Dels 7.060 habitatges en un 28,1% hi vivien nens de menys de 18 anys, en un 41,5% hi vivien parelles casades, en un 10% dones solteres, i en un 44,6% no eren unitats familiars. En el 34,3% dels habitatges hi vivien persones soles el 7,5% de les quals corresponia a persones de 65 anys o més que vivien soles. El nombre mitjà de persones vivint en cada habitatge era de 2,27 i el nombre mitjà de persones que vivien en cada família era de 3.[2]

In modern machine tool applications the performance of a machine tool is judged by its ability to produce work-pieces accurately and efficiently. The stiffness of the machine tool spindle has a profound impact on the overall machine performance. The work presented here provides a tool for machine tool spindle designers to develop spindles that are sufficiently stiff to meet their needs. The analysis presented here is divided into three main sections. The first portion is a static analysis. The static analysis calculates the lateral deflection of the spindle-bearing system. AMatlab program was developed that aiiows the user to enter the spindle parameters into a batch file and obtain the plots of the deformed shape of the spindle. The next portion is a dynamic analysis of the spindle. This portion includes both the modes of vibration and the forced response. The modal analysis treats the spindle as a continuous Euier-Bernouiii beam. A numerical method for handling the steps in the shaft and applied boundary conditions was developed that could be extended to many other applications in rotor dynamics. AMatlab program was developed for the dynamic analysis. This program provides a designer with plots of the mode shapes and forced response given the spindle design parameters. The final section is an optimization of the spindle design. Given constraints on the location and stiffness of the support bearings, aMatlab program will return values for these parameters resulting in the spindle configuration that presents the minimum deflection at the spindle's gauge line.

Per edats la població es repartia de la següent manera: un 22,7% tenia menys de 18 anys, un 6,2% entre 18 i 24, un 38,7% entre 25 i 44, un 22,9% de 45 a 60 i un 9,5% 65 anys o més.

Segons el cens del 2000, El Segundo tenia 16.033 habitants, 7.060 habitatges, i 3.911 famílies.[2] La densitat de població era de 1.117,4 habitants/km².[3]

Hoyt, Jamie, "Machine tool spindle design" (2000). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from


La renda mediana per habitatge era de 61.341 $ i la renda mediana per família de 74.007 $. Els homes tenien una renda mediana de 52.486 $ mentre que les dones 41.682 $. La renda per capita de la població era de 33.996 $. Entorn del 3,1% de les famílies i el 4,6% de la població estaven per davall del llindar de pobresa.

Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: TJ1187.4 .H69 2000

Spindles (Machine-tools)--Design and construction--Mathematical models; Machine-tools--Design and construction--Mathematical models