Catalogue design

Searches for Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCN), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), and International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN). Numbers must be entered in exact order beginning with the first character. Standard numbers can help you retrieve specific records from the LC Catalog.

Browses Library of Congress shelving numbers that do not use the LC classification scheme. Enter call numbers in exact order, beginning with the first element.

Browses personal and group author/creator names, matching words entered in any order. Use this search when you are not sure of the exact order of the words in an author/creator name heading.


Browses subject headings, matching words entered in any order. Use this search when you are not sure of the exact order of the words in a subject heading.


Browses series and uniform title headings, matching words entered in any order. Use this search when you are not sure of the exact order of the words in a series or uniform title heading.

Browses LC call numbers, entered in exact order beginning with the first element. Call numbers include both LC class numbers and other Library shelving numbers.

Searches for Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCN) must be entered in exact order beginning with the first character. LCCNs can help you retrieve specific records from the LC Catalog.

Catalogor catalogue

Browses name/title headings, matching words from names and/or titles entered in any order. Use this search when you are not sure of the exact order of the words in a name/title heading. Because this search sorts results by author/creator then by title (with editions of the same work grouped together), it is particularly useful for finding musical works as well as for browsing authors whose works have been issued in many editions.

Searches for words or phrases in the main (or primary) title only, entered in exact order beginning with the first word.