Multicast testing is a complex process that requires several concurrent protocols, multiple network elements, mixed traffic types and multiple physical ports. In spite of these requirements, the AX/4000¿s Router Performance Tester (RPT) application greatly simplifies the configuration process. Easy-to-use wizards and test methodologies enable the user to set up a large multicast test in only a few minutes.

Rodamiento delanteroToyota corolla

The AX/4000 Multicast Routing Emulation Option allows users to test multicast routing protocols, services and topologies in the lab before they are used in live networks.

Users can build complex multicast test scenarios, emulating all aspects of a multicast network. Multicast sources, receivers, first hop routers (FHRs), rendezvous points (RPs) downstream routers (DSRs) and last hop routers (LHRs) can all be emulated individually or collectively. Multicast VPN end-to-end testing is supported through the emulation of multicast elements and traffic within multiple independent VPNs.