SquareO-Ring Kit

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SquareO-Ring seal


Female Rod End PHSB16, Right hand Works with 1" Shafts, they are marked PHSB16 with 1" inner diameter, the internal thread size is 1 1/4", Here is the interchange designation in every brand:


squareo-ring size chart

Please note that international orders cannot be processed online. To place an order for international shipping, please contact Trim-Lok at 888-874-6565.

We will have limited operating hours 12/23/2024-1/3/2025, and will be closed on 12/24/24-12/25/24 and 12/31/24-1/1/25. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, 1/6/2025.

what aresquareo-rings called


Rubber Seals come in a variety of specially designed shapes made from custom formulated EPDM sponge rubber compound that can withstand extreme temperatures and drastic changes in environment. Our square ring cord stock can be customized for your needs.

Plastic Edge Trim and Rubber Trims and Rubber Seals - Trim-Lok is well recognized and respected as a leader in the manufacture of top quality trims and seals, Trim-Lok provides high quality, superior service and competitively priced trim & seal products.