A mixture contains 100 litres of milk and 40 litres of water. If the milkman added 40 litres of water in the mixture then find the ratio of milk and water in the new mixture

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A milkman bought 50 litres of milk for Rs 15 per litre and sold it at a profit of Rs 150 .What was the selling price of milk per litre?

From the 50 litres of milk, 5 litres of milk is taken out and after it 5 litres of water is added to the rest amount of milk. Again 5 litres of mixture of milk and water is drawn out and it was replaced by 5 litres of water. If this process is continued similarly for the third time, the amount of milk left after the third replacement:

Step by step video, text & image solution for A milkman bought 70 litres of milk for 630 and added 5 litres of water. If he sells it at 9.00 per litre, his profit percentage is by Maths experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.

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Although single row radial bearings are designed primarily to support a radial load, they perform relatively well under thrust or combined radial and thrust load with the added advantage of low noise, vibration, and drag torque.  The internal architecture and cage selection can be designed to meet the specific needs of the application, from high speed to high load.  Thin section deep groove ball bearings have a small radial cross-sectional thickness that are used when compactness is required.  We manufacture deep groove ball bearings with a minimum bore diameter of 3 mm to a maximum outer diameter of 47 mm.

From the 50 litres of milk, 5 litres of milk is taken out and after it 5 litres of water is added to the rest amount of milk. Again 5 litres of mixture of milk and water is drawn out and it was replaced by 5 litres of water. If this process is continued similarly for the third time, the amount of milk left after the third replacement :

TMA is a rare but serious medical disease. It is a pattern of damage that can occur in the smallest blood vessels inside many of your body's vital organs.

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A milkman bought 15 L of milk are mixed 3 L of water in it. If the price per kg of the mixture becomes 22, what is cost price of the milk per litre?

2023814 — This bearing has dimensions of 8mm inner diameter, 22mm outer diameter, and 7mm thickness. Its size design allows it to maintain low friction ...

A merchant buys 25 ltres of milk daily at the rate of Rs. 12 per litre. He mixes 5 litres of water in it and sells at the rate Rs.10.40 per litre. His gain is:

A milkman has 20 liters of milk. If he mixes 5 liters of water, which is freely available, in 20 liters f pure milk. If the cost of pure milk is rs 18 per litre, then the profit of the milkman, when he sells all the mixture at cost price is:

Each design its own advantages and disadvantages. Many older Toyota models have timing belts. All newer Toyota models have timing chains. Toyota did away with ...

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