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2000—Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(7) [title I, § 166(b)(1)], inserted “, including an Indian tribe,” after “the State law shall provide that a governmental entity”.
The State law shall provide that an Indian tribe may make contributions for employment as if the employment is within the meaning of section 3306 or make payments in lieu of contributions under this section, and shall provide that an Indian tribe may make separate elections for itself and each subdivision, subsidiary, or business enterprise wholly owned by such Indian tribe. State law may require a tribe to post a payment bond or take other reasonable measures to assure the making of payments in lieu of contributions under this section. Notwithstanding the requirements of section 3306(a)(6), if, within 90 days of having received a notice of delinquency, a tribe fails to make contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, or payment of penalties or interest (at amounts or rates comparable to those applied to all other employers covered under the State law) assessed with respect to such failure, or if the tribe fails to post a required payment bond, then service for the tribe shall not be excepted from employment under section 3306(c)(7) until any such failure is corrected. This subsection shall apply to an Indian tribe within the meaning of section 4(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304(e)).
Subsec. (b)(6). Pub. L. 94–566, § 115(b)(2), substituted “by an inmate of a custodial or penal institution” for “for a hospital in a State prison or other State correctional institution by an inmate of the prison or correctional institution”.
Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 94–566, § 115(b)(1), substituted reference to services performed in the employ of a governmental entity referred to in paragraph (7) of section 3306(c), if such services are performed by an individual in the exercise of his duties as an elected official, as a member of a legislative body, or a member of the judiciary, of a State or political subdivision thereof, as a member of the State National Guard or Air National Guard, as an employee serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood, or similar emergency, or in a position which, under or pursuant to the State law, is designated as a major nontenured policymaker or advisory position or a policymaking or advisory position the performance of the duties of which ordinarily does not require more than 8 hours per week, for reference to services performed in the employ of a school which is not an institution of higher education.
Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 94–566, § 506(a), substituted “a governmental entity or any other organization” for “an organization”, “paragraph (1)” for “paragraph (1)(A)”, and “that governmental entities or other organizations” for “that organizations”.
2020324 — Labor Estimates for a Wheel Bearing Replacement. Labor costs estimates are between $137 and $173 while parts cost between $246 and $325.
Subsec. (b)(5). Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(7) [title I, § 166(b)(4)], inserted “or of an Indian tribe” after “an agency of a State or political subdivision thereof”.
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SKF Wheel Bearings and Hub Assemblies.
Subsec. (b)(3)(B). Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(7) [title I, § 166(b)(2)], inserted “, or of an Indian tribe” before semicolon at end.
Crafting XP and Gold Jewelry. 01-01-2023, 03:55 AM. I crafted a Gold ring @ 133, single attribute. I cannot get Nate's file to create anything above 90, ...
1977—Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 95–19 substituted “(or group of governmental entities or other organizations)” for “(or group of organizations)”.
Amendment by Pub. L. 106–554 applicable to service performed on or after Dec. 21, 2000, with transition rule for service performed in the employ of an Indian tribe, see section 166(e) of Pub. L. 106–554, set out as a note under section 3306 of this title.
Subsec. (a)(1)(B). Pub. L. 94–566, § 115(a), struck out “performed in the employ of the State, or any instrumentality of the State or of the State and one or more other States, for a hospital or institution of higher education located in the State, if such service is” after “service”.
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This section shall not apply to service performed during any calendar year in the employ of any organization unless on each of some 20 days during such calendar year or the preceding calendar year, each day being in a different calendar week, the total number of individuals who were employed by such organization in employment (determined without regard to section 3306(c)(8) and by excluding service to which this section does not apply by reason of subsection (b)) for some portion of the day (whether or not at the same moment of time) was 4 or more.
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Design, manufacturing and installation of sealing systems for hydropower and industry. Hydro turbines and gates seals, large bearing seals, seals for wind ...
Section applicable with respect to certifications of State laws for 1972 and subsequent years, but only with respect to service performed after Dec. 31, 1971, see section 104(d)(1) of Pub. L. 91–373, set out as a note under section 3304 of this title.
Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 94–566, § 115(c)(2), struck out subsec. (d) which defined “institution of higher education”. See section 3304(f) of this title.
For effective date of amendment by section 115(a), (b), (c)(2), (3) of Pub. L. 94–566, see section 115(d) of Pub. L. 94–566, set out as a note under section 3304 of this title.
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The Mityvac Premium Vacuum Brake Bleeding Kit is perfect for performing a one-person vacuum brake and clutch bleeding. No manual pumping required, as shop air ...
1976—Pub. L. 94–566, § 115(c)(3), substituted “services performed for nonprofit organizations or governmental entities” for “certain services performed for nonprofit organizations and for State hospitals and institutions of higher education” in section catchline.
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The department shall issue a license to or renew a license for a person who is applying to be a cultivator, manufacturer, medical marijuana dispensary, adult- ...
For effective date of amendment by section 506(a) of Pub. L. 94–566, see section 506(c) of Pub. L. 94–566, set out as a note under section 3304 of this title.