SWDE Stanford


Merry Christmas MROSupply Customers! All orders placed on the 24th and 25th of December 2024 will be processed promptly on the 26th of December.

Keyaccess Stanford

32oz Water Bottle Throw Blanket 30 piece Hex Set Telescopic Pick Up


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GX-6F Pro Golf Range Finder Bushnell Outdoorsman Speaker Jaeger 24px Ratcheting Wrench Set Aspen Beverage Bucket

Arctic Wire Rope and Supply is Alaska's longest established and largest manufacturer of slings, chokers and bridles made of wire rope, cable, nylon web, polyester round and grade 10 chain. We do it all right here in Anchorage and were awarded the Alaskan Manufacturer of the Year in 2006.

The MR- 88 Ductile Iron Duckbill is a hot dipped galvanized heavy duty anchor that can be driven with much more force than the Aluminum Duckbill 88 anchor. As a result they are ideal for hard or rocky soils where you don't need a big anchor to get a lot of holding capacity but nee to be tough enough to drive with a pavement breaker. Power drive rods are available for sale or rent to be used with a 40# class or larger pavement breaker/jack hammer for installation. Hand drives rods are also for sale


Golf Cooler 11-in-1 Screw Driver Set Gorilla Grip Knee Pad John Deere Oilskin Hat

VLREMock trial

The big unknown when installing earth anchors is the holding capacity of the soils. The LL-1or LL-2 Load locker not only sets the anchor but also tests the anchor at the same time to give you a confirmed load capability. These are ideal for permanent airplane tie downs for small rural airports.

Igloo 10 Gallon Cooler Igloo Party Bucket Cooler Klein Tools Speaker Klein Tools 8-in-1

Arctic Wire, Rope & Supply focuses on high quality products made in the USA. We are one of the largest distributors in the Pacific Northwest of Crosby Products, Bridon American Wire Rope, Continental Western Cordage & Rope and Laclede Chain. We have nation-wide shipping options for all products

Item No.97337 DescriptionVLRE-2 Detail  Wt Std Pk lbs0.6 lbs Std Pk1 TypeLR Imperial BrandOsborn Part Number VLRE-2 Scale Imperial A Roller Dia In2 In B Roller Width In0.844 In F Point Dia In1-3/8 In G Groove Location In0.422 In K Stud Dia In1/2 In L Stud Length In1-1/4 In M Thread Length In5/8 In N Thread 1/2-20 R Shoulder Dia In0.812 In S Shoulder Length In0.031 In T Eccentric Dia In0.687 In T Tolerance +0.001 -0.001 U Eccentric Length In5/8 In U Tolerance +0.000 -0.010 W Eccentricity In0.03 In Recommended Mounting Hole Size In0.689 In Recommended Mounting Hole Tolerance +0.001 -0.000 Approx Wt lbs0.6 lbs Bearing BB Radial Capacity 3000hrs L10 Life @100 RPM lbs520 lbs Radial Capacity 500hrs L10 Life @33-1/3 RPM lbs1350 lbs Radial Capacity Static Limit lbs600 lbs Thrust Capacity Static Limit lbs370 lbs Mounting Member Thickness Max In3/4 In Mounting Member Thickness Min In5/8 In Stud Capacity Bend @V lbs920 lbs Stud Capacity Shear lbs3250 lbs Retaining Ring Capacity lbs470 lbs