As you might expect, parts tend to be more expensive for luxury vehicles, and the difficulty of accessing your vehicle’s timing belt can have a huge impact on your overall cost.

Diesel enginetimingoff symptoms

A timing chain performs the same exact job, except it’s made of metal and typically housed inside of the engine. (Timing belts are generally found on the outside.)

Sure, you could always replace your timing belt and water pump separately, but if you do them at the same time, you could save around $400 in labor costs. Your mechanic has to dig pretty deep to replace your timing belt or your water pump, “and we might as well replace both while we’re in there,” said Sean Kim, an experienced Atlanta-area mechanic.

But what will that cost? Will your warranty help? And is it true that you typically have to replace your water pump and your timing belt at the same time?

Timingoff one tooth symptoms

The point is, if you’re considering an extended warranty to cover a specific part, it’s worth asking (and double-checking the fine print) before you buy. “When I asked the question about the timing belt, the guy didn’t know the answer and he went to his supervisor and came back and said they do cover it. They were willing to get out there and check. The other company did not do that,” said Lawrence, a reviewer from Texas.


Home Warranty disclosure for New Jersey Residents: The product being offered is a service contract and is separate and distinct from any product or service warranty which may be provided by the home builder or manufacturer.

Even if your extended warranty covers timing belts, they usually don’t cover preexisting conditions. That means you have to sign up before your timing belt starts causing problems.

Think of it like this: If you’ve been keeping up with regular maintenance and your timing belt still fails for seemingly no reason at all, it’s more likely to be covered under warranty.

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I tried to get my head around this but didn't come up with any idea that gets me peace. I'm confused especially with this "the outputs of memory elements are changing or when the output of the flip flop is changing. What does it mean? Because the output of a flip-flop will only change if there's a change applied on input signal. It will not change by itself.

I am reading this book, "Digital Electronics & Computer Design - By M.M. Mano". While I was reading the Sequential logic and flip-flops, I found this:

What causes enginetimingto be off

ConsumerAffairs is not a government agency. Companies displayed may pay us to be Authorized or when you click a link, call a number or fill a form on our site. Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances and consult with your own investment, financial, tax and legal advisers.

As its name implies, a timing belt ensures that multiple engine components (like your crankshaft, camshaft and water pump) all work in sync. You can think of it as the conductor to your engine’s orchestra.

For example, Harolyn, a ConsumerAffairs reviewer from Alabama, told us her warranty company paid to replace both her timing belt and water pump. However, Matthew, a reviewer who bought from a different company, said, “I was disappointed that the timing belt was not covered, but apparently that is a maintenance item due every 100K.”

Timing problemsymptoms

It means that the input to flip flop must be stable for some amount of time before (setup time) and after (hold time) the clock edge. If the input is changing when there is a clock edge, it cannot sample it reliably as logic 1 or logic 0, and depending on what kind of paths the clock and data propagates inside the flip flop, there might be a short glitch on the output, or the inverting and non-inverting outputs could output same data while they should output complementary data.

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Copyright © 2024 Consumers Unified, LLC DBA ConsumerAffairs. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this site may not be republished, reprinted, rewritten or recirculated without written permission.

How to fix enginetimingissue

If a clock pulse is given to the input of the flip flop at the same time when the output of the flip flop is changing, it may cause instability to the circuit.

In general, timing belts tend to last between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. However, you should listen to your mechanic’s recommendations about replacing it if you’re lucky enough to have a technician you trust.

Enginetimingoff repair cost

When you replace your timing belt, your mechanic might recommend replacing your water pump and other components along with it.

The output of the flip flop will update to new state only after some propagation time, so if there is a feedback from flip flop output back to input, it means that the clock edges must not happen too rapidly, so that the output has been stable for enough time to satisfy the input setup time, and the flip flop output must not change too early to satisfy the input hold time as well.

That’s why it’s smart to get to a trusted mechanic ASAP if your engine is giving off any of the telltale signs of a failing belt.

The reason many mechanics recommend replacing these parts at the same time is that a lot of them tend to have similar life spans. In other words, if your belt is failing at 80,000 miles, your water pump might be on its way out, too.

When your engine runs rough, emits a rhythmic “ticking” sound or simply won’t start at all, it might be time for a new timing belt. Those symptoms could mean different things, however, so it’s always best to let your mechanic tell you what’s wrong — not the other way around.

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If your vehicle is under 5 years old and has fewer than 60,000 miles on the odometer, there’s a good chance that you’re still covered under your manufacturer’s powertrain warranty — even if you’re not the original owner.

How to fixtiming problem

When a timing belt breaks or snaps, there’s nothing to synchronize your engine’s critical components. As a result, multiple parts of your engine can essentially crash into each other, risking instant and catastrophic engine failure.

Your timing belt makes sure the different parts of your engine move in sync, and if it starts to fail, you’ll want to replace it as soon as possible.

The cost to replace a timing belt typically hovers between $600 and $900, with the average landing around $800. However, prices vary significantly for different makes and models.

Timing problemin car

Even the most basic powertrain warranties tend to cover timing belts since they’re essential for making your vehicle move.

The feedback path between combinational circuit and memory elements(flip-flops) in a sequential circuit can produce instability if the outputs of memory elements are changing while the outputs of the combinational that go to flip-flop inputs are being sampled by the clock pulse.

That being said, any time a shop insists that you have to replace multiple parts at once, it’s best to get a second opinion before paying. Per Kim, “I’d always check for validity unless it's a reputable shop that you're familiar with.”

Many extended warranty providers’ most affordable plans also cover timing belts, but it’s worth checking your contract to make sure before you sign.