preload necessary in some bearing applications. Radial ...

2023126 — 6 Symptoms of Bad Wheel Bearings · 1. Strange Noises. If you hear a consistent, rhythmic noise that sounds like growling or humming, it's a ...


Mar 23, 2024 — Replacing a wheel bearing can cost anywhere between $100 and $300 for the parts alone. In some cases, you might need to replace the entire hub, ...

Wheel Bearings and Hubs. Wheel Lug Nuts. Main Image - Front Driver or Passenger Side Wheel Bearing · Front Driver or Passenger Side Wheel Bearing. #510065|. 10 ...

CarWheel Bearingprice



62/22-2RS1 Deep groove ball bearing with seals or shields ... Single row deep groove ball bearings with seals or shields are particularly versatile, have low ...

Wheel BearingScooter

Bearing Size Chart. Inch dimensions are rounded to the nearest thousandth. ID is inside diameter, OD is outside diameter. Not all sizes listed are available or ...

There are many parts to a car many people don’t give a second thought. For instance, the wheel bearing is something most people don’t even know exists, let alone what it does and why you would need wheel bearing replacement. However, it’s an important part of making sure you get the right auto service and repair in Sussex County.

Use our reliable leak detection equipment to perform pressure, vacuum and electrical leakage identification, as well as preventive maintenance. We offer detectors that convert ultrasonic signals into displayable and audible output. With our pistol-style devices, you’ll be able to quickly locate gas leaks or electrical discharge around conductors. At Transcat, you’ll find ultrasonic inspection systems and leak detection kits built by U.E. Systems, Megger, Amprobe and other manufacturers of advanced technology. Depending upon the model, you can locate or prevent costly problems on mechanical, electrical or fluid systems.

Wheel bearingreplacement cost

The unique feature about the Kaydon Reali-Slim® type X four-point contact bearing line is that the gothic arch geometry of the inner and outer races enables a ...

Carwheel bearing


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For the most part, wheel bearings are found close to the tires and help carry the weight of the vehicle, while keeping the moving parts in good condition. However, because of this high level of stress, they can begin to wear out, which means they will need to be replaced. In between replacing them, you may also need to grease them, allowing them to continue to move freely so they don’t wear out more quickly than they should.

While some parts of the vehicle are designed to move, such as the axles, others are stationary. Because of this combination of components, your car is at high risk of damage due to friction between the moving and non-moving parts. This is where a wheel bearing system comes into play. These systems consist of a series of small metal balls that are easily moved and help reduce the amount of friction between certain components on your car. Without wheel bearings that work the way they were intended, your vehicle would suffer a lot more damage.


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Besides normal wear and tear, hitting curbs with your tires or driving over potholes can all contribute to damaging the wheel bearings, which will require wheel bearing replacement. In order to determine if you should visit a shop for this auto service and repair in Sussex County, you will need to learn what you have to watch for to identify the problem. In some situations, you may notice a whirring or grinding noise when you drive because of the additional friction that takes place. This sound may only occur in certain situations and may be difficult for car owners to identify because they are used to the sounds their vehicle makes. This is why you should take your vehicle in for service any time you notice anything out of the ordinary.

If you’ve never heard of a wheel bearing or don’t know what they do or how to tell if they need to be replaced, you could be putting the safety of your car at risk. The absence of wheel bearings in good condition can ultimately lead to uneven wear on your tires and brakes, as well as other serious damage to the vehicle. It can also increase your risk of getting involved in a car accident.

The second half presents extensive tables containing most bearing numbers and showing dimensions and pertinent design data listed in the order of increasing ...


William J. DeBoer (Bill Jr.) is Co-owner and Vice President at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s General Manager, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.

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If you having had wheel bearing replacement and your car has been making an unusual new noise, contact us. We can help you determine if your wheel bearings may be at fault.