SNL fans say 'Washington's Dream' sketch is the show's ' ... - snl units of measurement
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World Languages: The AERO WL team has worked with colleagues at every grade level schools to create a set of questions and unit themes that “braid” the World Language curriculum to the other core disciplines. Given the variety of schooling models this year, WL teachers are advised to teach fewer units (two to three units rather than five) that retain all five C’s of the 2018 AERO WL Standards and Benchmarks. The model units being released reinforce academic vocabulary and content while building language proficiency, strong intercultural skills and supporting social and emotional learning.
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90. Keatinge, W.R. and Nadel, J.A. Immediate Respiratory Response to Sudden Cooling of the Skin. J. Appl. Physiol. 20:65-69, 1965.
In 1983, the US Coast Guard formally defined cold water as anything below 60F (15C), but as the result of a 1998 Congressional inquiry, they subsequently raised it to 70F (21C). The American Canoe Association (ACA) sets their thermal protection threshold at 60F (15C), and another paddling organization, American Whitewater (AW) recommends 50F (10C).
First, we know from scientific research that human respiration begins to be adversely affected at water temperatures below 77F (25C), which is why the International Olympic Committee mandates pool temperatures for competition between 77F – 82F. (25C – 27.7C) Our recommendation of 70F (21C) is six degrees below the point at which respiratory control begins to decline.
Project AERO promotes and supports a Standards-Based Learning System (SBLS), a system in which instruction, assessment, grading and reporting are based on how well students demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn in the course of their schooling.
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Assist schools in developing standards-based curricula and sustaining curricula by becoming professional communities of learners.
Paddlers have a tendency to cut corners when it comes to thermal protection guidelines. For example, paddling groups frequently go out on 58F (14.4) water without thermal protection while citing the fact that it's only 2F (1.1C) below ACA's 60F “cutoff”.
Project AERO is pleased to offer resources in Math, Science, English/Language Arts, Social Studies and World Languages that are designed to assist teachers. Each of these content areas: 1. identifies the critical areas in each subject area; 2. provides guidance for accelerating instruction; and 3. gives links to additional materials, such as exemplar units, when available.
AERO provides a framework for curriculum consistency across grades K-12 and for stability of curriculum in overseas schools, which typically have a high rate of teacher turnover. AERO’s resources, workshops, and professional consultation services help overseas schools implement and sustain standards-based curricula. This effort is in alignment with research-based trends in the development of curriculum worldwide, and particularly with the Common Core initiative in the U.S.
154. Tipton, M.J., Stubbs, D.A, Elliott, D.H. Human Initial Responses to Immersion in Cold Water at Three Temperatures and after Hyperventilation. J. Appl. Physiol. 70(1):317-322, 1991.
Standards Based Learning (SBL) is much more than how we grade or how we report student learning. While these elements are essential, the true power of SBL comes in transforming what learning looks like in our schools. A transformation in learning requires more than understanding and intent; Implementing a SBLS is a journey which requires attention to the structures and strategies which support making learning the goal for every student. For more information on these structures and strategies, Check the SBL live binder.
Science: AERO NGSS Plus Science Standards are here to support implementation and instruction for grades K - 12. The “Science Resources” tab on the left has general resources. The “Guidance” tab provides unit specific guidance for K - 5 and MS. Units have been summarized and key content (DCIs), SEPs and CCCs have been highlighted to help educators in developing assessments and learning experiences. The AERO Science team is happy to answer any questions you may have and as well would love to know in what ways we might support you.
Grades K-5 | Grades 6-8 | High School | Mathematics Resources for Assessment | Implementing Problem Solving
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The National Center for Cold Water Safety advises that people treat any water below 70F (21C) with caution. That's also the point at which we recommend thermal protection like wetsuits or drysuits. There's a very sound, science-based rationale for our choice of 70F (21C), and particularly why it differs from 60F(15C) and 50F (10C).
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American-sponsored overseas schools will know how standards-based education can and should strengthen a school’s curriculum, teaching, assessment, and, most importantly, student learning. These schools will develop and sustain a program of standards-based learning in their schools.
Second, research also demonstrates that for unacclimated people, the life-threatening symptoms of cold shock reach maximum intensity between 50F-60F. Since few people are acclimated to cold water, we feel that it's prudent to set the guidelines for thermal protection at a point that's well above the maximum-intensity cold shock range.
Math: The AERO Math provides resources for K-10. The resources include the Critical Areas for each grade and high school course, sample scope and sequences, anchor and target tasks, and instructional strategies for implementation.
As safety advocates, we think it's prudent to recognize this tendency and err on the side of caution regarding the temperature at which we recommend thermal protection.
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English/Language Arts: AERO's curriculum writers have reviewed the English/Language Arts Framework (205) and identified the Critical Areas within the four strands of Reading, Writing, Language, and Listening and Speaking for Grades K-5. These Critical Areas have been clustered to be the basis for four units at each grade level. In addition, vetted resources have been included for all units.
“ is now known that the cold shock response begins at water temperatures below 25ºC (Reference 90) and peak at a temperature between 10-15ºC (References 154 and 155)”.
Social Studies: AERO’s curriculum writers have reviewed the Social Studies Framework (2019) and identified the Critical Areas for grades K-5, and have developed three sample units for each grade built on the critical areas. These units have been designed to guide teachers develop students into global citizens.
155. Tipton, M.J. The Relationship Between Maximum Breath Hold Time in Air and the Ventilating Responses to Immersion in Cold Water. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 1992: 64: 426 – 429.
While there is no common or universally accepted definition of cold water, the way that we define cold water, particularly for recreational boating purposes, has important safety implications. The same is true for any recommendations as to when paddlers and small craft operators should consider wearing thermal protection.
AERO is a project supported by the U.S. State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS) and the Overseas Schools Advisory Council to assist schools in developing and implementing standards-based curricula. Project faculty use the AERO Common Core Plus Standards as the basis of the professional development they provide.
Provide challenging, professionally-validated, voluntary academic standards for use as a foundation for curriculum in American-sponsored schools overseas
An excellent publication with references embedded in the text is Survival In Cold Waters (2003 / 2007), which was authored by Dr. Chris Brooks and published by Transport Canada. On pp16, in the section on cold shock, Dr. Brooks notes the following with respect to water temperature: